The Age of Steel

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"Delete!" the Cybermen chorused. "Delete! Delete!"

"You asked for it," the Apocalypse sighed before snapping her fingers.

And the ground rumbled and split open beneath the Cybermen.

"What the hell?!" Mickey shouted as the ground completely swallowed the Cybermen.

The Apocalypse turned to Rose. "Snap of the fingers," she reminded her, demonstrating and sealing the Earth back up.

"What the hell was that?" Ricky demanded.

"That would be me," the Apocalypse answered cheekily. "Now run!"

Rose ran after her as they took off, then there was a horn honk. An older blonde woman poked her head out of a van. "Everybody, in!" she called.

"I've got to go back," Pete said, slowing down. "My wife's in there!"

"Anyone inside that house is dead," the Apocalypse told her. "If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now."

"Come on!" the woman shouted. "Get a move on!"

Pete climbed into the van, but Rose stared at the house a little bit more. The Apocalypse sighed. "Rose, she's not your mother," she said.

"I know," Rose said softly.

"Come on," the Apocalypse told her, snapping open a portal.

They walked into the back of the van, startling everybody inside once again. Only the woman didn't seem surprised. "Finished chatting?" she grumbled. "Never seen a slower getaway in my life!"

"Oh, I've seen slower," the Apocalypse snorted. "You'd be surprised how often my brother got caught in the halls." She tugged at the end of her rope braid. "And I hate this stupid thing!"

"And the Doctor?" Rose asked, smirking and helping her find the bands that held the braid in place.

"He was worse."

"And you?"

The Apocalypse smirked as she finally got her hair out of the rope braid and started doing the fishtails again. "Never did."

"Are you two done yet?" Mickey snapped.

"Easy," the Apocalypse told him, frowning.

"What was that thing?" Ricky asked.

"You don't want to know," the Apocalypse said, shaking her head. "Let's just say it's from home and be done with it, yeah?"

"But we've got a weapon, right?"

"Yeah, we've got weapons," the blonde man said before glaring at Pete. "Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for him."

"Leave him alone," Rose snapped as she helped the Apocalypse braid her hair again. "What's he done wrong?"

The blonde man shrugged. "Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the government and left Lumic in charge!"

"If I was part of all that, do you think I"d leave my wife inside?" Pete retorted.

"No," the Apocalypse answered with a smile. "Definitely not."

Pete gave her a grateful look even as Ricky snorted. "Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though."

"Talk about executions, and you'll be the next one going under the ground," the Apocalypse warned. "That would make you my enemy. And take my advice, you really don't want to do that."

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