Operation: Valiant Defiance

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Derek's pov
     I watched the video that had just arrived in my inbox as I heard Scorpion "Ah richter, my old student, doing well? I hope so, anyway I didn't message to catch up, I know it's just killing you that we haven't had tea time but here's your hint to where we are. You and Alice spent a nice 3 weeks here when we first went our separate ways. You might want to hurry, I'm not sure how much more poor Alice can last" I felt the rage swelling up before I released a deep breath and took off running to Harry's office. I burst through the door seeing him and 3 people in suits and dress skirts, I froze as they looked at me and Harry asked "Richter, what can I do for you?" I spoke "I need a team and a helicopter" he looked confused "we don't have an- he has her phone doesn't he?" I nodded as I opened my phone and tossed it to him. He hit play as the video was heard and I spoke to the diplomats "I'm very sorry for interrupting your meeting, I didn't know it was happening" the elderly lady spoke in a German accent "it better be important" I spoke "Ma'am, I'm KSK, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't extremely important" her anger disappeared "Richter?" I scrunched my eyebrows "Ma'am?" She smiled "oh my, it is you. How have you been?" I looked closer "oh, Oma(grandma) Amalia, it's you. I've been okay, worried about Efeu but okay" she wore an expression of worry "what's happened to Efeu?" I spoke "she got captured by Scorpion" the scowl returned "dieser Bastard(that bastard), make him pay will you?" I nodded "Ja, gnädige Frau(yes, ma'am)" one of the men next to her asked "why did he call you grandma? He doesn't sound German" she spoke "I oversee his unit in KSK, they're all delinquents and pranksters so I'll give them some supplies to prank if they keep up the performance. They started calling me Grandma Amalia since I'd give them things their commanders said no about" I was about to speak when Harry asked "where is this?" I spoke "Afghanistan, the coordinates are 42SWF64538907. I just need a team and a helicopter and I can get her back" he looked up "the Bundeswehr command has described this area as impossible to assault" I replied "Facit Omnia Voluntas(The Will is decisive), if it's possible we've done it, if it's impossible we'll do it" he nodded "alright, who do you need?" I spoke "Alibi, Blitz, Nomad, Buck and Doc" he nodded and called the operators to briefing "go and tell them what the mission is, and get a move on" I saluted "bis ich dich wieder sehe, Oma Amalia(till I see you again, Grandma Amalia)" she waved as I turned and ran to the briefing after Harry tossed me my phone. When I arrived the team was there and they all looked confused when I walked in, "Harry's in a meeting so I'm doing the briefing. We've got a PID on the location Scorpion has Alice, we don't know if he's there but we need to get there as quickly as we can to try to recover Alice. If any of you want to sit this out, leave now, I won't blame you" everyone stayed as I spoke "gear up, we leave in 15" everyone, Myself included, ran to get our gear on.

Once I got my gear and my G36k, It was off to the airfield as Jäger got the Helicopter ready, 10 minutes later everyone was on board and the helicopter lifted off

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Once I got my gear and my G36k, It was off to the airfield as Jäger got the Helicopter ready, 10 minutes later everyone was on board and the helicopter lifted off. I spoke into the radio "Jäger you have the coordinates right?" He replied "Ja, everything is in, we'll be there in a couple hours. relax you'll know if something goes wrong" I sighed "Everyone get some sleep" I saw a bunch of nods as Aria leaned over "how're you feeling?" I leaned to the right "not great, just tired and anxious I want to get my hands on scorpion." She nodded "just remember we're there for Alice" I spoke "I'm aware, she's my main priority. scorpion can wait for another day" she smiled "good, by the way I'm using you as a pillow" I rolled my eyes "I'm not surprised" I leaned against the door and closed my eyes, falling asleep unusually quickly. I looked around expecting to see the onyx forest and to get some answers but instead I saw the nightmare that's been plaguing me for years. I was stuck behind an invisible wall as I saw scorpion walking around the cave dancing to classical music as Alice and I struggled against the chains. Scorpions spoke "you know what's funny about this, you guys look so angry and scared at the same time. Oh I got it, You look like Helen Keller the first time she touched water it's adorable" I hit the invisible wall as he danced around some more before he pulled his mk23 and spun firing into Alice's head, I screamed "Nien!" As I watched her slump, I felt rage fill my body as the scene shifted to Scorpion on the ground as the area around us was lit on fire. He begged for forgiveness as I slowly walked towards him before the fire jumped in ferocity and we both went up in flames. I felt the heat enter my body as I started clawing at my face watching in horror as it came off to reveal Scorpions face, everything disappeared into blackness. I jumped slightly as my eyes opened, I checked my watch 20 minutes great, I looked to my right and saw Aria sleeping as I released a breath and leaned back. 7 hours later, we came to a hover 2 klicks out from the target, nomad and Doc threw the ropes as we grabbed it one after another and slid down the line to the mountain top below "Jäger all boots on ground, you're clear" he replied "Rufen Sie an, wenn Sie eine Fahrt brauchen(call when you need a ride)" I watched as the ropes were pulled up and the door gunner gave a quick salute before they closed the door and the blackhawk slipped away in the night. we waited for 15 minutes to see if scorpion had sent a welcoming party, when I was comfortable he hadn't I whistled "On me" the rest of the team crouched around me as I pulled out the map, my compass and turned on my red light. I looked at the team and then the map "we've got a 2 klick walk northeast before we're at the cave" I looked around "we ready?" Everyone nodded as Aria spoke "you've got my alibi" as Blitz raised his shield "we have my lightning" while nomad continued "and my thunder" I folded the map with a small smile "let's go and get ivy, blitz lead us out" he nodded as I stood and the team started walking towards the cave. I stood in place for a couple seconds as I pulled out the picture of my parents and I when I graduated basic "Es tut mir Leid (I'm sorry)" before I tucked it in my shirt and jogged to catch up with the team. I walked quietly at the rear of the column, we moved silently for an hour until the squad froze, I quietly and carefully moved to the front of the line "what is it?" Blitz whispered back motioning with his hand to my 1 o'clock "there's an enemy patrol infront of us, I'm letting them pass" I nodded "scorpions probably keeping track of his men" we waited for 10 minutes before we moved again, we were trying to move fast and keep our factor of surprise which got increasingly difficult the faster we moved. We were all but running when we got to the 400 meter mark which caused us to slide to a halt as we went back to a painstakingly slow walk, i could heard the rocks shifting as my foot moved with each step. We reached the overlook and laid down pulling out our thermals and started scouting for enemy positions, "I've got 2 on top of the cave entrance" doc spoke "3 on the trail heading down from the top of the mountain" nomad followed him up "2 at the entrance, and a sniper in the tree to the left" Buck replied "that's all of them unless they have thermal resistant soldiers" I sighed "I'll handle the two on top of the entrance, you guys decide who's handling the rest" I crouched and carefully snuck to the bushes behind the two overwatches. I waited until I heard "I'm set" from everyone "On my Mark... mark" I heard the team "sync" as I came hauling ass out of the bush kicking one of the masks in the throat as I grabbed the other and got him in a headlock pulling my pistol I fired 2 times into the mask holding his throat killing him before I grabbed the mask I was holding and snapped his neck "Clear" I heard Blitz and Alibi "Clear, all enemies neutralized" I paused watching the body of the mask with the broken neck rest on the edge of the ledge, I walked over and gently pushed it with my foot watching as I disappeared over the edge before impacting the ground 15 meters below, with a small chuckle I moved off the ledge and down to the entrance "we good to go?" Blitz, Alibi nodded, while Buck gave a thumbs up "my names buck and I'm ready to fuck" I gave him a weird look as Nomad spoke "I'm good to go" doc looked at me "I've got my gear prepped for when we find her" I gave a thumbs up "lights on people, in and out before they notice the back doors open" I patted Blitz's shoulder as we started moving deeper into the cave. It was mostly quiet until we turned a corner and a 6p41 opened up hitting blitz's shield, he backed away as he tried to get into cover and caught a round to the shoulder. He fell down somehow keeping his shield infront of his as I yelled "Man down!" causing Buck and Nomad to come around the corner firing, keeping the masks head down as I grabbed Blitz and dragged him into cover. Doc wrapped his arm with a pressure bandage "fixing your boo boos" as I pulled the pin on a grenade "Yeet!" And threw it at the machine gun nest. We got back into cover as the grenade detonated and the nest was reduced to sand and torn bags, "blitz how're you holding up? Can you continue?" He spoke "I think so" Buck asked "richter, did you really yell yeet when you threw that grenade?" I looked over and nodded as he asked "why?" I replied "I have insomnia and spend a lot of the nights watching funny videos on YouTube" he nodded slowly as Nomad chuckled. Blitz stood "I'm ready" I motioned him infront of me "let's go then" we waited for him to get infront of us as Alibi spoke "doesn't it seem a bit quiet for a major base?" Buck nodded "too quiet" as we moved through the tunnels at a snails pace, the only sound being the clinking of Blitz's shield. We got about halfway through the cave with no sign of enemies until Scorpion was heard "well would you look at this, richter brought friends that's not very fair is it?" I could faintly hear her struggling against something as he spoke "richter, this is your only chance, come alone or Alice dies right now" I froze as did the team "Everyone stay here, if you move even a foot forward from this point I'll kill you myself. You got what you want Scorpion, I'm coming alone!" He was quiet for a minute "don't worry, I do love a close game. Let's see how far you've come in your years of disappointing me Richter, let's see if you truly judge who lives and who doesn't" I walked silently through the tunnels as I checked corners. I stared down my sights as I came to a left turn, I leaned to my right as I stepped around the corner seeing two masks holding riot shields and m32 rotary grenade launchers. My rifle lowered as I stared at them "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding!" They chuckled as I shouldered my G36k again as the Armored Masks lifted their m32s "you can't pierce our armor with your rounds. "I squeezed the trigger sending a burst of 4 rounds down the barrel hitting the 40mm causing a detonation as the two masks exploded and crushed by the collapsing roof. I chuckled to myself "the duke of destruction is back!" As I climbed up the rubble and down the other side before I continued through the tunnels. It was getting busier as I neared the end of the cave, I saw 3 enemies crouched in a small dug out off shoot of the main tunnel as I pulled the pin on a frag and tossed it into the hole. The masks came into the main tunnel and charged my position firing, I groaned before I popped around the corner firing a couple rounds as I tagged the mask furthest to the right dropping him with 3 rounds to the throat. I ducked back into cover as the last two masks continued advancing on my position, I flipped my G36k to full auto before I leaned around the corner and squeezed the trigger, in 3 seconds my mag was empty and one mask was dead the other was wounded before I moved back into cover as rounds streamed past my head.

I pulled my mk23 from its holster and waited, the barrel of an L85 came around the corner as I kicked it up, throwing a left hook hitting the mask in the throat and I flipped my pistol around hitting the mask in the temple, forcing her to a crouch...

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I pulled my mk23 from its holster and waited, the barrel of an L85 came around the corner as I kicked it up, throwing a left hook hitting the mask in the throat and I flipped my pistol around hitting the mask in the temple, forcing her to a crouch, as I completed the spin and delivered an axe kick to the back of her neck dropping her face first into the dirt as I pointed my pistol down and squeezed the trigger effortlessly twice. I didn't want to take the time to reload my G36k so I kicked the door in and checked right with my pistol seeing it was empty, I spun around and looked at the other corner it was also empty. The confusion only grew as I turned my flashlight and sights to the center of the room and saw someone in a wooden chair with a woven sack over their head, I walked forward carefully before I pulled the sack off their head and saw a random woman I've never seen before. Scorpion spoke again "well richter here's the first test, disarm this bomb vest or the explosion drops the entire mountain on all of you in the mine" I crouched by the woman "I'm going to save you, stay calm and we'll get through this" she nodded as tears ran down her face. I pulled out my wire cutters and checked the mechanisms, battery components and wire pattern, "alright I know what I have to do" as I got ready to cut the upper red wire when the timer hit a 5. I clipped the wire and squeezed my eyes shut opening them when I didn't turn into dog snacks before I moved to the blue wire. I saw a button on the mechanism the blue wires led to and moved my clippers, "alright, I've gotta hold this until an 8" as I grabbed her waist and pressed the button for a painstakingly slow 6 seconds before an 8 appeared on the timer, I quickly released the button and waited to see if the mountain was coming down. "Last one, how're you holding up?" She spoke in a heavy Arab accent "I want to see my family, I don't want to die." I nodded "you're not gonna die here if I can help it" as I moved the clippers to the yellow wires going over her shoulder, closest wire clip at 45 degrees on a 2. I shifted the clippers as it started counting down from 10 seconds and Scorpion spoke "ooh, getting awfully close" I watched as the 3 flipped to a 2 and clipped the wire causing the red light to go out marking the vest as fully disarmed, I sat back on my legs "I told you, you'd get out. Go through that door climb over the collapse ceiling and then take the first right my team is down that path" as I grabbed my chain clippers and cut the gate locks on the vest helping her out of it as Scorpion came over the PA "out-fucking-standing Richter, Alice and I were kinda getting nervous you cut it a bit close. You're next test is in the next room, let's see how much you control your mind" as I started walking towards the next door after reloading my G36, I paused before opening the door and walking through.

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