Derek's pov
I looked over at Alice from the company commander "Ich denke, wir sollten packen gehen (I guess, we should go pack)" she nodded "Lass uns gehen (let's go)" We stood and walked through the base to our barracks "Bist du aufgeregt, zum Regenbogen zu gehen? (you excited to go to rainbow?)" she looked at me "Ich denke, es ist cool und alles, aber ich liebe es hier (I guess, it's cool and all but I love it here)" I nodded "Ich werde Anton und Hans vermissen, ich bezweifle, dass Rainbow solche Idioten haben wird (I'm gonna miss Anton and Hans, I doubt Rainbow will have a pair of idiots like that)" she chuckled "Ich frage mich, wie sie die Auswahl bestanden haben (I wonder how they passed selection)" I shrugged as I replied "Ich weiß es nicht, aber ich würde auf göttliche Intervention wetten (I don't know but I'd bet on divine intervention)" she chuckled as we arrived at the barracks "Willst du es ihnen sagen, während ich unsere Waffen packe?(you wanna tell them while I get our guns packed?)" she gave a nod "Ich bin drauf, Sarge(I'm on it, sarge)" I walked over to the gun locker and grabbed my guns loading them carefully into the carry case, I ran my hand over the metal before closing the case and bolstering my pistol. I grabbed Alice's carry case before I took out her mp7 and mossberg 500 placing them carefully into the case, I stood and walked back to Alice and the rest of the platoon catching the last part of Alice telling the news "- Wir gehen zum Team Rainbow und fahren in 20 Minuten ab(-going to team rainbow, we leave in 20 minutes)" I nodded as I patted her shoulder "Pack deine Sachen ein(go pack your clothes), Jetzt möchte ich, dass Sie sich für den Kapitän bestens verhalten, klar?(now I want you on your best behavior for the Captain clear?)" I heard several "Ja Sergeant, wir hören Sie(yes Sergeant, we hear you)" I nodded with a smile as Hans and Anton appeared infront of me speaking in unison "du kannst nicht gehen, wem werden wir einen Streich spielen, wenn du nicht hier bist?(you can't go, who are we going to prank if you aren't here?)" I chuckled "Entspannen Sie sich, es ist nicht das Ende der Welt. Geh Streich ella, sie fand es immer lustig(relax, it's not the end of the world. Go prank Ella, she always thought it was funny)" they grew evil grins and turned running off together I shivered "armes Mädchen, sie hat eine lange Karriere vor sich(poor girl, she's in for a long career)" I heard Alice next to me "du hast ihr das wirklich gerade angetan, oh mein Gott(you really just did that to her, oh my god)" I nodded "Rache wird am besten kalt und am wenigsten erwartet serviert(revenge is best served cold and when least expected)" she sighed before replying "Ich bin fertig mit dem Packen, du bist der Boss(I'm done packing, you're up boss)" I nodded and walked over to my lock chest opening it and carefully placing everything in my bag I paused over a picture of my parents and I, I haven't gotten a letter from my father in a long time, I wonder what they're up to. I shook the thought from my head and stood turning to the rest of the squad. I sat on my bed and looked at my squad, watching them laugh and smile as Alice and I prepared to move forward with our careers, I was content just sitting and watching until they broke out the red solo cups. I heard the captain to my right "Warum sind die Solo-Tassen raus? Diese sind nur für besondere Anlässe(why are the solo cups out? Those are only for special occasions)" I heard Henry "Alice und Derek gehen zum Team Rainbow, wir feiern mit unserem Amerikaner(Alice and Derek are going to team rainbow, we're celebrating with our American)" he rested his hand on my shoulder "mach weiter(Carry on)" he turned to me "warum feierst du nicht?(why aren't you celebrating?)" I looked up "Ich bin nicht mehr viel Party(I'm not much of a partier anymore)" he laughed "Ich bin sicher, danke, dass du Derek diese Jahre so angenehm gemacht hast(I'm sure, thanks for making these years enjoyable derek)" I stood after I checked my watch almost time to leave "Jedes Mal, wenn Captain, werden wir KSK stolz machen(any time captain, we'll make KSK proud)" he nodded with a smile "ich weiß das du wirst(I know you will)" I shook his hand as he looked at me like a father looks at his son "Hab keine Angst manchmal zu lächeln, hab Spaß mit dem Leben(don't be afraid to smile sometimes, have some fun with life)" I chuckled "Ich habe Spaß, wenn ich Sir erschieße(I have fun when I shoot sir)" he shook his head with a smile as I got handed a solo cup of fireball "Hier, Sir, trinken Sie das, bevor Sie gehen(here sir, drink this before you leave)" I groaned "Nennen Sie mich nicht Sir, ich bin Sarge oder Sergeant(do not call me sir, I'm sarge or Sergeant.)" Anton chuckled as I downed the drink and looked at Alice "Mit der Zeit machen wir uns auf den Weg(about time we head out)" she sighed as we grabbed our gun cases and bags and headed towards the door. I looked back at them "Lass sie büßen(give 'em hell)" I heard a chorus of "ja sarge(yes sarge)"s as I walked through the doors with Alice as she spoke "Bist du bereit für ein Abenteuer, Boss?(you ready for an adventure, boss?)" I looked over "Hol meinen Umhang, wir machen ein Abenteuer(fetch my cape, we're going on an adventure)" she shook her head with a small sigh "Du bist ein Kind(you're a child)" as we exited to the airfield and saw a private jet and some men with black balaclavas and grey fatigues "we'll bring you to Hereford and where you'll meet Six and the rest of the team" I looked at Alice "sollen wir auf englisch reden?(are we supposed to talk in English?)" she shrugged before looking at the men and then back to me "Nun, da sie wie Scheiße verwirrt aussehen, würde ich ja sagen.(well given the fact that they look confused as shit, i'd say yes)" I sighed "Niemand sagte mir, wir würden Englisch sprechen(no one told me we'd be speaking English)" she chuckled as I looked at the men "lead the way" my weird mix of an American and German accent muddied my words slightly as the man spoke "ah, follow us sir" I groaned as Alice laughed "boss, it's gonna keep happening forever" I sighed as the man looked back confused "sir? Ma'am? What's wrong?" I spoke "I'm a feldwebel, not an officer" he nodded as his mouth formed an "o" he spoke "I'm sorry Sergeant, I forgot to check what your ranks were" I nodded keeping my stoic expression as we sat down and got ready for a flight. I pulled out my phone and watched through AngryCops videos. It was a quiet 2 hours until I heard Alice "Hey Sarge, ich habe gehört, wir haben einige GSG-9-Betreiber bei Rainbow(hey sarge, I heard we have some GSG-9 operators at rainbow)" I looked over cocking an eyebrow "Ja wirklich?(really?)" she nodded "IQ, Blitz, Jager und Bandit." I mused "Ich wusste nie, dass GSG-9 mit Rainbow zu tun hat(huh, never knew GSG-9 was involved with rainbow)" she spoke "Sie gehören zu den leistungsstärksten Betreibern, die sie haben(They're some of the best performing operators they have)" I nodded chuckling "na klar, sie sind deutsch(well obviously, they're German)" she spoke "Sarge, du bist Amerikaner!(sarge, you're American!)" I looked at her "aber ich bin in Deutschland aufgewachsen und habe die deutsche staatsbürgerschaft, was die regierung betrifft, bin ich deutsch(but I grew up in Germany and have German citizenship, as far as the government is concerned I'm German)" she nodded and patted my shoulder "Mach dir keine Sorgen, Boss, wir werden dich beanspruchen(don't worry boss, we'll claim you)" I rolled my eyes "Sie haben nicht viel Auswahl Alice(you don't have much of a choice Alice)" she laughed as I heard the pilot "we'll be arriving in 10 minutes" I sighed "Zeit, wieder nach Englisch zu gehen(time to go back to English)" she shook her head "Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sprechen nicht die erstaunliche Sprache Deutsch(imagine not speaking the amazing language known as German)" I chuckled shaking my head "alright calm down bleeding heart, some people don't like sounding pissed at the world" she laughed "we do sound pretty angry when we talk don't we?" I heard the man in the grey fatigues "yes, I halfway thought you two were gonna kill me you sounded so mad" I nodded "shes always angry, don't mind her" she glared at me "boss, the fuck?" I spoke "see?" As he nodded "she seems to be a fiery one" I leaned back as she stared at me "you're just gonna disrespect me like that?" I over bored "seriously? You do it to me all the time" she huffed indignantly as we fell into a comfortable silence, waiting for the plane to land. When it did we stood and grabbed our gear and other belonging, I slung my bag over my shoulders and followed Alice and the Man off the plane seeing a man wearing a German flag on his sleeve and an Indian man who doesn't look like he's military at all. When we stopped infront of him the man in the grey fatigues spoke "this is Six and this is Jäger" he said motioning to the Indian man and then the man with the flag I stuck my hand out for a handshake which he took and commented "call me Harry, you're richter I'm guessing?" I nodded "Yessir" he asked as curiosity filling his voice "you're accent isn't distinct, any story behind that?" I spoke "my family immigrated to Germany for my father on a company expansion, my accent is a bit.... odd as a result" he nodded with a smile as Jager spoke "Richter, judge, Warum hast du diesen Namen genommen?(why'd you take that name?)" I looked at him "Ich entscheide, wer lebt, wer verletzt ist und wer stirbt(I decide who dies, who's injured and who lives)" he nodded slightly uncomfortable as Harry spoke "and you must be Efeu" Alice nodded "yessir" as Jäger mused "ivy, interesting callsigns we speak predominantly English around here since the Americans are struggling with all the languages and most of us are fluent in English" I nodded "makes sense, sir are we staying with GSG or getting our own special place?" He spoke "you've actually got preselected dorm mates, you're with Alibi. Efeu, you're with Doc" she gave a salute as I nodded. Jäger said "What unit do you two come from, Harry wouldn't tell us" I looked over confused "Sir?" He chuckled "I figured I'd let you two say where you're from" I looked at Alice "do you want the honors?" She shook her head no "all yours boss" I turned to Jäger "Kommado Spezialkräfte" he looked shocked "KSK? Really?" I nodded unsure "why are you so... surprised?" Alice looked just as confused as he spoke "you guys are the best of the best, everyone wants to be you guys" I looked over at Alice before turning to Jäger "I've never noticed" he gasped "wait, does that mean you two are the ones who hit the Python?" Alice spoke "Yeah, Richter kicked in the door and I took the shots" he stared at us "rainbow was supposed to hit him, then we got word you guy hit the target" I chuckled "We were in the area when the Americans sent the mission our way since they were busy, we didn't know you guys were planning an assault until after we tagged him" he seemed stuck on our unit "KSK, mon' won't believe this" I looked at him "why not?" He looked up at the sky "one of our friends in GSG tried joining you guys, washed out 4 days into the Black Forest" I spoke "the training is hard, really hard" he chuckled as Alice spoke "I don't know how I made it" I nodded "me neither." Just then Harry spoke "I believe it's time to introduce you to your new teammates" I smirked as Alice spoke "sounds good, I heard this is an interesting crew" Jäger chuckled "that's to say the least" as we followed Harry into the cozy looking base to meet the co-workers.
Operation: sound resolution
FanfictionGermany has decided to invest more resources into Rainbow after much success from their GSG-9 operators. 2 KSK operators are selected to transition to Rainbow and support operations.