9. Escape time

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This was a perfect opertunity to get them out of there. So Keith decided to go explore a little. The castle was big and like a labyrint. But that gave him an excuse to why he wasn't in Dolsarins room, getting the book. Keith currently was in the kitchen. It was also big. The kitchen looked like a modern day kitchen and was very clean. Keith started with checking the drawers. They were filled with weird alien stuff. Then he checked the fridge. There was a note on one of the things. The note said: "To you who finds this, you need to save us. We have been tricked by dolsarin. And we have called on Voltron. But it was to late. We are in the dungeon. I want you to drug one of Dolsarins drinks with this. It won't hurt him but he'll fall asleep. Please hurry. - The king. "
Keith did as told and put the stuff in the tea he made. Then he hurried to get the book. And then hurried back, careful not to spill the tea.

"What took you so long? " Dolsarin asked.

"I made you tea. " Keith gave him the Harry Potter book and the tea.

"Oh, that was kind of you. " He drank the tea.

Keith has never stared at someone this much before. It took about a minute before he fell asleep. When he did Keith took his normal paladin gear on and then hurried to the dungeon. Where ever that was. Suprisingly Keith found it fast. The keys where hanging on the wall. So he took them and started unlocking the doors. First was an old lady.

"Thank you young man. " She said.

After some people, came the king.

"Thank you very much red paladin. "

"You're welcome. " Keith continued

Keith got everyone else out including Hunk. But no Lance.

"Thanks Keith. Where is Lance? " Hunk said.

"Idk. Dolsarin said he took him to the dungeon. " Keith said.

"Who's Dolsarin? "

"The guy who did this. "

"Ohh.. We need to find Lance! "

Then the king walked up to Keith and Hunk.

"I was wondering...Where are the rest of the paladins? "

"We don't know where Shiro and Pidge are but we know Lance is somewhere in this castle. "

"Leruians gather around. " Everybody exept Hunk keith stood in a ring. Their hands where interwined.

"Could you explain the paladins appearance? " The king asked.

"Uhm ok.. Lance, the blue paladin. Has brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Shiro, the black paladin. Has black hair with a little white floof. I don't remember his eye color. And pidge, the green paladin. Has like brown, orange, beige, ish hair and brown eyes. " Hunk said.

"Ok follow me, Ik where the blue paladin is. " The king said.

Keith and Hunk followed the king into a long corridor.

"He should be in there. " The king said.

Keith opened the door and there Lance was. In a corner. With his knees to his chest. Keith closed the door after he walked inside.

"Give them a minute or two. " Hunk said to the king.

"Hey Lance... Are you ok? " Keith sat infront of him.

"Honestly idk.. "

"Is it about what Dolsarin said? Because he was wrong. Very wrong. You're worth a lot Lance. More than a lot, you're worth everything. You just can't see that. "

"But why can't I see it Keith!?" Lance blurted out.


"Ik I should feel happy with the things I have but I feel like I have nothing! Every night I lay in bed thinking about how ugly I am, how stupid I am, how wortless I am! How I would be better of dead... " Lance feelt the tears run down hus checks.

Lance then feelt a pair of arms around him. Of course it was Keith. Lance hugged back after some time.

"It's gonna be ok. Just let it all out. "

Lance cried on Keiths shoulder while holding him tight. Keith ran his fingers through Lances hair. After some time he stopped crying but was still clenching on to Keith.

"I love you. No homo though. " Lance said.

"Sure Sharpshooter. " Keith smiled.

They pulled away from the hug and walked out of the room like nothing happened. Because Lance didn't like to draw attention to himself.

"Are you guys ready to find the others now? " Hunk said.

"Yep." Lance said.

"Ok, the black paladin is in the village with the green paladin. " The king said.

"Could you send us a lily to the village? " Lance asked

"Uhhh, sure. " The king answered confused that he knew what that was.

The lily apeared infront of them.

"What's th-? "

"No time to explain. " Lance dragged Hunk with him while running.

They ran out of the castle, through the forest and into the village. When they got there everyone were panting.

"That.. Thing.. Is very...... Fast. " Hunk said.

"Yeah... We know.. But now we gotta find Shiro and Pidge. " Keith said.


O mi gadddd. Thank you so much for 214 reads!!! Lots and lots of love for you guys. <3333

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