The final dream

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Derek's pov
I looked around the forest for any bit of light, anything that would lead me to the clearing, after a bit of time I gave up and started walking in a random direction. I felt vulnerable without my rifle but kept walking, the Forest was still quiet but it didn't seem unusual it was more comfortable than last time, I lifted a tree branch and saw the clearing. I sighed in relief before I cautiously walked into it, every instinct and bit of training told me to return to the forest... that being in the open was a death warrant, but I pressed on. I came to a stop and looked around for the woman but she wasn't there, I sighed and laid down deciding just to wait for myself to either wake up or the woman to make an appearance. A little bit later I heard a footstep next to my head, I turned slightly and noticed the woman but she looks different than last time "New haircut?" She looked down at me, her mouth never moving "new body" I just nodded "so what're we talking about this time?" The woman sat down next to me "what this place is" I looked over "so what is it?" She cocked an eyebrow "you don't know? You created it" I sighed "I was afraid you'd say that. No, I don't know what this is" her chuckled radiated around us "it's your mind, your subconscious" I asked "so what are you then? I doubt you're god" she nodded "your suspicion is correct, I am not god, I am your conscience" I spoke "so when you said you created me, what did you mean?" She asked in a motherly tone "what do consciences do?" I replied staring at the fiery orange sky "decide right and wrong, it's your moral code" she carried on "what do decisions do? What do they create?" I thought about it "change people right? Like I've made decisions that have lead me on paths that have made me completely different then the me from a year ago" she nodded "I guide your choices, your choices create a new you" I replied "so you create me by helping me make choices, cool" her chuckle was heard but not seen "you're taking this well" I nodded "because it makes sense" I heard her muse "it's been darker around here lately" I stretched my hand towards the sky "it's my fault Alice died. I took too long to get to her, I would've been able to save her if I wasn't so useless" my conscience replied "you know that's not true, I can sense the subtle doubt in your thoughts." I sat up and looked at her "she wouldn't have even been in that situation if I was faster back at the Canal control center" she shook her head "you know that's not true either, you've pushed yourself as hard as you can for years, there's nothing you could've done to change that situation" I stared at her as her image changed. Her hair shortened to shoulder length and was back in a pony tail, her face sharpened and her body thinned causing me to ask "why do you look like Alice?" As tears welled in my eyes and thunderclouds formed overhead. She replied "because you wished it so, you don't want to let go of her so you made her your conscience" I stared at her as the tears rolled and it started raining "do you have any wisdom you want to pass on before I wake up?" She tapped my chest above my heart "when you face Scorpion remember: you've got what it takes but it will take everything you've got" I nodded "I'm prepared to give everything to kill him" I heard her voice one last time "then you have all you need" before it turned back to the dorm. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes, Aria spoke "finally awake?" I nodded "how long was I out?" She checked the clock "3 hours" I looked at her groggily "longer than usual" she stood and walked over with a plate "I got you dinner, any reason you were crying and twitching in your sleep?" I took the plate before wiping my eyes "danke(thank you), I had another dream. It was eye opening to say the least" she sat next to me "did it have something to do with the mission?" I looked down "no, not really. It was more talking to myself" she motioned me to go on "so it turns out that woman was my conscience and I was talking with her about everything, Alice's death, my feelings on the matter everything" she looked unaffected but her eyes deceived her, they shone with worry "you're okay right?" I shook my head no "nien, I'm a mess. it's my fault, I miss Alice. I hate myself because I was supposed to protect her but here I am and she's gone... I just.. I just wish I could trade spots with her" aria spoke "I know, I know you do but you're here for a reason. Alice wouldn't want you to hate yourself over her death, she knew you'd fight the world to protect her. Don't disgrace her memory by trying to destroy yourself, live for her, keep her here" as she poked my chest "and make Scorpion pay" I looked down as I felt the tears before wiping them away quickly "you're right, when I get my hands on him... I'll tear him limb from limb" Aria grew a confident smirk "I'm always right, you should listen more" I looked over, eyes red from crying "danke, seriously" she smiled "that's what friends do now let's watch some movies and try to keep your mind off the mission" I sat up and spoke "I'll pick the movie if you want to call some friends over" she nodded and pulled out her phone as I looked through our movies. A minute later, Adriano(maestro), Olivier(Lion), Grace(Dokkaebi), Collinn(Warden), Dominic(bandit), Marius(jager)and sebastien(buck) walked in as I walked over to the Xbox and putting the disc in. I heard Olivier "what're we watching?" I looked over "IT" he shivered slightly "great" I cocked an eyebrow as buck started teasing him "what's wrong Olivier, scared of a clown?" He sighed "yes I hate clowns more than you hate the word moist" sebastien scowled as Dominic and Marius laughed, I spoke "alright easy boys, easy. Let's not have a fight in my dorm" Collinn sighed "but we could have our own fight club, it'd be so cool" I shook my head as Aria spoke "the only fight club you're having in my room is the movie" they all simultaneously replied "yes mom" causing her to sigh "why do you all call me mom?" As I asked "why do you always act like a mom?" She spoke indignantly "I do not" I motioned to the group "if you would" Olivier spoke "you yelled at me for teasing Emma(Twitch)" sebastien replied "you yelled at me for climbing to the top of the dead oak tree outside and made me promise not to do it again" Dominic and Marius followed him up "you made us clean up the confetti prank" grace spoke "you yelled at me for helping them with the confetti prank and made me help clean up" Collinn spoke "you haven't done anything to me surprisingly" Adriano stayed quiet as I spoke "you send me to bed if I'm up past 3" she froze "holy shit, I am the mom of the group" Adriano chuckled "there it is" I patted her shoulder "alright everyone take your spots" Grace and Aria sat on her bed, I sat on mine as Adriano sat next to me, Dominic and Marius laid on the beanbag chairs like children and Collinn and Olivier sat in the chairs we have against the wall. I asked "everyone situated?" I heard everyone say yes so I hit the play button and got comfortable. Halfway through the movie I stood and walked into our small kitchen "anyone want some popcorn?" I heard everyone say they did and set about making it, aria came out to the kitchen while I waited for the first bowl to finish "how're you feeling?" I looked over "not much better, I'm just trying to keep my mind busy" she nodded "don't worry Adriano and I will keep you busy for the next 6 months until scorpion pops up again" I barely nodded "we'll deal with that tomorrow, I just want to relax for a bit" she smiled faintly as she took the bowl of popcorn from me, letting her facade drop for a second "I've got your back, even if it means climbing Mt Everest" I extended my fist as she gave me a fist bump "you're being surprisingly supportive" she chuckled softly "because you're one of, if not, my best friend. non essere un idiota, ovviamente sarei di supporto quando hai appena perso un amico(don't be an idiot, of course I'd be supportive when you just lost a friend)" I replied "I don't know what any of that meant but I got the idiota part, even when you let your soft side show gotta call me an idiot" she chuckled "I wouldn't be me without tough love" I rolled my eyes as I handed her another bowl "give this to Marius and Dominic" she nodded as she took it and walked back into the main room. I heard the two of them cheering at the delivery before I finished the last 2 bowls and walked out handing a bowl to Collinn before walking over to my bed and placing down the bowl as I sat. I heard Aria "what do we say?" Everyone sounded like 8 year old who just got told to put down their favorite rock "thank you" I replied "guys, it's fine, just watch the movie" everyone quieted down as the movie played, I paused as I heard Pennywise yell "No! I'll take him! I'll take all of you!" I had a sudden image of Scorpion flash through my head as I squeezed my clenched fist and felt my body heating up, I barely noticed both Adriano and Aria glancing worriedly at me and then each other before I released the anger in a sigh. My fist unclenched and the heat suddenly disappeared from my body as I relaxed and watched the movie, I've got a lot of time to be pissed at him I don't need to do it right now. The rest of the night was smooth, everyone stayed and talked, joking, drinking just being near each other in case we needed some support.

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