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I happily hummed as I look outside the window of my office, ahh, I wonder what my love doing right now? He must be sleeping or eating or maybe watching a movie right now,

I grabbed my phone as I open it, I saw my sweet little love smilling on the lockscreen, It was a clear stolen shot of him, He was so cute!

As I unlock my phone, I tapped a few times before opening the security camera of that room- It was loading for a few minute until it was cleared and there, I saw him, playing games on the tv, It was so adorable seeing him confused and..full of curiosity on his surroundings as he press the buttons over and over again and when he won, It was the cutest noise I heard as I watch him giggle in delight as he won the game,

Then, After that, He stood up looking around until his eyes caught mine in the camera, but the cctv/ security camera was a little visible for him to see, then, I was shocked to see him wave at it, like he think he was on tv as he wave both of his arms, smilling so brightly that I..I wanted to go home now! I want to hug him at this instant!

"Boss, Someone is looking for you."

My secretary spoke out of the sudden as she poked her head out of the door, I only gave her a nod as she close the door and a few minute later- The door opened, revealing a man that I didn't intend to meet.

"Mr. Moreau"

My younger brother - Vicentius Moreau, greeted, I stare at him with no emotion as I spoked.

"Vicentius, What in hell brings you here?"

He looked at me, with a sneer in his face as He walked closer to my table as he slam his hand on it.

"Did you, Did you dare to interfere my plan, huh?"

He sneered as he glare harshly at me, instead of answering, I let out a laugh.

"Oh, Oh, Why would I? You see that I am busy, right?"

I said as I ignored his glare at me, This little boy is hideous.

"Don't lie to me Ace, I know what you've been up to. I know that you kidnapped someone and all that shit."

He spat as I put down my phone gently, as I focused my eyes on him, He can see himself through my glasses as I lift up a smirk.

"And so? We're just the same. Unlike you, My love has adored me! He even hug me!"

I smiled- widely, As his glare sharpen but then, he moved away as he let out a sigh, He looked up at me and exclaimed;

"I-I-I will ask Santino about this issue! Fuck you!"

He said, embarrassingly as he leave my office, slamming the door close-I only gave a small wave as I know that his..lover doesn't even look at him the way my love look at me, so pathetic.

Ah, I wanna go home now, So I can spend the rest of my noon with my love, But surely- It can wait.

But I can't.


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