1: What a life

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Tomura's POV

White ceilings meet my eyes as soon as I open them. I want to close it again. And when I close it, I want to imagine a better scenery. Somewhere with water, by the beach maybe? I have never been to a beach.

I only see scapes like that in Instagram. Oh how I wish to see the ocean. Or maybe, I could go to a huge garden. But its already garden enough in here.

I opened my eyes again, meeting the same exact ceiling I have been seeing for the last 15 years. I looked at my nightstand where my humidifier and inhaler is. I sat up, opening the drawer of my nightstand and taking my phone.

I need to see something else except my white room. "Huh?" I frowned as my phone won't open. I pressed the power button and it turns out, its drained out of battery. Kurogiri have forgotten to charge it last night.

I sighed in frustration. I guess I would have to stand up then and wait for my phone to charge. So stand up, I did. I dragged my feet towards my charger which was near my window and I plugged my phone in. I stood up, slouching. Taking a good look of my room and sighing silently.

I don't wanna be here anymore.

I walked towards the bathroom, getting myself ready for the day as if there's somewhere important that i'll go to. I took a shower, brushed my teeth - the routine I fucking go through every single day.

I dressed in a black oversized sweater and my pajama pants. I'm not going anywhere anyway. I'm literally here to stay.

I felt an itch in my throat. Instead of coughing, I held it back and scratched my neck instead. It helps me hold my coughs back. But scratching it has made my neck all wounded and Father hated seeing wounds on my neck.

I gave it and coughed, releasing red rose petals all over the floor. I coughed more, creating an entire mess on the white marble tiled ground. I was starting to lose my breathe. I grabbed hold on the sink, so I could maintain my balance.

Seems like Kurogiri have heard me. He immediately rushed to my side. "Tomura!" He called out worriedly. He hoisted me up, carrying me like a baby.

He settled me on my bed, grabbing my inhaler and giving it to me. I took it and inhaled a few times. Soon, I felt my lungs calm.

Kurogiri let out a relieved sigh. "I'm sorry, I didn't come to check on you immediately." He apologized.

I looked at him, my eyes red from coughing. I nodded, "It's alright."


"Yes, please." I smiled a little, trying to stand up but he held me down.

"No, you'll stay here. I'll bring your breakfast to you."

"But I haven't been out for a week." By out, I mean out at the living room. I can't even go there at this point.

"Because you keep on having strong attacks," Kurogiri reasoned as he stood up straight. "Me and Master are just trying to protect you. Do you understand that?"

He sounds like a Mom. I don't even know if this is how moms sound like but I assume it was like this - caring and sweet. Kurogiri is the closest thing I have to a Mom and I love him for that.

I nodded like an obedient kid. He smiled, ruffling my silver hair before he leaves the room.

I stared at the door with a stoic expression. I'm so fucking over this. I was supposed to be the successor of All for One. I was his adopted child.

When I was four, he found me in the alleyway, crying hard. He took me in, promising me power, love and support in everything I wish to achieve. Honestly, I thought Villains are bad. And that they're probably horrible parents. But no, All for One was the best father. He did care for me, training me for a few months to be a smart leader.

However, after those months, my disease manifested. I started coughing flower petals - rose petals in particular. A lot of people in Japan started having the Hanahaki Disease, that's what the doctors call it.

It was a very romantic disease, honestly. But very deadly. I turned out to be one of the rare cases of Hanahaki disease. I was just 5 when I had it and surely, I could never have been in love at that age. I didn't even realize what's wrong with me until I was 14.

The doctors cannot find the cause for my disease because I was never in love. That means there will be no cure for me. From age 5 to 7, I lived in a hospital. Experts perform experiments on me to find out more about the disease.

Eventually, All for One had enough for doctors performing surgeries and experiments on me. He took me out from the hospital and brought me to his mansion to which I have my own little space.

From there, I never left the house. Not even once. Kurogiri was hired by All for One to stand as my guardian when he suffered a huge injury from his fight with All Might.

Hearing my Father Figure's injury almost killed me as I wheezed and cried all night. Luckily, he survived and even though, the injury made a permanent damage on him - he still makes sure to come here and care for me.

I was just an adopted child. So I don't understand why All for One makes huge efforts to take care of me. I'm no use to him if I'll just end up killing myself with these flowers in my lungs.

I pouted before I stood up and walked towards my phone. It had charged quite a bit already up to 20%. "This is good enough." I took it back to my bed and started scrolling through my instagram again.

I have an instagram so I could see different sceneries and plan the places I'll go to and clothes I'll wear once I'm healed. I see it as a sign of hope.

On my part, I post my digital artworks in there. However, I decided that I'll post a picture of myself. I walked over to the huge window and snapped picture. The rising sun looked nice with my pale white skin and highlighted the reddish hue on my cheeks and lips that was brought by my attack earlier.

I chose one from the selfies that I took then I typed my caption.

petals.xy : face reveal?

I'm awkward even in social media. Ugh, I hate it. But I was gonna do this - to help me boost my confidence. Or at least let my followers know about my face before I die.

There's always that underlying thought of my death. And the underlying feeling of leaving a mark before I go.

"Hey, breakfast." Kurigiri announced as he entered the room.

I turned towards him, seeing him settle the tray of food on my table in the corner of my room. I walked towards him, sitting down on the chair.

Pancakes. Kurogiri makes the best pancakes. I took my fork before looking up at him as he started speaking.

"Alright, i'll leave okay? Just call me when you're done, on your phone! Don't to scream or yell or anything."

"Is All for One not going home?"

"He'll be here tonight."

I frowned, clutching the fork in my hands. My face gloomed as I look down. "You said that yesterday too.."

"Look," he crouched down in front of me. "I promise I'll remind Master to come home later, alright? Now, cheer up."

I nodded silently then he stood up, patting me on my head. "Eat well, Tomura."

As he left the room, I started eating. Rather than sulking, I just went on my phone - scrolling through my ig.

The picture I posted a few minutes ago got a lot of likes already. Suddenly, I got a dm.

: hey u kinda cute
: asl?

What the fuck is this?


kinda ooc lol and this is an alternate universe so lemme clear things up
- shigaraki never killed his fam
- he still got adopted by afo
- he's a lot sweeter and calm
- shigaraki was just abandoned by his cruel dad

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