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Chapter 1

I watched her, uncertain should I kiss her or not. We had escaped, the party downstairs, to smoke outside but really we had to escape preying eyes. From the balcony you could see, the moon and stars, as they glowed in the night sky. She was incredible, rare and gorgeous. The moonlight, emphasized her dainty features. My heart bounced erratically whenever she was close. I have been patient, I waited until everyone slept, from drinking too much, at the party. I dared to want a taste of someone, as special as her. She was joy, pure and innocent and I needed to immerse myself inside of her, so that I can be cleansed of this perpetual darkness, that ate my soul. I pulled her close untill her sweet breath warmed my neck. Her lips were soft and luscious, as they welcomed me. She tasted like, a light in my darkness.Her long dark curls brushed my chin, as I pushed her against the wall. I bent down on my knees,desperate to taste her core. As my tongue swirled inside of her, she moaned with pleasure. She was bit her lips. Her eyes were closed. A Goddess that revelled in her sensuality. I could feel her vibrate when she finally lost control. She pulled me up towards her and pushed me against the wall. I guess it was my turn. As I felt her inside of me, I lost myself in the ecstasy of her magical touch. For a moment when our eyes met, it felt like her soul was locked with mine, intertwined. Fuck, was this going to be the moment that I Kelly Martin fall in love. How did she manage to breach my armor?

Lana was breathtakingly, beautiful yes but it was more than that. She was naturally graceful, petite with bronze coloured skin that glowed with the evanescence of our age and she had the key to my heart, in her tiny hands. She had been my best friend since childhood. These feelings that i felt have churned beneath the surface of our friendship, always threatening to break through. We held hands our fingers intertwined. Just a pure moment to fully appreciate the powerful bond between us.

Then she said the words that I did not want to hear. "Levy and I are engaged, " her whispered words were soft. I gently tucked a tendril of curly hair behind her ear. Despair ate my soul, it devoured me that I was losing her to him. I wanted to shout, lash out, furious at the unfairness of love. My heart refused to accept her words. I am going to fight for our love, with every weapon in my arsenal. "When?" I asked, the need to know was stronger, than the pain that her response would inflict. "He surprised me last week. He just surprised me one day. When I opened the door, he had a ring in his hand ," she said tonelesslly. "You could have said no," I said. She sighed, and drew her knees up, as she rested her head. She looked frazzled, not like her normal, shiny self. "I don't want to be without you. You are my heart. Where you stop, I begin. Please just love me," she begged,distressed at the thought of losing us.

I felt the cold of the night as it pierced my heart. She wanted to be loved, unconditionally without expectation. Our love was destined to be a secret. She was ashamed of us. I always thought that eventually, when our love grew she had to accept us. Now, we had to be more careful and my secret lover identity more shrouded. "I want to move into the house with you," I demanded my terms. She nodded her head. I felt drained at the prospect of being her secret lover, but there was no alternative, I had to be with her. The biggest obstacle between us was the truth.

Everyone was eager to be in close proximity to him. Close to the power emanating from him.His faithful servants surrounded him, eager to serve their king. The house was packed with people celebrating the news of her engagement.He had just announced the news, proudly he accepted her, another sacrifice offered for his glory. She was never more than a object to him. A diamond cut into the shape that compliments him. Just like me, I thought. Dark, dangerous thoughts have mulled inside of me, since she told me. His hand layed possesively on her hip. She looked uncomfortable with his touch but he was not aware of her discomfort. Immersed in his victory. I was torn, the storm inside of me refused  to be silenced by my idle promises.They all celebrated, while I died a little everytime I had to fake a smile and murmur false words of joy. I hated him, he had it all now that he had her...

The unspoken truth (raw edition) Still Subject To EditingWhere stories live. Discover now