Chapter 24

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"I wish I could give you my pain atleast for a moment. Not to hurt you but so that you can finally understand how much you hurt me"

Lavanya felt pain all over her body. She tried getting up and she failed a lot of times. Atlast she was successful. She kept her foot into the floor and tried to stand up . She fell into the floor that instant , she clutched into the bed and tried to stand. She was successful and she had a lot trouble walking. She dressed and started wimping towards her room.

"Do you need any help"asked Jamina
"What are you doing here"asked Lavanya in surprise
"The king asked Jamael to guard Princess Lavanya"said Jamina
"Really"said Lav
"Yup"said Jamina
"Jam help me"said Lav and Jam gave her hand

Jam helped Lav get to her room. Lavanya was in pain and Jamina bought her a pain relief medicine. Lavanya took a bath with the help of the maids. Lavanya felt a bit relief by the water , she was torn in the insides. Her insides hurt a lot and she felt ugly by the Bruises in the body.

"My highness do you need anything"asked Kabya
"I'm fine, can you leave me alone for a while"said Lav
"But my highness"said Ashie
"Please, I need it"said Lav
"Ok"said Kabya

Kabya held Ashie's hand before she could say anything, Kabya felt pain in Lavanya' voice and decided to give her some time. Lavanya never expected this much to happen. Piara' health left her hurt and Harsh left her heartbroken. She wanted peace which was not with her anymore. She closed her eyes trying to find peace.

Harsh was going insane slowly , the attack on Pia left a big impact on him. He wanted to kill Lavanya but it would be too easy , He wanted her to suffer . Her Cries gave him some kind of Satisfaction , he felt bad for her in a second and the next second Pia' face comes to his mind.

"Any idea what happened" asked Harsh
"My highness I think it's a poisoness plant essence , the Queen might get concious during Dusk ,dawn , sun at its peak and moon at its peak "said the medic
"Will she able to speak"asked Harsh
"Not soon , she might when the poison start to wear off"said The medic
"Ok"said Harsh
"There must be help for the Queen because Conscious isn't much , she might need help for doing her essential things" said the medic
"She has personal maids"said Harsh
"Can I speak to the maids about her food and things"asked the medic
"Zara"called out Harsh
"Yes my highness"said Piara's head maid

The medic wrote down the timings and food to be given , he have the paper to Zara. Harsh read it and  this broke his heart . He was burning in anger by knowing the condition of Piara , he was furious with Lavanya. Lavanya was taking rest in her bed and Harsh was raging be the peace she felt and the pain Piara is in. He holds her hands tight and drag her towards his room.

"Please leave me hand , it's hurting"said Lav

"Your deserve the pain, infact you deserve more pain"said Harsh

Harsh dragged her into his room and closed the doors. She was shivering in fear , by one night she knew he was capable of breaking her soul. He walked towards her and by each step her heartbeat increased. He held hair tight and winced in pain.


I ain't going to retell the note in the before chapter. Read at your own risk because I itself can't read it again🙈

"Won't you help undressing your lovely husband"said Harsh

She nodded negatively on disgust flowing through her body. Death was a better option at the moment . Harsh tightens his clutch on Lav's hair and a lone tear comes from her eyes.

"Do it"said Harsh in a scary sound

Lavanya stretched her hands towards the strings of his pants uninterested and sulking . She closed her eyes tight when she pants fell down. Harsh rolled his eyes in  exasperation . He took her hair tight.

"Open your eyes "he said

She slowly opened her eyes with a flow of urge to close it as soon as she opened. At this time her tears were flowing like a water fall.

"Suck it"said Harsh
"No, please let me go"said Lavanya begging

"Remember your place , you belong to me understand and now try to become a good wife by obeying your loving husband"said Harsh

She slowly swallowed his member dishearteningly . Regret of not joining her family for death was something she felt nowadays. Harsh held her hair tight and moved her face to and fro according to how he pleasured. Disgust is the word to define what she felt.

"Use you hand too if you want"said Harsh

She knew it was not an option but a command . She felt hell doing it but her fate was not that great at the moment. Harsh started moaning in pleasure and Lavanya felt disgusted in herself. His seeds were in her mouth and she was going spit away in disgust.

"Swallow it princess"said Harsh

She had forcefully Swallow his seeds , she could feel bile rising up her throat by what just happened. He continued what he did last night and she stood there like a lifeless doll in the wait of death.

After sometime time he stood  to leave and she was left crying , bleeding , Bruised and broken.  Atleast she felt relief by him leaving.

"I have a surprise for you tonight"said Harsh while leaving.....

Gorgeous author says
I have no idea that is there a poison like that , it's completely my imagination. Yeah, it's ancient time and no drip methods so I had to give some time for concious (I've got no idea in these things) . My imagination is wild .
I had a lot of sarcasm and irony to say in this chapter but I didn't want any interruptions. I know this chapter isn't that great but I'll say I'm not great in it

Important note
I wanted to say something in the last chapter but I didn't . The reason is boring

Anyway. Martial rape isn't right , it will never be right. Consent is important and you need to Speak up when anything like that happens. I don't want to promote Martial rape but the story is it is what it is . Consent is everything . You know everything so I'm not repeating what your have been hearing but understand what Harsh is going isn't right in any shape or form

Should I do more mature content or stick strictly into the storyline?

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