4. Thank you Keith.

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(3rd person pov)

Lance walked to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror.

"I can't even look at myself. "

He quickly took a shower and then sat on his bed and read a book. Allura had given him the book. That made him remember his birthday is soon. The others will probably forget. There was a knock on his door. Lance opened the door and of course it was Keith. With food.

"You know Lance, I can't keep doing this everytime. The others are asking more and more questions. Pidge even asked if we were dating. "

Lances face turned a little red at that.

"W-what did you say? "

"No? We aren't dating right? "

"Never with you Mullet. " Lance joked.

Keith smiled and sat down beside Lance on the bed.

"What are you smiling at? "

"Nothing." Keith softly said.

"Okk? "

Lance started eating.

"You still not gonna eat? " Lance asked.

"I'm not really hungry. "


Lance said that to make Keith think he didn't care. And at the right moment he would jump on him. Lance may have lost the last time but not this time.


Lance jumped on Keith and was on top of him for once.

"Lance, w-what are you doing? "

"You, sir Kogane, is gonna eat! "

Lance scooped a full spoon of food goo.

"Say aaaa."

Keith was flustered for three reasons.
1: Lance was on top of him.
2: Keith had never been feed.
3: This was Lance, and Keith just feelt a weird tingly feeling in his stomach.

But despite this Keith obeyed and opened his mouth. He had no reason why he did as told. Lance feed Keith the food goo.

"Can you get of now? "

Lance hadn't realized he was still sitting on Keith.

"Sorry.. "

"It's fine. "

".... "

"... What were you reading? " Keith asked.

"Oh, just a book allura gave me. "

"What's it about? "

"It's about a girl who was left alone on a boat, with no memories. She tries to figure out who she is and why she's there, on the boat. The boat is at sea so she can't escape." (Do you understand what i'm trying to say?? ;) If you know, you know)

Keith nodded his head. And then there was an awkward silence.

"Thank you." Lance said.

"For what? "

"For being here for me. And i'm sorry for this rivlary thing. "

"It's nothing, really Lance. And you don't need to say sorry, I was a jerk to... "

"Do you wanna play a card game? "


Lance got up and started search the drawers. He tossed out a lot of stuff. Including a picture. He didn't seem to notice he did. Keiths curiosity got over him and he looked at the picture. It was a picture of Lance and a lady. They were smiling and laughing, while looking at eachother. Lance looked like he was about 7 years old. And his front tooth was gone. The woman looked young and really pretty. She was carying him. It was a cute photo.

"Hey, you threw this out. " Keith held the picture.

"Oh, thanks.. " Lance seemed to get a little sad.

"It's a cute picture. "

"Thanks..." Lance sadly smiled at Keith.

"Is.. Is that your mom? "

"Yeah.. It is. "

"You miss them, don't you? "

"I do. " Lance started crying.

Lance sat back down beside keith, on the bed.

"Look at me, i'm pathetic. " Lance said with tears running down his cheaks.

"You're not pathetic. I think you're strong for being able to express your feelings. "

"Thank you Keith. " Lance smiled at Keith again but happier this time.

He was happy to have him here.

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