shoto todoroki [𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙖𝙡]

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shoto todoroki sat stiffly at his desk in the very back of class 1-a. at first glance, any average person or classmate would see that his face was devoid of all emotion. however, his heartbeat quick and irregular, though he tried to ignore it. the boy's goal was to focus on his schoolwork; there was no time for nonsense and uncomfortable feelings. 

however, as he tried to force his heterochromatic pools of turquoise and warm brown to focus on the assignment that was incomplete and helplessly splayed across his desk, they kept looking up as if they had a mind of their own-

-looking at [name]. she intrigued him. her [e/c] eyes were bright and optimistic, yet calm and grounding. her smile was beautiful and sparked so many different emotions in todoroki; emotions he had never felt before. 

"stop." the boy mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth and looking down. opening his heart up to someone else would only cause himself harm and heartbreak, and distract him from his path of becoming a strong hero. 

"shoto, we all know you like her." a soft voice said from beside the half-and-half boy. shoto lifted his head up in surprise to see his green haired friend, midoriya, slightly flustered from being so blunt. 

"i think you should tell h-." 

"i don't like her." todoroki quickly said, cutting midoriya off. and it was true. todoroki had no feelings for [name]. he couldn't. he wouldn't. he was completely fine without her. it was just a mindless little infatuation, that would most likely go away with a week's time. 

"you've liked her for a month now. i've noticed. these feelings don't just... go away." midoriya whispered. todoroki refused to engage in conversation about a girl that he definitely did not like. upon receiving no response, midoriya sighed and looked away, going back to his assignment at hand. 

"deku!" a soft voice said. todoroki glanced up quickly to see none other than [name], standing in front of the two boys. a hopeless look was on her face as she held up her assignment, which was covered in erase marks. 

"can you please help me? i'm completely lost!" 

"of c-" midoriya then paused. "actually, i'm not very good at this subject. todoroki can help you, though." 

'dammit, midoriya!' the boy cursed in his mind. 

"oh! would that be okay, todoroki?" [name] asked shyly. 

"of course." todoroki said, his voice monotone. the girl slid into a seat beside him, inquiring about the problem she was having trouble with. 

'i don't like her.' todoroki thought, as the sweet smell of her [h/c] hair overtook his senses. 

i don't like her.' as she leaned her smaller body towards him, inches from his warm chest, staring intently at the assignment. 

i don't like her.' as she looked up into todoroki's eyes with those beautiful, sparkling, hues of [e/c]. 

"[name]!" todoroki quickly burst out, before he could stop himself. 

"huh?" the [h/c] haired girl looked up at him, curious about his sudden outburst. 

"uh-umm, can i please talk to you after school?" he asked. 

"of course!" 


after the last bell rang, todoroki grabbed his school bag and hesitantly made his way to the roof of the school, where [name] agreed to meet him. 

as he walked out on the roof, [name] was already there, smiling with delight at the beautiful sky above, which was dipped in a heavenly honey-colored pink and orange. in addition to the sunset, small snow flurries had begun to fall to the ground. 

"oh, todoroki!" the [h/c] female called out to him. only then did he realize that he had been staring at her. 

todoroki's heart beat quicker as he walked closer to the girl. her uniform's collar was a bit wrinkled from the day's activities. loose, baby strands of her [h/c] tresses blew ever so slightly in the gentle evening breeze, accompanied by the soft ruffling of her school uniform skirt in said icy, winter air. 

"todoroki, what did you want to say to me?" the girl asked, her voice soft and sweet. todoroki looked down at the girl and grit his teeth. 

"[name], i'm having some... trouble. I thought you'd be able to help me." 

"trouble? with what?" [name] said, looking concerned. "are you okay?" 

todoroki's eyebrows furrowed as he willed himself to maintain a monotonous expression. 

"I think... I think i'm in love. but I don't want to be," todoroki clenched his jaw. "I don't want to be because i'm afraid of opening myself up. but this person that i'm in love with... I know she won't hurt me. but i'm just... i'm scared. of opening up my heart. i'm scared that once she sees the real me, she won't like my mess of emotions, so I keep telling myself that I don't have feelings for her." 

"oh todoroki," [name] said empathetically, looking into his eyes. "i'm sorry you feel like that. but if you truly love her, and you believe that she will love you too, you should tell her."

although [name] cared for todoroki finding someone who loved him dearly, deep inside, she wished that she was the 'someone.' 

"but how can I know if she's willing to accept every part of me?" todoroki asked quietly. 

[name] turned to todoroki and smiled slightly. the boy's heart basically stopped as her messy hair, slightly powdered with snowflakes, dropped down slightly to frame her face. he stared at the wintery sunset reflected in her gorgeous [e/c] eyes. 

"todoroki, when someone truly loves you, they'll love every part of you." 


I don't like her. 


"i've spent too much time convincing myself that I don't have any feelings for you, when the truth is, I do. and I hope you accept me. these new feelings of vulnerability are new and... difficult for me to express. but if there's one feeling i'm certain of, it's that.. I love you." the boy said softly, looking down with a small hint of blush across his cheeks. 

[name] widened her eyes in shock. 


the boy winced, knowing rejection was coming. however, his face relaxed as he felt a small, soft hand placed over his. 

"I love you too, todoroki. I love every single part of you."  

todoroki breathed out softly and gently tucked a piece of her [h/c]  hair behind her ear. as he leaned in and gave her a kiss, [name]'s stomach exploded in butterflies. the warmth and sweetness of it fueled her pure affection for the boy. 

todoroki then entwined his hand in hers, as the two watched snow flurries fall against a wild landscape of scarlet on the quiet roof. 



i didn't think this was that great but oh well 

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