1. Guilty tears

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That's all lance felt. He was lying in his bed, crying. And you may be wondering why. Well before this Shiro had snapped at Lance. Lance had accidentaly messed up at a mission, and Pidge had gotten hurt. She was currently in one of the healing pods. Lance feelt guilty, SO guilty. But all he did was cry. Because that's what he was, a pathetic crybaby. So he did what a pathetic crybaby would do. Cut. Blood started running down his wrists and thighs. And still all he did was cry. Not because it hurt. Because he deserved it. Then he heard a knock on his door.

"Lance? It's me, Hunk"

"Are you ok?"

Silence was all hunk got in return. And that's when he started getting more worried.

"Lance? Lance, please open the door."

Hunk knew about lances anxiety and depression. He would normally take pills but now that they were in space. It wasn't exactly easy to find pills.


Lance slowly made his way to the door, shaking. He had at least stoped crying. He lifted his hand to the door handle, about to open it, but decided against it. Because he had promised Hunk he would stop cutting. He just couldn't let Hunk se him like this. It would break his heart.

Lance heard Hunk sigh and then  walk away from the door.


Hunk walked into the room everyone was sitting.

"And?" Coran asked

"He didn't let me in...i'm sorry"

"No, no, no. Don't say sorry. Everything is my fault" Shiro said

And again silence.

Then Keith stood up

"Let me try" He said and then he was gone.

Keith knocked on lances door

"It's me, Keith....are you ok?"

Lance decided he couldn't be quiet forever, so he answered with a quiet:


"No, you're not Lance."

*sniff* "Why do you even care?" Lance was starting to tear up again.

"Why should i not care?"


"Lance, we're a team and that's what teammates do. They care for eachother......and i know we aren't best buddies or anything because of this rivlrary thing going on, but you're still my friend. And nothing anyone says or does can change that."

Lance was full on crying now, again, infront of his door, his arms stinging.

Keith sat down on the floor with his back to the door.

"You don't need to open the door if you don't want me to see you.....we can just sit here, talking like this..."

"N-no, It's ok...." Lance unlocked the door.

"You can come in..." Lances voice was shaky from crying

Keith opened the door to see a crying Lance on the floor. His heart broke in two when he saw Lance wrists. There where cuts all over.

Keith locked the door behind him and then sat down beside Lance. And now silence. The only thing that could be heard was Lance sniffing. Keith took Lances hand and stood up, singnaling for him to come with Keith. And thats what Lance did. Keith lead them into a bathroom.

"Sit." Was all Keith said.

Lance did what he said and sat down on the toilet. Keith started looking through the drawers until he found the thing he was looking for. It looked something like the bandage Lance had at home.

"Normally we would heal the scars in a healing pod but, i figured you didn't wanna tell everyone about the cuts. So lets do this the old fashioned way!" Keith said and held up the bandage thingys.

Lance could feel his lips curving up into a little sad smile.

Keith took Lances arm in his hands, careful not to hurt him. He then bandaged Lance arms.

" 'Ight, can you take your pants of?" Keith asked.

Lance turned a light shade of pink. And when Keith saw that, he noticed what he had said.

"Oh god, no, i didn't mean it like that. I meant that you need to take your pants of, for me to be able to get to the scars!"

"H-how did you know i had cuts there too?" Lance asked.

"Uhm....Cuz they're kinda blood stained."

Lance looked at his pants.



And that's it for today guys. Hope you liked it :) sorry if it was kinda short.

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