Chapter 31: Ice Cream

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"Wow, so this is Manehattan, huh?" Alex looked around in astonishment. Rarity smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it's quite extravagant, isn't it?" Rarity asked.

"It looks a lot like New York. Actually, it sounds a lot like New York too." Alex said with an ironic chuckle.

"Is that a city on your planet?" Twilight asked curiously.

"It is."

"Isn't it funny how there are things in Equestria that serve as counterparts to places and things on Earth?" Rarity observed curiously.

"Maybe Earth and Equestria are alternate dimensions instead of different planets." Twilight said with a giggle.

"Do you have alternate dimensions?" Alex asked.

"We do, actually." Twilight nodded.

"What? You serious? You're not just messing with me, right?" Alex asked again.

"No, we do have alternate dimensions." Twilight repeated her affirmative.

"No way!" Alex said, his pitch rising.

"Haha, we'll put it on the list." Twilight said.

The three of them approached Rarity's shop. She opened it up and they entered. Alex looked around curiously, noticing all the differences and similarities between the Ponyville branch and the Manehattan branch. He nodded with approval.

"I kinda like the look of this one." Alex said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, it certainly has more of a city feel for these city folk, heheh. Come come, let me introduce you to my manager! Where is she?" Rarity wondered aloud, looking around. She left Twilight and Alex alone for the moment.

"Does she always get this excited?" Alex asked with a chuckle.

"When it comes to showing off her fashion? Always." Twilight answered with a smile.

"Nice. It's nice to have that kind of passion."

"Rarity tells me you have an eye for fashion as well. She mentioned touring your closet at one point?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Oh, it sounds so awkward when you say it like that. I just showed her some of my stuff." Alex said with a chuckle.

"I understand. Well, a fashion compliment from Rarity is a pretty big deal, so whatever you showed her, you might wanna hold on to that." Twilight advised.

"Ooh, gotcha. You know, I was kind of wondering, how is there a fashion industry here when most of the time we don't even really wear clothes?" Alex asked.

"Ok! Alex, this is my manager, Sassy Saddles. Sassy Saddles, this is our good friend Alex. It's his first time visiting Manehattan." She introduced the two. They shook hooves.

"Hey there, Sassy. Nice to meet ya." Alex said with a chuckle, finding her name amusing.

"Nice to meet you too. I hear from Rarity that you have terrific taste for clothing." She said with a chuckle.

"I mean, I do alright, not as well as you guys. It looks like you run a tight ship around here." Alex observed the orderliness of the store.

"I do my best." Sassy said modestly. Alex nodded in approval.

"Mind if I take a look around? What can you interest me in?" Alex joked. Sassy chuckled.

"Come this way. We got a larger section for stallions here." She said, leading him off. Twilight and Rarity joined together now.

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