Chapter 29

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There is no greater pain than the pain of Regret

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There is no greater pain than the pain of Regret

"I messed up , shit" Harsh groaned
"You messed up big , sorry but Messed up in an understatement for what all Shit you did" said Lavanya screaming the last words
"Lavanya....."said Harsh
"I don't think you deserve to say my name , I don't want my beautiful name impure" said Lavanya spilling rage through her words.

Lavanya wanted evidence so she can throw the evidences to his face. She was going towards him in full rage to unleash. She happened to Hear what all Zara said.

Lavanya was walking towards Harsh' room with a smirk on her face. She was waiting for this , she wanted to stab him with her words and actions . These stabs won't kill him physically but he would have died Every second of his life.

"King Harsh , Princess Lavanya is innocent "said Zara
"I can't get why everyone is on her side even though she is the reason for all this chaos , didn't you ever care about Piara "asked Harsh

"I care a lot about Queen Piara but Princess Lavanya is Innocent because I know who might have done it" said Zara
"Who" asked Harsh

"It's Princess Kayna "said Zara
"Yeah , she might be a little obnoxious but I don't think she might do something like this" said Harsh
"Harsh  give her time to talk, if you could blame Lavanya at least let her tell her reasons" said Taresh
"Ok continue" said Harsh

"Princess Kayna is plotting this from the last month , her maid told she was Missing several nights , she also went like she was hiding something" said Zara
"What does that prove" asked Harsh
"Harsh let her explain , Zara please continue" said Taresh

"The guard who guards the border of the Restricted area saw Princess Kayna but he didn't stop her because she isn't restricted towards there" said Zara
"She might have visited one day , it doesn't prove it" said Harsh
"Anything else other than that Zara" asked Taresh in a cool voice

"She was spotted there several times for a fact , she was spotted there near the time of attack too , one of the cleaning maids clarified that" said Zara
"She can go around there , we got Lavanya' earring from there so do we need more evidence pointing towards her" Said Harsh

"Harsh stop scaring the lady , Zara tell me without any issues" said Taresh
"The maid who saw her had went to towards her to say that an earring was tugged into her skirt but Princess Kayna didn't give her a chance to say" said Zara
"Don't tell me it was the same earring which we got from the area" asked Taresh

Zara nodded and the room went silent for a second. A lot of thoughts were running in Harsh' and Taresh' mind. Lavanya felt better by seeing their troubled faces. Zara felt disgusted by the monster but she was unable to open her month.

"To be honest you are a monster who doesn't have a heart , I'm human but you never treated me like one but I'm sure you are a monster" said Lavanya

Lavanya felt caged until the second and unleashing her anger made her feel better. But she wasn't completely better yet , she wanted to stab him more and more.

"I can't stay silent anymore but when thinking I was never silent but you never gave a damn about me , if you had given me a chance to say all this won't have happened , but I tried to say but you always sealed my mouth by showering me with colorful and offensive words

"You never considered me human , instead you tried to break me like a doll and never have a thought while breaking my soul , you are just a heartless beast "screamed Lavanya

"Lav.."Harsh tried to speak
"I've kept my silence now it's time for you to keep silence , you always threw me like a doll , you married me without my consent , took my virginity without my consent , you gave me pain , don't you think I am with love , care and respect but no you don't because you are a bloody sinner" screamed Lavanya

Lavanya was screaming and tears were flowing from her eyes. She fell down in pain and Zara came towards Lavanya to comfort her. Zara hugged Lavanya tight trying to calm her.

"You bloody tell me, why are you punishing me for a crime that I didn't commit  , tell me the bloody reason why you tried to break me , tell me" said Lavanya

Lavanya was sobbing on Zara's arms now. She was breathing hard and Zara was trying her best to cool her down. Harsh was very guilty of what he had done.

"Lavanya , I- I" Harsh tried to speak
"You can't say anything from your sinner mouth , you are the devil himself for me , you are nothing less than a sadist" screamed Lavanya
"Lav-"said Harsh

"You are a bloody Sadist who gets satisfied by seeing me in pain , you gave me pain by Slapping me , Whipping me , Raping me and the list goes on you Sadist" screamed Lavanya
"You are the cruel cold heartless Sadist Monster king Harshveer Daksesh" screamed Lavanya

Lavanya was burning in rage , She was in pain and she would be turned into ashes by her own Rage . Her anger was increasing like a fire seeing his face. Seeing Lavanya in the floor , Harsh was feeling Guilty than ever.

"You are a malicious , Vicious , inhuman Evildoer , you are pure Evil , a bloody brute and you disgust me to my core" said Lavanya

"Lavanya I'm sorry" said Harsh

"Do you think you're sorry will make everything fine , will your sorry mend what all Happened , will you sorry change what happened in the past" said Lavanya
"La-"said Harsh
"I didn't know your Sorry was a time traveling sorry" said Lavanya

"Lavanya I'm truly sorry , I mean it" said Harsh

"LIAR , LiAR" screamed Lavanya
"Listen Prin-"said Zara trying to calm her by hugging
"You f***ing LIAR" screamed Lavanya

Lavanya's voice was so loud , it echoed around the Palace . It echoed on repeat on Harsh' mind . Anklets were heard around the palace.

'thud' a sound echoed again

"Pia..."whispered Harsh...

Crazy author
Guess who is back in the picture?

This update is something to be honest. This update is an accurate representation of what happens when an Eminem fan gets a dictionary. This chapter is an example of synonyms.

Anyway , this chapter is ummmm...I don't know..... something like crap because I was clueless of what to write.

Tell me how was her outbreak.... Complete the vote please , I worked hard by downloading a dictionary and exploring it. I deserve it because I never research for the book and I did it for the first time

If you feel to Slap Harsh
42 votes please

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