10. Mission find Shiro and Pidge

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Keith, Lance and Hunk parted ways and searched for Shiro and Pidge. They said they would meet at a bridge they saw after 30 minutes passed. Not that they knew when 30 minutes had passed but yeah. Lance searched shops. Hunk searched the houses. Not inside but you get what I mean. Keith searched where there weren't much people. After about 30 minutes they all returned to the bridge with no Shiro or Pidge.

"Nothing? " Keith asked and Hunk and Lance shook their heads.

"Maybe if I stand on the railing I can see them. " Lance said.

"You'll fall. " Keith said.

"No I won't. "

"Yes you will. " Keith walked up to Lance and held his waist.

"Now you won't fall. "

"Thanks.. "

Hunk was still confused to why and how they have gotten so close. But that didn't matter. What did matter was this little alien worm who was about to ruin everything. So the worm was creepy and ew. And so it scared Hunk when it was crawling on him. Hunk fell backwards, on to Keith. Keith also fell in the process which meant he let Lance go. And then came a big ass bird thingy that wanted to eat the worm. It was fast as heck and startled Lance so he fell because Keith wasn't holding him.

Moral of the story: Don't be scared of an alien worm who needs help.

"Lance! " Keith got up and looked down in the water.

"I'm fine! I think... " Lance shouted.

Hunk and Keith went down to Lance. And Lance swimmed to the shore where they were standing. When he got up he noticed the big cut on his right thigh. It was bleeding very much.

"Omg, bro your leg! " Hunk said.

"Uhhhhhmmmm.. " Lance was confused to how he got it.

"Can you walk? " Keith asked.

"I think so- oW! " Lance tried getting up.

"I take that as a no. "

"What are we gonna do? " Hunk asked.

"I'll carry Lance. " Keith said.

"No it's fine, really. "

"It's not fine Lance. " Keith picked him up.

"I'll go get something to clean the wound with. " Hunk said.

"...... "

"...... "

"So ehm about the... Kiss.. " Keith awkwardly mentioned.

"What about it?.... " Lance said.

"Ehm we haven't really talked about it much... "

Both of them were a crimson red.

"There's not much to talk about, we kissed to heal your foot.. " Lance imediatly regreted that.

"Right.. "

"Hey guys, I'm back! " Hunk was holding some grass looking thing.

"What's that? " Keith asked.

"Some dude said it would help. "

"And you trusted him? " Keith said.

"..... "

"Here test it on me. " Keith picked a sharp rock up and was about to make a cut.

"Hey, hey, hey no! It's fine. You don't need to sacrafice yourself. " Lance said while taking the rock from him.

Before Keith could say anything, Lance snatched the grass (?) from Hunk and put it on his thigh.


"It's fine." Lance reasured

"Is it healed? " Hunk asked.

Lance removed the grass and it was suprisingly healed.

"Can you walk now? " Hunk asked.

"Yep.. " Lance actually didn't wanna walk. He was exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep but he was very good at hiding stuff like that.

"Ok, c'mon we don't have all day. " Keith said.

The trio decided on walking together instaid until they would find Shiro and Pidge.... This was gonna be a long day...


Thank you for reading and thank you for 240something reads! I am very grateful :') <3

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