Chapter 26

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Double update with a request

She woke up in his bed surprised. The last thing she remembered is losing her concious in the water. She saw herself in a new dress.

Harsh held her close to him and took in her scent . She felt disgusted in herself my this gesture and that was what Harsh wanted. He smirked and bit her neck.

"Aah"she screamed
"Scream louder and no one is going to care"said Harsh

He felt satisfied by her screams , he felt that much hatred towards her by what she did . The nightmares of the before days flashed in her eyes and she knew that the nightmare continues.

"I want you so much now wifey"Said Harsh

He started planting kisses in her neck and she wanted to get out her body because of what he did . He left his clutch over her and started walking towards her. She started taking steps backwards.

"Where are you going wifey" asked Harsh
" away from you " said Lavanya
" your wish is my command " said Harsh

Harsh walked away and Lavanya stood there speechless. She couldn't believe what just happened . She decided to take a bath , the second the water touched her body the past day' horror came to her mind .

" I'll break your soul into pieces and that's my promise " said Lavanya to herself

She closed her eyes tight and forced herself to walk into the water . She was facing her knew phobia which she knew would only trouble her . She adapted slowly into the  water and she felt peace at last . She was heavily disturbed by her thoughts.

"Oh god save me' she said

She got out of her bath and changed into comfortable clothes . She decided to sneak meet Piara as she knew Harsh won't allow us to meet . I slowly walked towards Piara and saw her laying in the bed which made  Lavanya's eyes water . She heard the sound of Anklets and hid under the bed

"How is the Queen"asked a lady
"Not good to tell the truth , the poison should have started wearing off but still no change" said Zara, Piara's servant

"O god , let her recover fast" said the lady

" the alarming other thing is that if Queen Piara doesn't get better soon , Krysel would be the temporary queen" said Zara

"She has a bad attitude and is too posh, she might create problems and she isn't as intelligent as Queen Piara" said the lady

"I agree , I miss Queen Piara she was so sweet and kind , this Krysel is a headache in a nutshell" said Zara

" I think Krysel is better , Runa is always in her prayers , Shumi doesn't think anything else than dancing, Kayna is 24/7 plotting to get Harsh and we don't want our place to be a group prayer of our people dancing" said the lady laughing

"If The new bride Lavanya didn't make all these problems she was a good Temporary Queen , She has brains If she could atleast get out of our palace but what to do" said Zara

"If anyone see us gossiping we would be dead , I am going " said the lady
" yeah I'll come in a second" said Zara

Zara went to the nearest table and took some leaf and started rubbing that on Piara's skin. Lavanya had the fear of being caught but she was enough still for Zara not to notice . Zara took a handful of different things and grinder them , she later rubbed it on Piara's arm.

"Queen Piara please recover fast , we need you so badly " said Zara

"You are the only one who can bring King Harsh back to sanity and save your dearest Princess Lavanya" said Zara

" please Recover" said Zara

Zara got up after rubbing and left the room. Lavanya slowly got up from under the bed and took a deep breathe in relief . She sat beside Piara and started sobbing again.

"Piara do you know what all happened.......He took my virginity......He forced me ......I held on to your words but are wrong ....... He left me in ice cold water........" Lavanya started narrating the incidents
"Pia please come back and hug me " said Lavanya

"Tell me everything is going to be okay " said Lav

There was silence because she was sobbing hard. Pia was the light in many lives and light should return.

" Lavanya " a voice roared

She turned and saw Harsh looking at her burning in anger . She was slowly burning in his anger with third degree burns . Harsh held her hand tight and dragged her towards the basement of the palace . He signaled everyone to leave . Within second she found her hands tied with chains.

"How dare you get near Piara, what is your next plan is it to kill her " asked Harsh holding her face

" I would never hurt Pia " said Lav
"Don't speak her name in your dirty mouth" said Harsh

" you know that words hurt and when you will regret everything " spat Lav

" you are telling me that I'll regret punishing the person who tried to hurt Pia then you are wrong" said Harsh

Harsh went to the side and took a whip and Lavanya was bulging in fear . She could feel knots in her stomach in fear . Seeing this Harsh got an unknown feeling of satisfaction. He was hurt by Pia in pain and knowing Lavanya is the reason let him Furious.

"Please don't do what I'm thinking you're going to do " said Lav
"Do I act like a person who will obey you" said Harsh

"I didn't plan the attack , I promise on my brother " said Lav
"You are a selfish b***h who does only care about herself" said Harsh

She felt her hand burning , it was because of the whip which Harsh hit with . He undress her and starts hitting her naked body with a whip . She was screaming and sobbing in pain , her screams were nothing less than a song for Harsh. She slowly felt relief from the pain by slipping into darkness.

Author is crazy
This ain't such a great update, I know. I just wrote like that so forgive for my mistakes. I know there are a lot of unnecessary things . Don't kill me for making Harsh continue his madness .
I'll try giving updates every three days (atleast not now until I get my glasses)

If time permits you please watch Dil bechara , your crazy author would be struggling like Ananya Pandey to see the film between her tears.i ain't kidding , I've not completed the trailer because I was crying making me hard to breathe.

If possible stream to Dil bechara, it's free

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