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                      (Keiths pov)

"Ok, ask away. " I said

"Why are you being nice to me?"

You know what Lance, good question. I mean like, it would be wrong of me to not be nice and all. But we have always been rivals. Bickering and fighting like small children. Like it all started two days ago, when Shiro had gone a little angry. No one managed to make you let them in, so I gave it a try. I have no idéa how I, of all people got in but yeah...... Oh right, I still need to answer.

"Ummm, I- I don't know??...."

Quiznack, you're stupid Keith! That just sounds mean! It sounds like someone bribed you to do it and now you just regret it.

"... Ok.. "

"I didn't mean it like anything rude! I just- forget i said that..."

"..... "

"..... "

Ok, now this is just awkward.

"Ehm... I am gonna go train nowww, so eh bye.. " I awkwardly said while walking to the door.

"Oh, ok bye.. "

"If you need me I'll be training or in my room. " Why the heck are you so cringy Keithhhh!

                    (3rd person pov)

Keith left the room, leaving Lance alone. They both forgot that question Keith had. But it didn't bother Lance. The blue paladin had decided tomorrow, he would leave his room. He just needed this one more day to calm down. Lance layed down on his bed and stared at his cealing. It was plain white and boring but still intresting. For some reason Lance started drifting away. His thoughts got taken away and all he could se was darkness. Even tho he had his eyes open. Or were they really open? They just were but now there not. His bed dissapeared underneat him. He was floating in the darkness. Lance didn't know why he didn't open his eyes. Maybe it was just relaxing, to not need to worry and overthink everything. He didn't move and just went with it. Then he got snapped out of it when someone was shaking him.

"Lance snap out of it!" It was Hunk. He looked worried.

Lance only now realized the state he was in. He was lying on the floor, frezing. He was sweating even tho it was cold. He was shaking violently. Aaand of course he was digging his nails into his arms. Lance put his hands on the ground and pushed himself up. Lances arms stung a bit but he didn't really care. Of course it also left marks. Hunk helped Lance get up. They sat down on Lances bed.

"..... You told me you got better... " Hunk said questionly.

"Ik and I will, so don't worry about me. I'm fine. " And here comes the good old fake smile.

*sigh* "Ok, but you know you can talk to me right?"

"Yeah I know Hunk. "

"Oh! Anyways I came here to tell you that lunch will be served soon. "


"Bye Lance. "


Hunk left the room.


Sorry this one was so short but i didn't really feel like doing anymore. But do not worry. I won't end this book. Hopefully. Anywayyyys buybuy.

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