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I wonder,
Everything is full of mystery and wonder, dangerous wonder.  Perhaps, by the time you were reading this, someone or anyone around the globe, there's a heinous activities that were happening, so many things are happening every second that passed, every minute and hours that been continue to run— aside from that, you were also wondering what's happening from a specific country or a place or whether what your friend doing at this moment and all.

But have you ever had this urge..this urge to exclude everyone from a specific person, The itch of removing everyone out of your path, excluding them by force, either they want it or not.

In the city of "Winchester"— there's a boy in the age of nineteen, watering his plant as he stand there, with his shoulder slumped and looking so tired as he watched the water flow over the green plant, He's getting tired too fast lately and he doesn't even know why,

"Ah, It's getting tiresome at some times.."

The boy said as he decided to stop and put down the hose as he sat down by the muddy grass as he watched the fresh watered plant.

"Come on, bear fruits already! I really believed that you would bear tomatoes one day.."

The boy said with a huff, He was getting tired of watering and fertilizing the plant that he started to take care when he was 18, but the said plant doesn't even grow one, it just keep getting taller and greener every month..

"I believed one day that you will bear that delicious fresh tomatoes! And once you do, I would eat it."

The boy laugh heartily as he stood up from the muddy floor, he wiped his forehead from the sweat that forming in his face as he walked back to the small house he lived in.

His name is...Martin Alfonso, He lived in Winchester— not the city— but the Rural part of Winchester where people like him mostly lived. He was not rich nor poor but he wasn't living in a average life either, it's like he's in the edge of being literally poor.

His house is away from the city, nor even the crowded part of the rural place, He was a little isolated, living in a small wooden house that still looks decent by his frequent cleaning and repairing to make it more lively than it used to be.

This house is where the only thing that his parent left for him as they passed away in a tragic accident, He was used to being isolated that it doesn't bother him anymore.

In his small backyard near the forest, he plant fruits and vegetable that he patiently raised so he can eat something in times where he's lack of money for food to buy.

It was hard at first but that doesn't become a hindrance anymore..

Away from anyone is much better than dealing with people who would probably exclude sooner. That's what he thought.

But his life has just only began.


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