6: Crush

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Dabi's POV

I looked at his picture again. He has a bluish gray hair that matches his porcelain complexion. His hair's a real mess and his skin looks like it lacks a lot of moisturizer but all those flaws are outshined by that cute mole near his lips. Beautiful.

It's been 2 days since I talked to him. I'm kinda scared to be honest. I might have scared him off a little bit? Or maybe he's been in a bad condition. Last time I talked to him, he has an oxygen mask on.

I've been messaging him for the past 2 days, asking him how he is and if he has eaten. I literally just met him but I can't shake the feeling of wanting to talk to him. Is this normal?

I sat in the counter, busy accepting payments from our customers, when my phone rang from a notification. I didn't realize that I literally left a customer on the counter to run to my phone and check.

I opened it and saw the message I've been waiting for. "Fuck!" I exclaimed and ran inside the break room.

- -

Toga watched as her friend run inside the room like a fangirling teenager. "What a simp." She commented as she take the customer's payment.

Dabi, on the other hand, had already thrown himself on his couch, typing intensely.

: hey dabi
: how are u
: sorry i havent replied in a while
: i had to go through a lot of check ups

: no its okay
: how did ur check up go

: looks like i got a thorny rose plant growing in my lungs literally and its bad
: ngl im scared

: shit sorry man

: why are u even apologizing to me

: i cant help u out
: i feel like a useless friend

: friend?

: yeah, friend. we're friends right?

: yes, absolutely.

For an entire day, Dabi has distracted Tomura from the pain of his illness and his worsening condition. The latter was completely focused on Dabi's story about the shop, his friends, his drunk stories and a bunch of moments he had in beautiful places — experiences that Tomura longed to have.

As the night falls and Dabi was making his way home with Jin, he received another message from Tomura.

: if my doctor says ill be fine without my oxygen mask
: can i call you?

Good thing it was dark out or else Jin would have laughed his ass off seeing the tomato version of Dabi's face.

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