10. Late and beaten up

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I'm ridiculously late by the time I get to school. Its like half way through my second lesson of the day which was probably the worst to show up to because as soon as I walk in I notice the tables have all changed so we're now in groups. And of course theres Ally, Noah, Axel and Jake all waiting. When I walk in no one looks up and I'm slightly relieved.
"Nice of you to finally stumble in Mr Jones." Miss Brooks says loudly enough so everyone looks up. "Do you have a reason for being this late?" I just walk off and try to leave the room. "MR JONES GET BACK IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yells.
"Make me you old bat!" I yell back. Of course though 2 minutes late I'm taken back to her lesson and I'm forced to sit down at the table with the others. Ally and Jake are sat opposite me looking baffled and shocked and Axel and Noah who are to the side of me are both speechless.
"Are you-" Jake starts but I cut him off.
"I'm fine." I snap and turn away from the others. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I sigh thinking its Jenna, but when I look up its Kylie.
"Come with me." She says and I leave my stuff.

"So your back?" I say in disbelief as I close her locker door so she looks at me.
"And you back to fighting?" She fires back.
"You didn't even say goodbye. I thought we were better then that?" I sigh.
"I wasn't gone for that long Max." She sighs and I have to bite my lip to stop myself laughing in disbelief.
"8 years Kylie! And thats not long?" I yell. She seems to shrink a little.
"Okay, I get your mad but you don't have to yell at me." She controls her anger and frustration much better then I do. I just shake my head at her.
"No, you can't just leave and then show up and tell me how to live my life." I say lowering my voice to almost a whisper. She puts her hand on my cheek and looks at me with concern.
"Whats happened? Why are you so angry?" Her voice is calm and steady.
"Don't." I say pushing her hand away. She looks slightly hurt and in my head I just think, good. I just stormed off in a mood and basically ignored everyone the entire day. I went to lessons but either kicked off or moved to the back or away from the others. Then at break and Lunch I'd either get detention, or sit in an empty classroom for the remainder of the time. And on the walk home I'd either leave early or get an after school detention. This carried on for the rest of the week and I could tell they were starting to loose their patience. Though it was Friday I wound up in the most trouble.

I'd been spending my nights out with the other friends I have and last night we may of done some drinking. I know it's hypocritical of me to drink when I hate my dad for drinking but I honestly don't care anymore and I don't even know why I'm acting out.

I stumbled into the gym still slightly drunk and definitely hungover. Coach wasn't in and so I was off the bench, of all days the one day I don't want to do Gym they make me do it. Its a pretty simple lesson get into groups and exercise. So of course Ally, Jake and that lot team up and rope me into it and then take me to the furthest part of the field to talk.
"What the hell!" Jake yells first and I run a hand through my hair.
"Shhhhh." I wobble slightly as I say this.
"Are you drunk?" Noah yells and immediately grabs hold of my shirt.
"Yeah, so?" I laugh. Noah punches me hard across the face and I actually fall on my back.
"You idiot! You hate your father for drinking and then you go and drink!" Noah yells.
"What is going on with you Max?" Ally asks. As I push myself up and look at her.
"Where do you wanna start? What the part where you couldn't decide 'my type'? Or the part where I gave up sleeping cause theres no point? Or when Kylie came back after 8 years of silence!" My breathings heavy but everyone's faces suddenly change to... sad?
"Max?" I look at Jake and he's gone timid and shy. "Kylie passed away 8 years ago." I look at him in disbelief.
"What? No thats... thats not possible because.... I saw her?" My voice cracks and I can feel my chest tightening.
"Maybe its because you haven't been sleeping." Axel says.
"NO! No, your.... your lying." Theres tears in my eyes as reality starts to sink in again. Jake walks over to me and brings me into a tight and supportive hug. "My sisters dead?" I cry sadly and I see Ally's eyes widen in shock. Ive been living in denial the past 8 years and its only just hitting me. But I don't remember how. I pull away from Jake and look him dead in the eye so he knows it's serious.
"What?" He asks.
"How did she... how did she die?" My hands are shaking and my heads pounding. Though before Jake answers theres a ringing in my ears and everything goes blurry and slow. And I collapse.

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