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i got up to the bathroom to go take care of what zoe left me with, if you know what i mean. the whole time i was thinking about how her soft lips felt on my skin, and the ticklish feeling of her hands running down my abs.

after i took care of that, i was thinking about zoe and i. i didn't understand why she'd tease me and not just go full send. it made no sense to me, and left me so frustrated and confused. i thought maybe i had fucked it up and made her doubtful by asking what she was doing, but i honestly just wanted confirmation that she wanted me too. apparently not since she stopped herself so easily.

fuck, i just wanted to go in that bed and let her "have fun with me" all night long. hell, all quarantine long.

i brushed the thought away as i made my way back to my bed to find zoe shirtless, now with only her bra and underwear on. she is going to be the death of me.

i finally went to sleep and woke up to zoe shaking me.

"do you hear that too?" she asked frantically. i listened closely to hear the sound of hammering at my apartment door.

i got up and ran to the door. i tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "what the fuck?!" i yelled.

"you're being bolted in until quarantine is over, sir!" a voice yelled back at me.

"what the fuck do you mean???" i yelled now, even louder.

"just following orders, man" the voice replied, as i heard him finish his job and walk away.

"it's like we're prisoners" zoe said.

"exactly" i said angrily at the fact that we had no choice but to stay exactly where we were. what if there was an emergency? what if something bad happened? are they doing this to everyone? how would the government even hand out the food? i don't understand.

zoe sat in silence for a minute, as though she was picking through her thoughts, and finding the right one to say. at last she finally came up with saying, "let's just try to make the best of this."

i agreed and asked what she wanted to do.

"honestly i just want to lay in bed and cuddle until i forget about my worries." she answered.

"or until i make you forget your name." i said.

"okay maybe let's not do that. how about you make me some food instead." she said, but it came out as more of a question. maybe i came off too strong. or maybe she likes it.

as i was grabbing ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies i asked the question that had been running through my mind for the past half hour i had been awake.

"do you remember last night?"

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