Im ok🌷

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Ok so this may or may not be a sequel to the last one

Todoroki PoV

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling of my bed room.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought of Izuku. I pulled the jacket I gave him closer to my face and took a deep inhale of the smell. It still smelled like him.

He died because I couldn't keep him in my arms. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fucking fault. Izuku is dead because I couldn't keep him safe. His blood is on my hands.

I sighed and got off of my bed. I might as well go and do something productive. I'll go on a walk.

Dabi pov

"So. How's the kid?" Twice asked

"I don't know, he ran off and I haven't contacted him since." I said

"Hm." Twice said in reply


I held Shouto's jacket away from my other hand and I looked at the green hair boy in front of me. He was holding onto Shouto for dear life earlier. He-

I shot my fire at him and he didn't move. He was right-


He was standing there, melting like one twice's clone, but in front of him there was a little body on the ground. It was- no... the one on the ground was the kid. The one melting was one of twice's clones.

I picked him up and he was ice cold.


I held him close and tried to warm him up. I shook him until he at least looked slightly awake.

He groaned and looked up at me

His eyes grew wide and backed away.

I was ok with killing him but now I'm not? What the fuck is wrong with me

"I'm sorry- I-... Tomura can't know you're alive. He'd kill me if he found out I didn't kill you. So, just meet me in the back and we'll think of something then, ok?" I said. He nodded and stood up. I walked inside and went to my room. I open the back door and let Izuku in.

"We can make a fake body. A fake burnt body a-and so they will think you're dead!" I say

"That's stupid." He says.


"If that's what you want to do, we can do that. " he cut me off.

I nodded. I ran out of my room and then ran up to twice.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my room.

"Weren't you supposed to kill him?" Twice said

"You literally made a clone of him" I retorted

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