7: Elope

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It's been two months since the two started talking. For 30 days, Tomura have been attached to his oxygen tank. It took him about 3 more weeks to get better.

Tomura never told Dabi that the doctor and All for One are planning to forcefully remove the flowers in his lungs. It seemed as the only option they had. Although, Tomura have undergone many extraction operations before. The flowers just keeps on coming back. The next one would be his 7th extraction and it might be much more dangerous for him.

Luckily, Dabi was there to distract Tomura from his thoughts. Not that he was physically there beside him, but the conversations they shared distracted the latter from the reality of his condition.

Presently, Tomura was seated on his bed again as he scrolls through his feed. All the travelers he follows online have been posting pictures of their 'summer trips.' It made Tomura sulk. Its unfair — so unfair of how other people gets to enjoy the outside world while people like him can't. He wants to break free from his bubble and experience the real world for once. He wants to know what All for One hated about the people and heroes outside their little safe space. He wants to know what's there to love outside.

Unconciously, Tomura started typing on his phone.

: hey dabi
: i wanna go to the beach

- -

Meanwhile, Dabi was busy at their little office — talking to Garin who apparantly brought new clients who failed the Provisional License Exam.

"Here, these two kids are from U.A. Seems like they were the only ones who failed there," Giran said with a chuckle. The blonde spiky-haired kid groaned. "Shut up! I didn't come here to be slandered!" He retorted violently.

Dabi narrowed his eyes. In front of him was Garin, the Blond Noisy Kid and a quiet one with split colored hair — colors all too familiar to him. He frowned as he stood up, getting closer to the kids in front of him. Turns out he was right, that kid was none other than his little brother — Shoto.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, seems more directed towards Shoto who looked at him with the same frown. Both brothers sense the familiarity but none of them seem to address it. "Sorry, we don't make this for spoiled U.A kids," Dabi said, going back to his desk. Giran eyed him curiously. The scarred man never once declined a client

"What?! What did you say?! You come here—" Bakugo was throwing cusses everywhere but Todoroki held him back. "Bakugo, let's go. We'll earn our license the right way," he said as his eyes were fixed on Dabi who had his back facing the kids.

"Cool, Giran. Take these kids out." Soon, Dabi was left alone again. He sighed. He didn't expect to see his youngest brother again like this. Not that he even thought of meeting him again. But sure, that encounter did tug a string in his heart. One of those painful chord.

He picked his phone up, with hopes of lifting his mood. To his delight, a message from Tomura arrived. A smile unconciously appeared on his lips.

: hey dabi
: i wanna go to the beach

: beach?
: can u go out

: nope :P

: no beach for u then :P

: come on
: do me a favor

: what

: elope with me ><
: heh
: JK
: or maybe not

: give me your address

: seriously??

: yeah ill see if its near my area
: so we can start a plan
: of going to the beach

: do u wanna hear something weird

: ok what

: i dont even know my address :)))

Dabi chuckled. That was funny but there was a sinking feeling after he realized that Tomura has never been out, ever. So he never knew where the fuck he is or what its like outside.

: ur making me laugh petals
: u can ask kurogiri?

: he might think im suspish

: just ask him like ur just curious

: will try

: anyway
: can i call u now?
: are u okay now?

Tomura bit his lips. He typed a few replies but never hit send. He wanted to talk to Dabi too and now is the perfect time.

Soon, his phone started ringing. Tomura panicked a little then he took a deep breathe. "Let's do this." He pressed the green answer button.

"Hello?" a deep voice on the other side greeted.

Tomura was silent for a while. He didn't know what to say.

"Tomura? Tomura Shigaraki? Petals? Mophead?" Dabi called out, curious why Tomura hasn't spoken. "If you don't want to talk, I can—"

"No! I mean— hello," Tomura finally spoke up.

Dabi was smiling on the other side as he finally heard the latter's voice. "Hey! so um, hahaha i don't know what to say."

Tomura bit his lips to hold back a smile. "Shy now?"

"I waited to call you for two months," said Dabi. Tomura was really surprised every time Dabi would message him throughout those months despite him replying only a little bit or him being gone for a few days or even an entire week.

"Your voice fits your name very well," Tomura mentally slapped himself. Really? That's all he could say? "I mean its kinda edgy, and yknow.. cute? what? what am I saying? I—"

"I get it!" Dabi said with a laugh. "I like your voice too."

Tomura bit his lips again despite the fact that he was obviously smiling. On the other side, Dabi was smiling to himself as well. The two talked about everything — everything that they know, they don't know, and were curious about each other. It was only a short matter of time that Dabi found out that Tomura was under the care of All for One. Not that he cared, but his father have mentioned him a little when he was younger in a conversation with the top hero, All Might.

"You were under the care of a villain?" asked Dabi. Tomura pouted. He found himself sitting on the floor in front of his window, staring outside while he held his phone near his ear.

"He's not a villain though. For other people, he maybe bad. But he's really caring. I mean he took care of a sick kid without anything in return. That's something good, right?"

"Y'know I actually think villains are good but just misunderstood," Dabi said. He flopped down on the mini couch in his office and looked at the poster of Stain, the hero killer, on his wall. "I mean just look at Stain — he was against the flashy corrupt ways of heroes, it should be about saving lives and not about gaining profits or fame."

Tomura nodded though he had never heard of Stain before. "Hmm, I'll search that guy up later."

"You might not like him though, he looks edgy."

"I like edgy." Tomura said.

"So does that mean you like me?"

He blushed. Tomura was caught off guard that he couldn't speak. "Just kidding!" Dabi laughed on the other side.

What a weirdo, thought Tomura.

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a/n: hello!! its been a while! im sorry for not updating for so long. i had a writer's block for days and ive had some irl problems too but im back and will be updating some more. ❤

follow me in twitter on my main acc — @/andwaekath and on my anitwt @/akutagawhy !!

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