Chapter 27

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"You can't have nice things darling because you break them just like my soul"

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"You can't have nice things darling because you break them just like my soul"

Lavanya woke up with a sneeze , she was sneezing uncontrollably. She realised the cold water had shown it's trick.
Lavanya then realises that she was in her bedroom and she smiled in relief.

"God is this the best time for a cold"she rants

She feels pain on her hands and that's when she realise that the chains of the day before left her skin red with sprinkle of wounds. Her legs too were in the same way . She moaned in disconvineace.

"Lav shall I come in"asked Jamina
"Come in "said Lav
"What happened"asked Jam

"Gift from the great King Harshveer"said Lav sarcastically
"Why"asked Jam

"He caught me when I went to my Piara"Lav said
"Is he crazy"asked Jam

"I pretty much think so"said Lav
"I'll go and get you some medicines to put on your wounds" said Jam

Lavanya tried to get up but her legs were hurting , she took a deep breathe and an excruciating pain shot up . Seeing her best friend in pain Jamina went towards her to help her get up , both of them heard someone clearing their throat.

"Your job is to guard her and not help her , understand Jamael " said Harsh and Jamina nodded
"Unlike you she isn't heartless " said Lav

" you mean he" said Harsh
" when I see your handsome face I lose my senses trying to get out of there" said Lav

"The pleasure is mine and I wish you have learned to stay away from Pia" said Harsh with a wicked smile

Harsh left and Lavanya started muttering abuses under her breathe . Lavanya wanted to punch that smirk out of his face badly but she knew no physical pain is as painful as mental one . Lavanya took a deep breathe and got up.

"Lav , let's leave I can't see you getting hurt like this " Said Jam
" I won't , I need my revenge " said Lav
" try to think straight for a second" said Jam

"I need to see regret in his face that is the thing  which will tame the fire of my anger" said Lav

"Drishti di is so right , you are very stubborn and this stubbornness will put you in trouble one day" said Jam

Jamina left angrily and Lavanya got lost in her memories

It was a cold night at Chaturajy , Lavanya was slowly sneaking out of the palace. Jamina was waiting down for her , she was still angry for the blackmail Lavanya did . Lavanya's feet hit the ground and she held onto Jamina's hand . Both of them ran a little far from the palace .

" lav you will get me killed one day " said Jam
"I will not , don't you believe me" asked Lav
"You are crazy , why are you sneaking out " asked Jam

" just like that " said Lav
" you are visiting the market once in a while so why are you sneaking" asked Jamina

"I am treated like a princess that time and now I'm a commoner , there is a difference Jam" said Lav

"You are crazy" said Jam
" let's go , we need to return soon" said Lav

They both started walking through the market , Lavanya always had a fascination when she walked as a commoner. She would have appreciated a simple life instead of this Royal life . They looked through things and Jamina walked alarmed .

" lets go" said Jam for the hundredth time
" but Jam" said Lav

" nothing Lav , we should leave now " said Jam strictly
" ok " said Lav

Lav and Jam walked towards the palace . Jam stood in the ground and Lavanya started climbing towards the palace corridors. She was surprised when she reached up.  Drishti stood there with crossed hands and Lavanya knew she was in trouble.

" what were you thinking " asked Drishti
" nothing much" said Lav
"Do you know how much dangers are residing there" said Drishti
"But" Lavanya tried to reason

" you are a princess, you are more safe in the palace than going to the market with Jamina" said Drishti and knew That Jam will kill her if Drishti asks about this

" I won't do this again " said Lavanya
" I know you are lying and you will continue, I need you to understand this " said Drishti
" I understand " said Lav

" you don't understand a thing, this stubbornness will get you killed one day " said Drishti

Lavanya missed her family a lot , she lost her loved one in this battle. She was taking this revenge for them too . She wanted to make Harsh hurt like she was hurt . Lavanya took a bath in the excruciating pain when the water touched her wounds.

" god don't let anyone Catch me today" she prayed

She looked in the surrounding, she was passing through the kitchen which was the long way to Piara's chambers but that was the safest . She noticed no one was around except Kayna . She saw Kayna putting some fluorescent pink powder to the food .

" this girl is crazy " she muttered to herself

She started walking towards walking towards Piara's chambers. She told what all happened to her . Lav heard some footsteps and she hid under the bed . She saw the food , it was the same food in which Kayna added something. Lavanya threw it without thinking about the consequences.

" what are you doing " asked Zara
" I saw her adding something in it " said Lav
" who , I'll call the king now if you don't leave" said Zara

" Zara please understand, I think this is the reason she isn't improving " said Lav
" how can I not think that you are coming here and poisoning her" asked Zara

" Zara please understand " begged Lav

Zara noticed there is some fluorescent powder in the floor which spills from the food . Zara took a piece of cloth and took the powder .

" if this powder is the poison I won't complain but in case it's nothing I'll complain " said Zara
" ok" said Lavanya taking a deep breathe....

Author is crazy
Don't kill me for being late . Today was the day I should have gotten my glasses but I didn't . Guess who is living in Containment zone with triple lockdown.
I'm sorry this isn't much eventful but I worked my brain a lot because I was clueless of what to write.

I've dropped enough clues , I think.
Guess who is the real culprit?

Can you give this girl
40 votes

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