Cutting off scorpions stinger(finale)

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Derek's pov
It was quiet for a few days until Scorpion sent me another message "hallo richter! I'm sure you've been training hard, as a reward for your effort here's the coordinates for my location. Come alone and we'll end this like men, I'll be here for another 2 days. I'll see you soon" I looked at the coordinates before turning 180 and heading to Harry's office. I arrived 2 minutes later and knocked waiting for the "come in" before I turned the handle and walked in "I need Kali to come on a mission with me" he looked at me "why? Why just you two?" I placed my phone on the table he watched the video "you aren't actually going to go and fight him alone are you?" I replied "I'm gonna try but I want Kali there to provide cover if I'm about to die" he spoke "okay, I'll bite" and called her to the office "Jaimini, would you accompany Derek on a mission to kill scorpion?" She nodded "why just us?" I replied "because it's just gonna be me and him fighting, I just want you there in case I lose and am about to die" she looked at me seeing the pain and anger in my eyes "Alright, I'll do it" I smiled faintly "danke" she nodded as we walked out heading to our dorms. When I arrived I saw aria as she turned to the sound of the door "hey D, I wasn't expecting you to be back" I nodded as I started taking off my clothes and changing "I wasn't expecting to be back so soon" she asked "what's going on? Why are you putting on your gear?" I looked over "I'm going to fight Scorpion" she cocked her head to the side "I didn't hear a call for a briefing" I replied "there wasn't one, scorpion wants to fight 1 on 1. I have Kali on overwatch Incase things go bad" she looked down "you're sure about this?" I sighed "no, but I can't let this opportunity fall unanswered" she looked up before walking over to me. I had just finished putting on my gloves and was about to put on my balaclava when she took my head with both of her hands and suddenly crashed her lips on mine. I let all reservation go as I grabbed her waist and kissed back, she pulled back whispering with a quiver "come back to me" I replied as I rested my forehead against hers "I promise" she smiled "now go kick his ass" I gave a salute "Ja, gnädige Frau(yes ma'am)" she chuckled as her cheeks burned red causing me to say "you look cute in red" before I pulled on the last of my gear and clipped my 417 to my sling.

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She sighed "see you soon" I nodded "and when I get back we can talk about a date" she smiled, the facade had evaporated "sì, we will" I walked out the door and saw Kali walking towards me with her sniper across her back "you ready?" I nodded "I've...

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She sighed "see you soon" I nodded "and when I get back we can talk about a date" she smiled, the facade had evaporated "sì, we will" I walked out the door and saw Kali walking towards me with her sniper across her back "you ready?" I nodded "I've been ready for a long time" she motioned me to lead the way as we wordlessly moved through the halls to the garage. We climbed into one of the SUVs before pulling out and heading to the coordinates which landed near Fort William, I can't believe he's been so close for so long. Kali asked "do you mind if I play some music?" I shook my head no "go ahead, what are we listening to?" She replied "90s rap, one of the few types I like" I nodded "good songs" I heard the music start as I settled in for the drive. 8 and a half hours later we arrived to fort William, "we've got another 20 minutes of a hike before we hit the top of the mountain the coordinates land on" she nodded "I'll be hidden by the time we get there" I rested my hand on the rear grip of my 417 as we walked the silent path that leads up the mountain. I came to a halt when I heard a twig snap, I crouched and sighted down the barrel of my rifle as we waited for whatever it was to cross our path, I chuckled softly as I watched a red squirrel scurry across the path sounding like an elephant. I looked back whispering "I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that" she nodded with a smirk as we started walking forward again. It was quiet until we got 100 meters out and Kali whispered "I'm gonna loop wide and get up the mountain further so I have eyes on the entire clearing you're gonna be in" I nodded "if you see masks take them out silently" she gave the OK hand gesture before I watched her disappear into the dark forest. I mused to myself "it looks an awful lot like the forest in my dreams just normal colors" I shook the thought and kept my slow silent pace up the trail, I never lowered my gun, spinning around and walking backwards trying to see if any mask was trailing me. I arrived at the clearing and walked out deciding if I was walking into an ambush I was dead either way, I looked around, lazily resting my hands on the grip and stock of my 417. I heard Scorpion to my right "I see you wasted no time in getting here richter" I nodded as I looked at him "we playing fair here?" He replied "as far as the masks know I'm meeting with allies, I'll be doing that tomorrow after you're dead." I looked over tiredly "I've gotta be honest, I don't get why you keep doing the same shit over and over and over again to try to kill me. You know I have the training to disarm your bombs and you know torture won't stop me" he replied "I like the insanity of it all, my question is why haven't you realized you're turning into me?" I looked at the sky "I'm not" he laughed like I said a funny joke "oh come on, you're wearing a uniform that's almost exactly like my old one, you've sacrificed you life to trying to kill me as I have with you, you're out here alone to fight me, and you've done the same repetitive things each time we come across each other: Defuser the bomb, secure the hostages, try to find me, think of a way to escape, repeat" I nodded "I suppose you're right but at the end of today, there's only gonna be one of us standing and you'll be in hell burn" he looked me in the eyes "you are angry richter, you are angry. I get that, I mean without family who the fuck are we? There was a time I'd do anything for you guys, I mean the first sacrifice I made was for KSK, but that was not enough, no no no there's always one more sacrifice! One more death! More pain! They always ask for one fucking more!" I felt a chill run up my spine as I realized he may have a point, he continued "how many friends have you lost, hmm? I ask you a question, how many friends have you lost? 13? Is it 13? Do you think that's going to end? You think that all of a sudden your friends are gonna stop dying?" I replied "nien, but I do know that when I step over your corpse it'll be a great fucking day" he sighed "I am so disappointed! You showed so much promise Richter, So much fucking promise! Now here you are, a slave to a country that will just discard you when you're of no use, who sacrifices your friends for some politicians war" I asked "are we going to end this beautiful affair we've had going on or are you going to try to sell your pitch some more?" He sighed "nien, you're right. You're a hopeless case, i suppose it's time I let go of my project" as he pulled his knife, I smirked under my balaclava as I pulled out mine.

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