5. A very awkward mission

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(3rd person pov)

Both Lance and Keith had forgotten about the cards. Instaid they just sat there on Lances bed, enjoying eachothers presence.

(Lances pov)

I never really noticed how beautiful Keiths eyes were. The way they perfectly shine in the light of the lamp in my bedroom. Or his smile and how it can make me feel like I have noddles for arms and legs.... WAIT HANG ON BRAIN, when did i start thinking things like this about KEITH. Do I have a crush on him? I probably do...

(3rd person pov)

"What? " Keith asked.

"What? " Lance also asked.

"You were staring. "

"Well i'm sorry you have pretty eyes..." Lance said to himself a little louder than planned.

Keith blushed at what Lance said.

"Thanks... " Keith looked down in his lap to avoid awkward eye contact.

Lance blushed even more than Keith when he understood that Keith had heard what he said. Then the castle alarms started bepping.

"Paladins, come to the control room now! "

Lance and Keith got up and ran there even though Lance really didn't want to. When they got there Shiro, Allura and Coran were already there. Then Hunk and Pidge ran in there to.

"We have got a new mission, planet Lerua (I just came up with something) has called for help. So go to your lions!" Everyone ran to their lions. Then everyone flew to Lerua. The planet looked like earth exept the colors. For exampel, the trees looked exaktly like they did on earth but they were pink. And the Grass was purple.
When the paladins walked through the forest, it was extremly awkward. Shiro and Pidge walked first and Shiro really didn't enjoy this, for obvious reasons....*cough* Lance was there and he hadn't really abologized*cough*
Pidge just looked tired and sad. Why? No one knows.. After them walked Hunk and Keith. Hunk looked mad. Not like angry mad, I mean like crazy mad. Keith looked worried. And then was Lance at the back. He just looked.... Broken, numb. Lance feelt extremly uncomfortable. Until he heard a very sothing voice. It was coming from the sea behind some trees. And before he knew it, he was walking there.

Yeah, uh thank for reading... Bai!

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