2. Coaches office

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"So whats your name?" I asked the girl leaning against the desk. She looked at me with a confused expression. "What?" I asked defensively.
"Ally." She sighed looking away and up at the ceiling. She didn't seem bothered at all.
"So... coach said you'd already completed all of your laps? You must be quick."
"Sure." She sighed. She jumped up onto the desk and crossed her legs and sat down on the edge sideways to avoid eye contact with me. We basically sat there in silence of a while and I could feel my exhaustion slowly creeping back.

"So what happened out there?" I looked up shocked to see the gir... I mean Ally with her head forward towards the window but her eyes looking to the side over at me.
"What do you mean?" I asked slightly fidgeting, trying to get comfortable again.
"People don't normally just collapse." Is all she says.
"Just over did it I guess." I shrug not really knowing what to say. She makes a small "hm" noise almost as if she's thinking before she continues to stare out the window. "Not much of a talker then?" I state.
"Only when I need to be." She doesn't even glance at me. I sigh and fall back on the old worn out sofa. Now she looks at me.
"What?" I ask curiously.
"You just seem frustrated." She says with a slight shrug.
"Well its not particularly fun being stuck here..." She silently laughs and looks down at the ground and turns her head away from me. "I don't mean it like that." I say. She just shrugs and shakes her head slightly.
"You should though. Everyone else feels that way around me." Her voice sounds lost and distant and she looks down at her hands where she plays with her collection of bracelets.
"What do you mean?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"It doesn't matter, I doubt you'd care." Then before either of us can say another word coach comes back in and takes me to the main reception.

Once I'm there I'm greeted by Jakes Mum and Dad who both give me a hug and take me back to their house. Their basically my second parents, Ive spent more time with them then I probably have my own over the past few months. I even have my own room at their house which I use a lot but they never mind. They're friends with my parents and so I've known them my entire life and they know how tough things have been lately. But still none of them really care about that they just care about whether or not I'm happy or safe. I'm so lucky to have them in my life right now, especially after everything they've done for me. So as soon as we pull up on the driveway they unlock the door and I thank them and go up to my room. I throw my bag in the corner of the room and fall back on the soft and tidy bed. I take a few deep breaths and try to de stress myself as much as possible before I get comfortable. As soon as I'm in more comfortable clothing I climb under the duvet and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

It's a relief to finally get some sleep after countless sleepless nights. And too be honest it would probably be worth it to take Jakes parents up on their offer for me to live with them until either things got better or until I was able to live on my own. But I don't want to be more of a burden on this family then I already am. Though every few nights now and again I do tend to stay the night to catch up on some missed sleep.

When I wake up I realise its almost 8pm. I've basically slept through the entire day and not even realised. I look out the window and see the breathtaking yellow and pink sky. Then there's a knock at the door, another thing I love about this family they knock and wait for you to answer.
"Come in." I still sound half asleep as I push my self up into a sitting position and cross my legs under the duvet. Jake walks in and closes the door behind him. He walks over and sits on the edge of my bed.
"You look better." He laughs slightly.
"Thanks" I laugh back.
"Well mum wanted to know if you wanted anything to eat?" He asks raising an eyebrow. Just the thought of food right now makes my stomach feel uneasy.
"No thanks I'm not really hungry." I say sounding slightly nauseous.
"I get it, Oh by the way mum said to keep hydrated." He chucks a bottle of water at me which I surprisingly catch.
"Thanks." I say running a hand through my hair.
"Don't mention it, anyway I'm gonna leave you too it and help my parents with whatever their doing." Jake said as he pushed himself up off the edge of the bed and made his way over to the door. He opened it and then closed it again behind it. I must be really tired because I then start to feel myself falling back to sleep.

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