The fight with smoke

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Derek's pov
I sighed as I wrapped my hands carefully, it's been a really long 2 months. I looked up as I took my dog tags and stared at them, why was life so much simpler before I got these? I heard Adriano and Aria to my left "how you feeling?" I looked over "tired, anxious I want to get out there" he nodded as Aria sat next to me "you're gonna kick his ass" I nodded "damn straight" she smiled as Adriano spoke "you two are a lot alike" I cocked an eyebrow as Aria and I simultaneously asked "how?" He replied chuckling "you both hate help, you both never let your true feelings show, both of you are immigrants and both of you have a deep hatred for something" I nodded "okay, what does that have to do with anything though?" He shrugged "nothing, just saying anyway I had to get your mind off the fight" I heard the bell as I stood and walked out with the two and headed towards the MMA ring. I put in my mouth guard as I focused in, when I got into the ring I crouched bowing my head as I wiped everything except for my reason to fight and the hatred for scorpion. I heard James "come on mate, time to get your arse kicked" I looked up at him as the predatory instincts kicked in, he wasn't an opponent anymore he was prey. The referee spoke "I want a good clean fight, win by TKO, ring out or tap, touch gloves" I extended my fist as James did the same. We backed away as the bell was hit signaling the beginning of the match, James charged forward throwing a strong jab. I grabbed his wrist as well as his flank as I sweeped his leg slamming him on his back, I threw a kick that he used his lower leg to block before he rolled back landing on his feet and got ready to charge forward again. I lifted my fists as he moved closer throwing several strong and fast punches, I deflect some but most pegged my lower abdomen until I reversed and threw him into the corner allowing myself to get several hits into hit chest and face until the refs called round and we backed away. I bounced from foot to foot as Adriano spoke "he's catching you when you go to defense, keep up the aggression and you'll control the fight" I nodded slightly as the next round started I got my fists up as we moved towards each other I feinted a left hook that he went to reverse until I switched into an uppercut and caught him, the hit caused him to stumble opening his guard as I threw a left hook followed closely by a right jab before I took a step back and threw a kick into his neck taking his already compromised balance and causing him to be ripped to the left as he hit the ground. I didn't let up instead following him to the ground placing my knee on his ribs as 3 more punches connected with his head until the Ref shoved me off of him and the medics came to check him since he was bleeding pretty badly and looked groggy. I back off pacing around him as the medic did his checks before nodding to the Ref "he's still good to continue" I smiled to myself as he stood and glared at me he's getting serious, I waited as the next round started and he came running forward jumping and throwing a kick as I spun to the right causing him to fly harmlessly past me as he came back throwing sloppy and readable punches. He suddenly threw a clean unexpected right hook causing me to duck before I took a left hook to the face snapping my head to the left before I took another to the chest as he punched me back into the corner. I grabbed his waist and lifted him up before I flipped him and slammed him broadside on the mat, I fired a knee into his ribcage as I heard a crack before I threw several more punches into his head. He threw me off of him as we stood before he hit several heavy kicks into my ribs as I threw a punch into his chest before he retaliated with several punches to my chest. I threw a left jab that he dodged hitting my ribcage with a left hook, a second right kick hit my arm and the final right hook hit my face snapping it to the side. The bell rung and we moved to our corner as I felt my eye start swelling "christ he's getting some good licks in" Adriano spoke "you can't beat him in a straight boxing match, try to end it quickly and early or he's just gonna out last you" I nodded "I'm dangerous" as I took a sip of water and he patted my shoulder "you're the most dangerous person here now go show him that." When the next round started I lifted my guard and waited for my opening, James came forward throwing a left jab as I ducked and sidestepped to the right throwing a strong right hook connecting with his jaw as he fell back 2 meters. I kept my guard up as he got ready to press forward, he walked forward before throwing a right hook at the same time I did causing us both to stumble back before we moved towards each other trading blows until we both backed away. My face was covered in blood after he split my eyebrow and my lip open, he wasn't much better having a bleeding nose and split cheeks. We took deep breath before I spoke "let's end this then" he nodded "I'll lay you the fuck out" I smiled behind my guard as he ran forward and jumped trying to land a knee on my chest before I kicked up feeling my foot impact the center of his chest as he slammed down on the mat with my foot on his chest. He breathed heavily trying to get air back into his lungs as I went down throwing several hits to his face before he tapped my thigh "you got me, you win, you win" I removed my knee from his chest, stood and extended my hand "come on, get up. You're part of Rainbow we don't stay down here" he grabbed my hand as I yanked him up before the referee took my wrist and held it above my head "We have a winner!" I grabbed my rib as the adrenaline wore off. I walked over to where Aria and Adriano were sitting, I smiled "I did it, Adriano i did it" he laughed "I knew you could" aria wore a small, almost unnoticeable smile "you did good, didn't think you'd survive" I rolled my eyes as Adriano spoke "well now that you can beat James, we'll have to step up our training regiment" I sighed "let me have this, just... let me have this" he chuckled as I climbed out of the ring and gave Adriano a short bro hug before I went to give Aria one and she spoke "no, not when you're all sweaty and stink like a mother fucker" I rolled my eyes "can we go get some food mom or do I have to shower first?" She sighed "why do you keep calling me mom?" I replied "because you always act like one, "did you eat?", "How much have you drank?", "Did you work out?" Always asking a question that my mother would" she rolled her eyes as Adriano chuckled "come on, let's get some food." we started down the hallway towards the cafeteria as I teased Aria and Adriano acted like a big brother joining in and telling me to cut it out sometimes. I sat down with Aria and Adriano as Alice appeared across from us "So I heard you beat James?" I nodded as I felt my swollen eye "it was pretty even but Ja I won" Aria spoke somewhat excitedly so the facade slips "he Sparta kicked James out of the air to win" Alice looked at me in surprise "he really got to you that much?" I shrugged "not really, I wanted to win" as Adriano asked "what does she mean?" I was about to reply when Alice jumped in "he only Sparta kicks when he's getting annoyed with a fight and wants to knock the air out of someone before he finishes them" Adriano gave me a look "So you were getting annoyed?" I shrugged "kinda? It was more I was trying to end the fight quickly" aria replied "no matter the reason it was fucking badass!" I chuckled "thank you, so what'd you two think of the fight?" Adriano spoke "it was impressive, I knew you wouldn't give up but I was expecting your body to give out under his hits." I rubbed my bruised ribcage "Ja, he packs a punch Jesus. mein armer Brustkorb(my poor ribcage)" Alice chuckled at the last part causing the other two to look at her "what? What's funny?" She shook her head still laughing as I spoke "come on Alice, it's not that funny" as I hissed when my hand hit a particularly bruised rib. She replied "Boss, you are one of the most facade heavy people I know and you just dropped that facade for a split second to say "my poor ribcage" that was funny and you know it" I sighed as Adriano laughed openly while Aria chuckled behind her hand. I turned to Aria "so what'd you think of the fight?" She looked thoughtful "I think the fact you managed to stand toe to toe with him and not immediately get knocked out was amazing. I remember he got into the ring with Mark(mute) and mark immediately got laid out." I shook my head "he's that good huh?" She nodded "I'm surprised you didn't immediately die" I rolled my eyes with a small smirk as Adriano spoke "let alone cracking his rib and being as in control of the fight as much as you were, it's impressive for just having basic boxing training and a couple martial arts mastered" I shrugged "i guess, I just got lucky that most of the Martial arts I know have a wide array of throws and reversals" he nodded "maybe so, either way you won and we're all impressed except maybe Alice since she wasn't there to watch" as I raised my voice "like a nerd!" As I heard Aria "what's wrong with being a nerd?" I shrugged "nothing, nerd girls are cute. Alice just hates being called a nerd because we'd tease her about how much trivia she knew about Alice in wonderland" aria looked down as she nodded causing me to ask "hey, what's wrong?" She replied "nothing just thinking" causing Adriano speak "she's wondering if you think she's cute since she's a gun nerd and you said nerd girls are cute" I nodded as she all but yelled "Adriano, what the fuck?!" my mouth formed an o, "Ah I see" I heard Alice "So boss, do you think she's cute?" I looked over seeing her try to bury her face in her hands "ja, she's pretty cute why?" As Alice spoke "awwww, look at that he thinks she's cute" I looked over lazily "I will pt you until you die" she raised her hands in surrender "ok ok, no teasing boss" I rolled my eyes "I don't care if you tease me about me, just don't tease me about something stupid like that, make it fun miss wonderland" she sighed "not fair, you don't show the real you often" I nodded "because I like the air of mystery that not showing who I am gives me"

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