he's so cute when he is sleeping

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Gilbert was sitting on the couch drinking a beer when  he the door suddenly opened. It was his brother Ludwig. It was very obvious that he was tired from training with kiru and veliciano all day. When Gilbert saw his brother he greeted him with a cheery "Hallos, bruder!" Very tired Ludwig greeted him back "Hallo's Gilbert." As he said that  he floped on the couch. Gilbert offered him a beer in witch he gladly accepted. Soon after a couple of drinks with his brother he was passed out on the couch resting his head on his brother's lap. Gilbert decided to let him lie like that for a while. He had been working all day and deserved the rest. Besides, he's actually kinda cute when he's sleeping. It reminded him of when Ludwig was little and had a bad dream Gillbert would wake up to find Ludwig sleeping with him. He missed those days. Now-a-days he doesn't get to see his little bro as often which made this moment even more special. He began to gently stroke his hair causing it to fall out of place.  He smiled knowing his little brother hated his hair messed up. He was about to lean in to softly kiss his forehead when suddenly he hears a knock at the door. He knew exactly who it was because he had invited them over an hour prior. "Aww great!they couldn't have had better timeing!" He said sarcastically. "Come in! Its open!" He said just loud enough to for them to hear him without wakeing up Ludwig. Soon come in Antonio and Francis,Gillberts best friends. They came in just as loud as they usually do when going to Gilbert's place until Gillbert gave them a big shush and pointed at his sleeping brother. "Ooooh, OK we see." They both said

Symotainiously. They both studied there Friend's little brother. "He's not so scary when he's sleeping." Francis said. I know! He kind of reminds me of Ramamo!" Antonio said fairly loud. A "Shhhhhh!" Was given to Antonio to remind him to be quite. "Oh, sorry" he wispered soon  all attention was on Gillbert "this is your chance to make a move on Ludwig! When he wakes up gently whisper in his ear how you feel!" Francis said with excitement. Gillbert started to slightly blush. " I don't know what you're talking about." He said then looked back down at Ludwig still strokeing his hair. "Gillbert don't play dumb with us we're you're best friends you think we wouldn't notice?" Francis said "well you may be right but even so. . .I could never tell him how I feel." Gillbert said with a sigh. "Gillbert, its unhealthy for you to keep your feelings bottled up like this" Antonio said Francis nodded in agreement. "I know" he paused for a moment. "I'm just not sure how he'll react" "well you'll never know if you don't tell him." Francis said with concern for his friend. "Its only going to make you feel worse if you don't tell him. I know I felt better after I told Roma how I felt and now look where we are now! We're getting married! That could be you and Ludwig!" Antonio said as optimistic as ever. "I know Antonio but that was you, things might not happen the same way for me and Ludwig if  if I confess to him. There are to many things that could  go wrong. Like if he doesn't feel the same way for me, he may think its wrong to love your brother this way, or he might have feelings for Veliciano! . ." "calm down Gill!" Francis said suddenly interrupting Gillbert. "sorry I just dont know what to do" he said scratching his head in frustration. He looked down at his brother as more beloved memorys they shared together filled his mind. He let out a small laugh and a singe tear that held both happy memories and sad confusion of what to do with theses feelings he had for his brother. Antonio who was sitting beside him on the opposite side of Ludwig, who was still sound asleep while this confersation was going on, and saw this so he gave him a supportive hug which he accepted. "Would you like some time alone with Ludwig?" Francis said with an understanding voice, Gillbert nodded. Knowing he needed this time alone an not wanting to ruin a potentially romantic and revealing moment (; Francis and Antonio left Gillbert alone with his sleeping brother. When they left he grabbed his beer and took a big drink then sat it down again looking at Ludwig. He had desideed. "I'm going to tell him,  Francis and Antonio are right. If I don't tell him how I feel soon I'll lose him for sure, but if I tell him theres a chance that he will feel the same way and every thing will be all right, or . . .I'll lose him now and our relationship will never be the same ever again." He said realizeing the risk he was taking but he was willing to take it for the chance for something more with his brother. Now he just had to wait for him to wake up.

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