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Ive been texting Ally for 3 days straight now about this stupid project and well.... other stuff. Turns out shes actually not that bad. I told her I'd had a small tumble off 'my bike' and thats why I wasn't in school. It felt a bit wrong to lie to her but I couldn't exactly tell her the truth. So when I woke up the first thing I saw was a text from Ally.

Ally; hey sleepy
Max; hey I have a reason
Ally; oh yah cause you scraped your knee falling off your bike

I don't know why that makes me laugh but it does.

Ally; all jokes aside how are you feeling.
Max; still kinda rough
Ally; must've been quite the fall
Max; yeah...
Max; so hows school
Ally; boring as usual
Max; what lesson you in
Ally; PE
Max; are you still benched
Ally; Yeah! So unfair.
Max; I'm sure you'll be back in lesson soon
Ally; yeah right
Max; you'll probably beat me to it
Ally; I doubt that
Max; I don't, trust me.
Ally; oh yeah so this project thats due tomorrow
Ally; any chance your gonna be in for it
Max; very very unlikely
Ally; shame
Max; how is it?
Ally; don't get to see that stupid smug grin.
Max; what?
Ally: just please try and get better soon
Ally; the one interesting person in this school is gone and I'm having to do twice as much troublemaking
Max; awww what a shame
Max; just admit you miss me
Ally; never Jones
Max; deny it all you want I know the truth
Ally; hate you
Max; hate you too
Ally: 😂😂😂😂

Ok I know how that looks but its just harmless. Right?


Max; good luck
Ally; thanks I'm gonna need it


I'm officially bored out of my mind and i still have like 2 or 3 more hours till Jake gets back. I'm not gonna lie when I say I really need a shower. I'm still in the same clothes I've been in this whole week and I feel disgusting. But Karens about to leave to go out for a few hours and I'm gonna be alone for the first time this week. Which of course it took an hour of persuading Karen to go out and go about her normal day. Though right before she left I heard her greet someone at the door. A girl. At first I brushed it off as a friend of hers then the front door went again and I assumed both of them had left. Then I heard the door of my room open. I thought it must just of been the breeze then I feel some sit on my bed next to me.

This has to be Jake pulling some kind of joke to annoy me surely.
"Dude what the hell?" I say sitting and rubbing my eyes. I then look to my side and my eyes widen in shock when I see Ally!
"Some bike accident?" She says suspiciously and I sigh.
"Look I-" she cuts me off.
"Its okay, you don't have to explain." I let out a sigh of relief.
"What are you doing here?" Suddenly her cheeks go bright red and she hesitates.
"Uhhh to tell you we passed the project thingy." I raise an eyebrow at her.
"Sure...." she just huffs and stands up.
"Okay I came to see if your stupid self was okay." I smile at how much this bothered her then my face dropped when I saw her face fill with concern as she took a closer look.
"What?" I ask nervously.
"Just looks pretty painful." She say shyly.
"It is." I say sadly.
"Let me guess you've told everyone your fine." I look at her. Somethings different.

Suddenly I'm a lot more aware that I haven't showered.
"I ummm I kinda need to have a shower." I say nervously and she looks at me.
"Oh yeah, sorry of course. I'll let myself out." I smile weakly at her. Then as soon as she leaves I try to stand but a small yell of pain escapes my lips and my breathing is heavy and the rims spinning. I hear Ally rush back into the room and instantly joins me at my side.
"Are you okay?" She sounds genuinely worried and I just look at her confused.
"I'm fine." But as I try to move again I have to bite down hard on my lip.
"Okay your not fine. Sit down." She orders.
"What?" I ask.
"Sit down and let me help." He says practically forcing me to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Why do you always help me?" I ask and she pauses.
"Just shut up." She says. She starts by taking in my sweatpants off but thankfully leaves my boxers on. Then she moves to my shirt and I quickly yank it down. I haven't even looked at my chest yet but I know its bad.
"It's okay." She says calmly and looks me in the eyes.
"Just.... don't freak out." I beg and I can see the concern in her eyes.

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