Thirty One

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TJ met with Dez for the afternoon meal rush. Elle didn't show up, which he was expecting. He sat down with Dez, alone, as Kade was on shift at the time. 

"Hi little brother." she exclaimed. 

"I'm only younger by a few minutes." he reminded her. 

"But still younger."

"Shut up. I need to talk to you about something."

"Alright, what's up?" she said while chewing a bite of food. 

"Elle is staying with the Commander in his room." he admitted. 

Dez accidentally spit out her food in shock, "What did you just say?"

"Yeah. I followed her back to her room because she was acting..."

"You followed her? That's fucked up TJ." she said, cutting him off. 

"That's not the point. She's living with the Commander."

"Well I mean, it would make the most sense. She would be safe there and he can easily check her status." 

"No, there's something more going on."

"You don't know that. Don't assume you know her situation until she tells you." 

"You're taking her side? She lied to us." 

"You're acting like a child and being a shitty friend." she said while getting up. "You can eat lunch alone, I'm going to find her." 

Dez left him at the table, alone, and started walking to the Commander's quarters. She had to be careful not to be seen by anyone as she didn't have permission to be there. She was praying that the Commander wouldn't be there and she could just talk to Elle. 

She knocked on the door to his room. There was a long wait before someone opened the door.

"Dez...what are you...that fucking prick." she yelled. 

"I know. I'm sorry but I needed to check on you."

"I'd tell you to come in but it's not my room." Elle explained, walking out of the room and shutting the door. 

"Elle...your hand."

"Don't ask, I'm still mad about the entire situation." 

"TJ was wrong to follow you but why didn't you just tell us that you were staying here?"

"Because it isn't anyone's business, especially after what happened with the soldiers."

"Elle, I'm going to ask this because I'm your friend and I really do care about you. Is there something going on with you and the Commander." 

Fuck fuck fuck. Do I lie or do I tell her the truth? Fuck! 

"Yes." she reluctantly admitted. 

Dez's eyes widened at the shocking information, "Whoa...this whole time?"

"No...mostly after I was moved into his room. I really was placed there by the Supreme Leader for my safety."

"Gods...I wasn't expecting that."

"You can't tell a soul Dez. Swear to me." Elle demanded. 

"Of course I won't. What are you going to do about TJ? You know, I think he's just upset that you kept it from him more than anything else." 

"I'm not obligated to tell him everything." she muttered.

"No but he cares about you Elle, we both do. You've told us everything else so why is this situation different." 

"I don't want Ren to get in any more trouble. He's already at risk of being removed from the assignment with everything that has happened to me."

"You know he would never tell anyone. I think you're just a bit stubborn." 

Elle groaned, "Maybe."

Dez grabbed Elle's uninjured hand and started to pull her, "Come on. We aren't going to do the whole weeks without talking thing again." 

Elle rolled her eyes and let Dez drag her along. She didn't have enough time left to be holding grudges, even though she really messed up her hand this time because of it. Her impulsiveness needed to be kept under control going forward. 

"Oh good, he's still here." Dez said. She pulled Elle over to the table and forced her into the seat across from TJ. "The two of you will fix this right now." she demanded.

"Liar." he mumbled under his breath. 

Elle clenched her jaw and balled her fist but Dez held her hand to calm her down. 

"TJ, stop being a little bitch. Elle, keep your anger in check unless you want to go back to the medical ward again." 

TJ glanced down at her bandaged hand, "Did you really fight with a wall again." He was referring to when she first met him and told him that she'd gotten into a fight with the wall. 

"It's possible." she responded. 

"Possible? I know for a fact that's what happened."

"Alright yeah, so what?"

He sighed, "I'm sorry." 

"Yeah, me too." she muttered quietly. 

"I was right though, wasn't I?" 

"Yes. If you tell anyone, I will torture you so slowly that you beg for death." she threatened. 

He blinked multiple times, wide-eyed at her threat. "I won't. And not because you just threatened me but because you're my friend." he tried to mention. 

"Perfect, the two of you are friends again. Now we can all move on." Dez happily exclaimed. 

Elle gave them a half-hearted smile and excused herself back to Ren's room. 

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