chapter 25

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Welcome to my not so perfect update but let's live with it.

It's kind of the 10th anniversary of One direction. I was supposed to update tomorrow but 1d day so I had to do it.

"You don't drown in the water by falling , you drown by staying there"

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"You don't drown in the water by falling , you drown by staying there"

Lavanya felt a shiver through her body by his words. She got up and went to her room. She buried herself in the water trying to calm herself. The day passed faster for her.

"Call me if you need anything"said Kabya
"I will"said Lavanya

She sat in her bed with deep thoughts and she felt shivering. It was a cold winter night at Daksesh and she didn't do good with Cold . She heard footsteps and by each footsteps her heartbeats increased.

"Great, you haven't slept yet"said Harsh
"Mmm"I hummed
"Anyway ,I would have woken you up if you were sleeping"said Harsh

Lavanya felt a shiver throughout her body by Harsh' words. She remembered his words which he said at morning and she felt goosebumps all over her body . She was not ready for what is in store for her . She was playing with her hands in confusion.

"Why don't we go for a walk" said Harsh
"I-I-I " Lavanya started to stutter
" stop stuttering and come" said Harsh

She didn't want to go with him . She didn't move a bit and sat there. She was nervous and her hands were cold which was a reaction to her being nervous. Harsh was getting restless by her silence and stillness. Harsh couldn't handle her being peaceful even though she was nervous by his words.

"Come with me now or I won't have trouble in Dragging you , to be honest I'll be only delighted by dragging you " said Harsh

"I'm coming " whispered Lavanya
"Great" said Harsh sarcastically

Lavanya slowly got up from her bed nervously. Her cold feet hit the cold floor sent chills around her body . She started walking alongside Harsh . They were walking near the pool , which was their private pool no one was allowed to enter other than Harsh , Pia and Taresh.

"Aaaah" screamed Lavanya
"O great " said Harsh

Lavanya got out of the cold water in the pool. Harsh smirked after pushing her in the cold pool. Lavanya had started shivering the second the water touched her skin . She never did good with cold water .

"Why did you do this" asked Lavanya
"Why asking , are you cold " asked Harsh

Harsh stood near the pool smiling , he felt relief by seeing her suffer . It was winter at Daksesh making the water cold plus they were in high altitude which only increased the coldness. Lavanya tried to get out of the water with her numb body .

"No my princess, since you love the water so much why don't you enjoy it" said Harsh
"Please don't do this, I don't do good with cold " said Lavanya

"Now it's more of a pleasure, don't try to get out until the sun rises tomorrow I would be checking " said Harsh

The cold water collided with the warm tears arising from Lavanya's eyes . She couldn't believe her ears , how can a person be so cruel was a question which rose in her mind . She closed her eyes in pain , when she opened her eyes she saw Harsh smiling in Satisfaction.

" Please don't do this" said Lavanya

" you will regret this" screamed Lavanya

" your heart is much colder than this water" screamed Lavanya

Harsh gave her words a deaf ear and started walking away . Lavanya was sobbing , She saw him slowly slip out of her sight . She was all alone , the only light was the torch lit few steps away from the pool . She pulled her body towards the light .

" Why is this happening to me ' she whispered to herself

"Why am I being punished for a crime I didn't commit" asked Lavanya to herself

She started wondering what her life have become, her life as the princess of Chaturajy . The memories of her flaunting her name as Lavanya Chatura , Lavanya Chatura Harshveer Daksesh is something she wanted to erase from her life. A voice bought her back to senses.

"Lav what are you doing in this cold water, you hate cold temperature and its freezing outside itself" said Jamina

" Jam what are you doing here " asked Lavanya
" duty calls , what are you doing here" asked Jamina

" my God-like husband, sorry correction Monster-like husband " said Lavanya

Jamina couldn't digest what she heard . Jamina knew Lavanya from her childhood and she knew clearly that Lavanya didn't do good with Cold temperature. Jamina hated the king more than ever , she felt angry by seeing him hurt her Princess and friend.

" let's escape. We both can escape from this hell and live a good life outside Daksesh" said Jamina

" I won't" said Lavanya
" are you out of your mind" asked Jamina
" I want to see him suffer " said Lavanya

Jamina was confused by Her answer . She knew it would be hard to escape but she was ready to take that risk seeing her friend in pain. Jamina was ready to give her life for Lavanya and Lavanya here was talking about staying in this hell.

" we can stab him and leave" said Jamina
" that won't be enough. I want to break his soul " said Lavanya
" how are you going to do that" asked Jamina

" the Pain of regret when he hears that I'm innocent, the pain of forgiveness and I'll give that pain perfectly " said Lavanya

" so you are saying that you are going to revenge by hurting yourself , what a brilliant plan " said Jamina sarcastically

" I'm not Kidding, the emotional pain is the worst type of pain and it breaks a person " said Lavanya

" you are crazy and he drove you mad" said Jamina
" Jam you can't stop me from getting my revenge " said Lavanya

" Jamael " called out Taresh
" I'm going and all the best" said Jam
" take care" said Lav
" I will" said Jam

Jamina got out of her sight and Lavanya was looking at the burning fire from the torch . The torch was slowly going out and so was Lavanya's conscious. The fire went out Lavanya slipped into the darkness.....

Author is crazy
Harsh crossed the line long ago but this was Bad , I am a person who doesn't bath in cold water at all (you can say I'm spoilt in this case) . He is such a monster .
By the way this is a chapter I wrote breaking my writers block so hit the star instead of clapping for me.
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