Chapter 8

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"Why did she make me do this" Harsh thought to himself while lying in his bed trying to sleep , her face comes into his thoughts when he closes his eyes. Never in his lifetime he felt guilty for doing something even though she shouldn't have done that .

" Pia tried a lot to save this girl which meant she might have told her not to run , why did she do this?" Was an another thought lingering in Harsh's mind. He turned from one side to another to get some sleep . But thoughts of Lavanya never left his mind even though he didn't know her name .
He felt hypnotized by her eyes. Harsh always maintained to keep a cold person avatar infront of his people. Even at first his wives had to face it , he ever felt guilty to them. It was an unknown feeling to him and he had no idea how to tackle it.
He went outside and there was a guard outside .

"Call Taresh"said Harsh
"Yes my highness " said the guard

The guard went to call Taresh and returned with Taresh in a few minutes, during that time also the feeling of guilt lingered through him.
"My King Harshveer Daksesh" said Taresh

Taresh stood near the door and Harsh moved towards him for a Brotherly hug. Taresh and Piara was the only friend figures in Harsh's life , others are in the edge of betrayal and Harsh wasn't ready to take that risk. Taresh was the head of the army, a young man who achieved heights due to his hardwork.
He was Harsh's friend from childhood, they both raised together. Taresh was just like Harsh , Harsh was cold to people other than really close ones but Taresh treated his army as his family but mistakes were dealt with cold.

"Taresh how are you" asked Harsh
"I am great , what about you" asked Taresh

" feeling good"said Harsh
"Why you called, is there any problem " asked Taresh

"Nothing as a problem" said Harsh
"Tell me " said Taresh

" I just felt that our army forgot the basics after learning the complex " said Harsh

" we could again start from the basics" said Taresh
" that could work " said Harsh

"There is something else" said Taresh
" there is nothing " said Harsh
"Harsh don't lie"warned Taresh

"It's just, for the first time I feel guilty" said Harsh
"I guessed it right so did Piara "said Taresh to himself

"What did you guess right" asked Harsh
"Nothing Harsh, by the way you talk to her and it might help" said Taresh
"How did you know I was talking about her" said Harsh

"Just friendship instincts" said Taresh
"You and your madness" said Harsh with a laugh
"But you love me" said Taresh

"You are the best friend any lucky person could have" said Harsh and went for a brotherly hug.

"Harsh by tomorrow the army will start from the basics and be powerful than ever" said Taresh

" what's the big problem now , now your exaggerating my comment and I should not have said it" said Harsh

" Harsh I just want us to be better than anyone and you just stated something for improvement" said Taresh

"We are better" said Harsh
"No kingdom can defeat us" said Taresh
"That's the spirit "said Harsh

"Harsh I need to plan things so I will have to go" said Taresh
"Ok" said Harsh
"Try talking to her to take your mind of her " said Taresh and left.

He left with leaving Harsh spellbound, he never felt this speechless by his accuracy. Taresh started walking through the corridors and saw Piara and Lavanya .

"Piara you are right " said Taresh and left.

Piara started smiling in happiness and Lavanya was confused. Piara had talked to Taresh that she thinks Lavanya is the one and by saying Piara is right he meant that he also thinks that Lavanya is the one. According to Taresh , no girl ever made him feel guilty of doing something and she is the one who made him feel guilty , she could accomplish things never done yet.

"Who was it" asked Lavanya
"He is the head of the army and my close friend Taresh" said Piara

"Isn't he too young to be a head "asked Lavanya
"Harsh and Taresh were old enough to conquer lands years ago" said Piara

7years ago
The current Daksesh was ruled by a idiotic king Vardhan, the youngsters of the land didn't want to be ruled by him. The only way of getting rid of him is defeats him. The head of the group was Harshveer. The group of youngsters was trained to defeat the army and Taresh headed them. Both of them were excellent leaders.

The most soldiers in the army was against their ruler, which reduces the amount of blood spilled. The only opponent that was the people who served the king with their life but the youngsters were sure to defeat them .

The youngsters entered the palace with their army, most of the soldiers at the palace joined them . All of them were fed up with the king . The youngsters and the soldiers in the leadership of Taresh and Harshveer went to the chambers of Vardhan.

Loyal soldiers started attacking Harsh who was going to kill Vardhan
"I'll cover you " said Taresh

Taresh started fighting who came near Harsh and Harsh started fighting defending Vardhan . While fighting Vardhan falls in the bed . Harsh took his sword and stabbed Vardhan in his heart.

"Now I command myself as the king of this kingdom " announced Harsh
"All hail King Harshveer" said Taresh
"All hail" said the remaining people.

"During the fight Taresh told he will cover for Harsh and he did that always" said Piara...

Hey , it's your author, I don't usually do author's note but I'm doing it now. I'm updating even though I had a mental breakdown , Imma losing my mind. So please vote my book. The votes and reads ratio is really horrifying. Don't forget to hit the ⭐

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