Chapter 3

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The atmosphere drastically changed after the news of war got spread. Drishti was scared and Lavanya was comforting her . Lavanya had a lot things going through her mind.
" in case anything bad happens , I need everything ready for Johor " said Drishti
"Dear everything is going to be alright" said Lavanya

Drishti told the maids to keep sandalwood together and in case it to be burned. Drishti made all the woman to be ready in last dressed . Lavanya stood spellbound by all the happening. The woman were called together to gossip to keep their mind off Things and in case they can go together .

"My Queen , I'm scared if telling the truth " said one of the woman
"Why? " asked another woman
" our enemy is said to be a harsh and Ruthless king " said the woman
" most of the kings are like that" said another woman
"He gets what he puts his mind into and it's heard he have nearly 5 wives" said the woman
"I've heard it too" said another woman
" he keeps beauties from the place he conquered for himself and the places he want to conquer the most , he marries them " said The woman
" I'm pretty sure the king told us in case to do johar he is scared for us and wants nothing like that happen to us" said one of the woman

Drishti was in deep thoughts accompanied by Lavanya .Lavanya had something else going on in her mind and the talk of the woman made her fear of her calculations going wrong . Drishti was scared for her husband, her family and her kingdom .

" I don't want to be a part of daksesh is any way" said a woman
" we won't " said Drishti at last breaking from her thoughts
" I agree" said Lavanya breaking from her thoughts hearing Drishti's sound

"We are here to keep our mind off it " said Drishti
" Aunty please amaze us one again with your wonderful voice" said Lavanya

The woman started singing and there was a slight change in The Whole atmosphere. Drishti thought to dance with the song trying to take mind off things . Drishti was accompanied by several other woman and Lavanya was still in her deep thoughts. Seeing this Drishti pulls Lavanya's hand to stand up and dance . Lavanya does few steps at start , when Drishti turned she went back to her thoughts standing there.

" queen can I come In " asked a messenger
" come in " said Drishti
" we are really near to losing, king told us to move to Johor place"
"What! " shrieked the always cool and calm Drishti
"Queen it's the truth and you should only perform johor if they enter our city " said the messenger
" if there isn't anything more you can go " said Drishti

Drishti had tears in her eyes and Lavanya looked puzzled. Lavanya had rebels mechanism build in her , she was always against Johar and she was not ready to perform in any shape or form. Drishti wiped her tears .
" lets go " said Drishti

Drishti and the woman started to move to the place where the fire started to burn but they were in the steps. Lavanya accompanied them in case they are told to perform planning to run
" where is Praneel " asked Drishti
" I don't know my queen " said the maid
" I'll look for him" said Lavanya

Lavanya walked around and found Jamina running towards her with a nod. Lavanya understood what she said and moved towards her room
" Praneel come out its your lovely aunt " said Lavanya's trying to hide her pain in things
" aunty " saying that Praneel came out of Lavanya's bed

Lavanya took Praneel to her lap and hugged him tight and showered him with her kisses . Praneel was confused but he loved his aunt a lot and showered back some love. Lavanya showered him love as there is no tomorrow.
"Praneel go with Jamina aunt " said Lavanya
" where are you going " asked Praneel
" I'll come in some time " said Lavanya trying to comfort him
"Promise " asked Praneel
"Promise " said Lavanya .

Lavanya went near her bed and took her shawl from under and tied it around Praneel . She then went to praneel's room and took some dresses and essentials.
"Jamina give this to them " said Lavanya and gave Jamina her big necklace
"Ok dear " said Jamina and kept it in her pocket
" take this for yourself " said Lavanya and took her necklace
" why is there a need of this" asked Jamina denying the gift
" in case you need any emergency money" said Lavanya
"No , I can't " said Jamina
" you have to please " said Lavanya and Jamina couldn't deny her more
" let's go " said Jamina , she took Praneel ' s hand and left .

Lavanya did all of this for her family.  She didn't believe in johar and she didn't want it so she was going to run away. She went to the room woman were present to see them .
" they are arriving, please do it " said the messenger
"Lavanya and Praneel"shrieked Drishti
"I'll take care of it please don't make your people have a bad fate" said the messenger

Drishti took small steps to the hot burning fire and the women accompanied her. Drishti was near the big fire which will engulf her and Lavanya's heart beat went like crazy . After few steps  Drishti wasn't seen , a tear came from Lavanya's eyes accompanied by several others. According to what Lavanya heard she should leave now or she would be dead.

It was too late the soldiers had arrived and Lavanya didn't want to get killed or captured by them , she slowly hid behind of the pillar.  She could hear The footsteps of her enemies and her heart beats were fast but she knew now wasn't the time fear , it is The time to escape.

" Woman have conducted johar , King is going to disappointed " said an enemy soldier
" not any lady but a beautiful one too " said one of the enemy soldiers

"I'm not that beautiful " Lavanya thought to herself.

She saw everyone left from there . She slowly tried to move the the next pillar than slowly exit . She tried to make the run.
"Where are you trying to go my love " a male voice whispered in Lavanya's ear and she was trapped by his hand around her neck.

She wanted fight and go but darkness slowly engulfed her maybe because the pain she felt in her neck was a dart gun , which had sleep poison......

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