9: Visit

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The next morning, Tomura went out of his room early. He already took a bath and got dressed. Basically ready for another day of staying at home.

"Good Morning, Kurogiri," he said in his usual passive tone. "What's for breakfast?"

"I made you some bacon and eggs," The older man replied. Kurogiri was seated on their couch, his phone in his hands. "You won't believe what I woke up to."

Tomura was standing by the living room entrance. He looked at Kurogiri, curiousity visible in his red eyes. "What?" He asked.

"Your friend, what was his name? Uh, Dani?" Tomura chuckled lightly.

"It's Dabi," the pale man replied, making his way to their kitchen that was just next to the living room. Wait, what's up with Dabi anyway? Now, Tomura's really curious.

"Yeah, still sounds like a fake name to me." Kurogiri commented. Tomura resisted the urge to say Because it is, "Anyway, I woke up at 4AM right? and he was asking if he could come over."

Tomura's eyes widened. What?! How? They were just talking about it last night. How did Dabi gather that much courage to ask Kurogiri about that?

He focused on making his coffee, hands shaking lightly. He suppressed his emotions, desperately trying to maintain his cool. "Uh-huh. That's weird," He faked a chuckle. "W-What did you say?"

"I said yes. I sent him our address." Now, he's really gonna lose it. The pale man ran back to the living room, eyes wide. To Kurogiri, thats the most emotion he got from the kid.

"What?! Are you serious?!"

"Hey, calm down. You might get another attack," Kurogiri said, looking worriedly at Tomura. The pale man straightened himself, breathing deeply and nodding.

"Right, but answer me."

"Yes, I'm serious. I told you, I'm glad you have a friend other than me and the nomus." Kurogiri smiled genuinely. "But I did request two Nomus as guards for later from the Doctor. Don't worry, I didn't let them know about the visit. I just told them that we could use a little company here for today, he believed me. I told him I needed help with lifting stuff for chores."

There it is again. The butterflies. The goddamn butterflies.

"I need to make a call." Tomura hurried back to his bedroom.

Kurogiri watched Tomura go back to his room, speed walking. He chuckled, "Tell Dabi to bring something to eat!"


After their conversation last night, Dabi made sure he does something fast. So he messaged Kurogiri through his social media account. Luckily, Kurogiri was awake at 4AM.

The best way to get Tomura out there is to get in. He didn't realize how nervous it would make him feel. What did he get himself into?

Magne entered Dabi's office. "Hey, Dabi! You needed my help?"

Dabi looked up at his friend. Magne showed up again with that confident smile. It eased him. "Uh yeah, I don't know what to do with my hair? And uhm, is my outfit good?"

Magne's jaw dropped. She inhaled sharply before squealing. "DABI OH MY GOD DID YOU CALL ME HERE TO ASK FOR MY FASHION ADVICES?!" then she realized a bigger fact causing her to squeal louder. "EVERYONE COME HERE TO THE FUCKING OFFICE, I THINK DABI'S GOING TO A DATE!"

"Hey! Its not a date!"

Toga and Jin were quick. "What?!" Toga asked, a teasing smile starting to appear on her lips. Oh dear lord.

"Dabi? On a date? No way! HAHAHA, he looks like he's getting into it!" Jin.

Spinner came in, laughing lightly. "Oh boy, never in a thousand years did I expect this."

Compress laughed as he leaned beside the doorframe, "I can't believe someone agreed to go on a date with you."

"Why? Dabi is hot!" Magne said, pouting.

"It's not a date, okay? I'm just visiting a friend," Dabi scowled.

"Eh?! Lemme guess," Toga chirped in, hopping towards Dabi with her signature Cheshire-like grin. "You'll be visiting that Tomura guy, won't ya?!"

Dabi's eyes widened. "What?! Ha! No, I mean- fuck, is it too obvious?"

Toga loved the reaction she got. "He's the only one you've been fanning over for the last few months, I can't believe this is the only time you guys decided to eyeball."

"You never showed him to us though! Its okay if you don't want to!" Jin said.

"Is he cute?" asked Magne.

"He probably looks weird, you know Dabi's type." Spinner said, laughing along with Compress.

"He looks fine, really cute to be honest," Dabi fake coughed. He doesn't want to be all flustered around his friend. "Its just that - well... uhm, he, he has hanahaki disease and he can't really go out so we didn't meet sooner."

Everyone in the room looked shocked or has gasped in shock. Especially Toga and Jin.

"Shit, I got war flashbacks. Does that mean he has feelings for someone else?" asked Jin. Everyone looked concerned for Dabi.

He observed their reactions. Dabi chuckled at them. Right, they were thinking that Dabi was up for some hopeless romance.

"Look, he had it when he was young. Like 5 years old young." That earned him more shocked faces. "Seems like he's one of those rare cases. Anyway, enough about that. Can you guys just help me? I look horrible."

"Oh buddy, help won't do it. you need prayers." Spinner commented, bringing back the room's mood.

"Mean as fuck," Dabi said followed by a chuckle.

"Don't worry, lover boy!" Magne cheered. "I'll make you look like a decent human being!"

"Uh yeah you made it sound like I don't look decent now," Dabi huffed.

"You don't!" Toga said with a wide grin.

"Wow, thanks a lot, shithead." Dabi rolled his eyes. Then there, his phone started ringing.

tenko ♡ is calling.....

Dabi's heart raced. He knows he'll be getting a call from Tomura. Especially after the stunt he pulled.

"Uhm, hold up, I need to take this call." Dabi grabbed his phone and hurriedly ran outside, leaving his friends confused. He figured they'd be making fun of him a few seconds after he leaves.

His hands were shaking. Fuck, why won't my hands cooperate? He took a deep breathe before taking the call.


"Dabi, what the fuck?!"


"I can't believe you!"

"You can and you will, i'll be there in an hour."

"You're gonna give me wrinkles," Tomura huffed. He heard it through the phone. "I thought we agreed on sunday! I didn't even have time to prepare myself."

"Oh no, more lines on your face," Dabi teased. His nervousness replaced with confidence. The effect of Shigaraki Tomura's voice to him is astonishing. "The sooner the better, isn't it?"

"I hate you," Dabi can imagine a glaring Tomura, it made him laugh.

"No, you don't." Dabi said, a smile playing on his lips. "I'll see you later?"

"Fine," Tomura was biting his lips. Don't be so excited, Tomura! "Kurogiri said, bring something to eat."

"Roger that!"

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