3: Breakfast

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Dabi's POV

I woke up bright and early at 7AM. I frowned, a terrible headache taking over. I wanted to sleep more but my alarm was violently ringing and I can't ignore it. Its work day, and I have to go to the shop.

I stood up reluctantly, dragging my feet towards the bathroom. I got out of my filthy party clothes and went into the shower.

I took a cold one, just to mend my ever-burning skin. Right after freshening up, I got dressed in a white tank top and jeans before I head to my mini kitchen to get some coffee.

Today, I'll be running on about 4 hours of sleep so I would need all the help I could get. I took my phone with me to the couch along with the coffee I just made and I plopped over to the gray sofa.

At this part of my routine, I would be checking my social media accounts. It might be obvious already but I have a lot of connections. I have groups of people who were the same as me - misfits and somehow, we all fit together.

I went to my messenger and saw the usual messages from my groupchat with Toga, Jin, Magne, Spinner and Compress. Its all filled with 'good morning' messages and Spinner, being the committed on, reminded everyone that they should be at the shop by now. I met these guys during the 10 entire years of me trying to get away from my father's shadow and trying to live my own life.

Our quirks - well, we barely use them. Our work doesn't demand it anyway. As if I would want to use a quirk that I inherited from that man and ruined me in my childhood.

Anyway, the first one of these morons to be my friend was Jin. He suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder and Hanahaki Disease which he eventually overcome as years passed. We were both messed up kids.

He was 13 and I was 10 when we met. He lives off by being a pickpocket and he taught me to do that to when I came to the point where I had nothing to eat. At this time, we were sleeping in the streets. When he turned 15, he started getting on actual but low-paying jobs and he helped me get through by getting me on jobs as well. We found ourselves places to stay at the night by working graveyard shifts. When I became 15 and he was 18, we rented a small apartment and became roommates.

Then Toga came along. Meeting her changed mine and Jin's life. We both got to build a better life for ourselves. Now, we both live in separate apartments and have enough money to buy food and necessities.

Magne, Spinner and Compress were people I met later on while I establish our underground work and eventually, we got our own shop. 

I smiled a little. I wish I could rub on Endeavor's face what kind of person I am today. I may not be the Hero child that he have always dreamed of but I became an independent and successful man who didn't ask a single cent from him to have a comfortable life.

I continued to scroll through the messages while sipping my coffee. Then I finally exited the app and went on to my instagram. Looks like I've gotten a lot of likes from my last post - the party I was in last night. Basically, Toga invited the entire gang to a Stain-dedicated underground party. Its a gathering held to honor the hero killer and his principle. Only I showed up though since Spinner said, 'This doesn't amplify the principle of Stain.'

I scrolled through my instagram and found a picture of a silver-haired cutie with pale skin and beautiful ruby red eyes. I stared into the pic once more. The morning sunlight is barely hitting his skin, making him appear more radiant. What a beauty.

"Petals.xy huh? I didn't know I was following this dude."

I opened his profile. Ah, it was the art account that I was following. He has some nice drawings, mostly with flowers. I didn't know this guy was this cute.

I decided to finally hit him up, sipping on my coffee while I think of the words I could tell him.

"You're so beautiful- oof, sounds like a simp. How about, hey sexy? No, no. sounds like a fuckboy."

I continued to type on the message bar, erasing it immediately until I've finally come up with the right words to tell him.

: hey u kinda cute
: asl?

Tomura's POV

I frowned at the message. Who is this? Hm, better check his profile first. I don't want to talk to any creepy ass people in here.

"Oh, he.." I bit my lower lip. HE LOOKS TERRIBLE! Not that he's ugly, but like he needs help? What are those burnt scars? He looks kinda terrifying but damn, those eyes are pretty.

Should I reply? Hmm, how about a no. I smiled, putting my phone down before going back to my meal. The compliment made me feel better about myself though, not gonna lie.

I looked down at my pancakes. I still don't feel like eating. I stood up, taking my plate with me before heading outside of my room to look for Kurogiri.

I walked pass the hallway that leads me to the living room. Everything is white in this house except the hardwood floors but the furniture? all white.

I saw Kurogiri, sitting on the long white couch while sipping his morning coffee.


He turned around immediately and looked at me in shock. "Tomura! What are you doing out your room?"

"I can't eat my breakfast alone."

He shook his head. Kurogiri placed his mug on the coffee table before walking towards me. I looked down at the plate of pancakes in my hands.

"Let's have breakfast together then?" He offered. I looked up at him with glee.


"Yes, come on. Let's go to the dining room. Maybe we could put more maple syrup in your pancakes too." He said as he walked back to the couch to get his coffee then we went to the dining area together to eat our breakfast.

While chewing on my pancakes, my phone vibrated. I opened it and saw another message from the burned up dude.

: hey u kinda cute
: asl
: ur japanese too right?
: im dabi

Dabi? sounds like a fake name. I better not get involved with guys who use fake names.

"What's that?" i heard Kurogiri ask while I was on my phone, making me look up at his curious face.

"Oh nothing. Just some guy, messaging me."

"What did he say?"

"He told me I looked cute and was trying to get to know me but he looks sketchy so I didn't reply."

"Well, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. What if he's nice?"

I smiled and shook my head. "He doesn't look nice."

"You know your disease could be cured with love. You'll never know if that guy's the cure right?"

I started laughing softly, "We both know the terms with Hanahaki. It doesn't work like that."

"I'm kidding! But you could use a friend, Tomura." He said, sipping his coffee right after.

"You're my friend!"

"Yeah but like, friends at your age."

"What if this guy is just some old creepy dude?"

"You'll never know till you ask, right?"

Kurogiri has a point. I could use a friend. All my life, all I've known is Kurogiri, Dr. Ujiko and my Father, All for One.

I don't even remember the friends I made back in my old life. My biological family - I've forgotten their faces well. They let my Father treat me horribly and take me away from them. My quirk went berserk when it activated but my father got to stop me. After that, he abandoned me for good saying I'll bring detriment to my entire family, seeing how I have accidentally killed our family dog - Mon-chan.

"Alright, maybe I could reply to him later." I said, smiling.

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