Chapter 23: Besties

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Alex watched as these four girls that seemingly showed up out of nowhere entered into his apartment, and hugged Rainbow Dash and Rarity and Fluttershy in what was clearly a happy reunion. He was really just completely confused; what was going on here?

"You guys finally found us! What took you so long?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh my gosh, it took so long for us to figure out where you guys even went. When we finally got here is what was the easy part, but we had to recreate the accident from scratch first, and that was hard!" Twilight explained.

"It took a lot of calculating and a lot of long nights, but it finally paid off." Starlight said with a relieved nod and smile.

"Are you girls okay?! Are you hurt?" Applejack asked urgently. They shook their heads.

"Not at all, dear. Luckily, we found ourselves this gentleman, his name is Alex. He has graciously been allowing us to stay here in his apartment all this time." Rarity said, introducing him to the others.

Suddenly, the other girls were surrounding him, bombarding him with thank you's and questions all at the same time. It was so overwhelming that Alex nearly fell backwards trying to put more distance between himself and them.

"Don't kill him now!" Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

"Sorry, we're all a little excited. But we can't thank you enough for taking care of our friends." Twilight said. Alex nodded.

"Yeah, no problem. Glad to see that you guys finally showed up. The girls were worried about how long it was gonna take." Alex said.

"We're mighty grateful, sugarcube." Applejack said with a tip of her hat.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Um, so Fluttershy and the others have told me some about you, but I guess it's good to get properly introduced." Alex said with an awkward chuckle.

"Right, of course. I'm Twilight, as I already said." She said with a nod.

"The name's Applejack!"

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"I'm Starlight, nice to meet you." She said with a nod, offering her hand. He shook it.

"Nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you all. If I remember correctly, Applejack, you're a farmer. Pinkie Pie, I hear you make delicious desserts. And Twilight is supposed to be the one to prove to me that magic is real." Alex surmised.

"Yep!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Nice memory." Fluttershy said.

"I'm guessing the girls have told you a lot already about where we come from." Twilight said. Alex nodded.

"Mhmm, in great detail. However, I find a lot of it difficult to believe." He admitted.

"What's hard to believe about Equestria?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Well, it's pretty clear this world is very different from ours, so I can understand. There's a lot about this world that we don't understand either." Twilight said in response.

"Huh, Rarity said something similar." Alex said with a chuckle.

"Mhmm. We were hoping you could show him a little of what you can do, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"Of course, but we can save that for later. We should probably get you girls back, let everypony know that you're alright. We've been worried sick." Twilight said.

"Oh! Yeah right, um...about that..." Rainbow Dash coughed.

"You girls don't wanna go back?" Applejack asked abruptly.

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