4: Screen Love

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After breakfast, Kurogiri urged Tomura to go back to his room but the young man insisted he stayed in the living room or in his little reading nook by the big window near the living area. He went to the latter. He sat in the cushion comfortably while scrolling through his phone.

"Alright, if you're gonna stay here then I'll go ahead and clean your room." Kurogiri said before he left, walking to Tomura's room.

Tomura opened his dms and saw the user's message again. He bit his lower lip before opening the message. Soon, he found himself typing a reply.

Meanwhile, Dabi is already sitting pretty in the counter, going through some messages about the services they offer. He operates a site thats secured and is only accessible in a protected link so the government cannot trace them. While the other guys tend the customers in the computer shop, Dabi and Toga are busy working for the actual business.

As Dabi was typing on his keyboard, his phone vibrated from his pocket. Curious, he looked down and took the device out. It was a notification, a message notif from the cutie that he saw on instagram earlier.

Unconsciously, Dabi smiled to himself and opened the message.

: hey
: m 20 hosu

: same
: how are u today

: good

The man seems uninterested. He's just replying to what Dabi says. Normally, if conversations go like this - Dabi leaves it and continues his work but something pushed him to message this guy even more.

: hbu?

Thank Goodness, he asked back.

: good too
: luv ur works btw
: do u love flowers

Lame as fuck, Dabi. He obviously does.

: yeah
: i cant somehow get away from flowers
: so i learned to love them

: lol wdym

: lets just say im surrounded with flowers

: do u work in a flower shop

: uhh yeah i do

You're supposed to make friends, Tomura! Not lie to them!

: jk i have hanahaki

: i wouldve believed the first one better

: its true tho i do

: who hurt u princess

: im a special case ok
: no one "hurt" me
: basically ive had hanahaki since i was 5

: instead of a quirk, u started coughing flowers??

: my quirk appeared first then my hanahaki

: how does it feel
: to cough flowers

: its literally painful

: wait wait
: u said u had hanahaki since 5
: but ur 20
: so 15 years?

: pretty much lol

: how are u attending school
: how are u even alive
: r u getting treated
: sorry too many questions haha
: just curious

Dabi is now fully invested in the conversation. Hanahaki disease fascinates him. Its somehow a proof that love exist - a feeling he never felt back at his family.

: home schooled
: i get regular treatment and some surgeries
: its keeping me alive

: so are u like ,, rich??
: u gettin home schooled and all the treatments
: it must be costly

: my foster dad is kinda loaded
: r u secretly a thief

: i could be
: the one who'll steal ur heart

: pls dont make my hanahaki worse

"Looks like someone's having fun." Kurogiri commented as he passed by the boy while carrying a trash bag filled with petals.

"Yeah, I found someone fun to talk to." Tomura replied. He's smiling at his phone. He somehow felt comfortable with the man. Despite of him looking horrible and all, he's a pretty nice guy.

Throughout the entire day, the two talked about hanahaki, their favorite things, hobbies and stuff like that. Basically, the getting to know each other stage.

It was already 6PM and Dabi have already gone home. Their streak of conversations were cut short though as Tomura announced that his Father came home.

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