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I sat on a metal stool in the lab with a soldering iron in my hand as I conjoined two wires, trying to improve the design of my electro-disc which I had been working on now for the past couple of days. I had headphones pulled over my head, music blasting in my ears as I worked, humming along to the song as I set down the soldering iron, holding up the disc as I looked at it.

I leaned over to the desk next to me, which was one that had a screen embedded in them, swiping on the call as I took my headphones off, the music still audible through them, proving just how loud it was. "Hello?" a female voice said as I flipped the disc in my hand, catching it easily as i balanced it on the back of my hand.

"Hi, I was wondering if someone could send out an order for me?" I asked, standing up as I walked over to the large wall of boxes, pulling one down as I opened it, rummaging through the wires. "Of course, what are you needing?" she asked me as I stood up straight walking back over to the desk as I looked at the notebook I had been writing on.

"Two meters of copper wire, a new box of 2mm diameter screws" I listed of, leaning my elbows on the table as I leaned down, grabbing the disc as I played with it in my hands. "Anything else?" she asked me as I looked back down at my notebook, reading what else I would need to make a bunch of discs.

"And a box of 4mm diameter washers" I said, straightening up as I grabbed my headphones once again, holding them in my hand as I heard her typing on the other side of the line, putting in my order which would hopefully come quickly. "Okay, I have sent that away for you" she told me as I nodded my head, a small smile on my face. "Thanks" I replied as she quickly said goodbye, hanging up on the call as I put my headphones back of my head, the music filling my ears once again.

I sang along loudly as I turned around, putting my foot on the side of the box lid as I flipped it up into the air, catching it mid air as I put it back on top of the box, picking it up and pushing it back into its position of the shelf, taking a step back to find another box of wires which hopefully had exactly what I was looking for in it.

I pulled my stool over, climbing on top of it as I looked at the labels which were put on the front of boxes, pulling one out as I dropped it onto the floor, grabbing the one next to it too as I jumped off of the stool. I put the box on top of the other, pulling the lid off to see coils of wire, a silver one sitting on top as i pulled it out, throwing it onto the table quickly.

"Ally" I heard someone scream at me, their voice muffled as I turned to my right to see Rhodey standing there, waving his hand at me as I pushed my headphones off, resting them on my neck. "You okay?" I asked Rhodey as I put my disc down on the table, rubbing my hands against each other as Rhodey nodded his head at me, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, was just going to get some lunch, you want to come?" he said, using his thumb to point over his shoulder as I nodded my head at him, taking my headphones off at I set them down on the table. "Yeah, sure" I told him, nodding my head as I pushed, my stool back reaching under the table as I turned off the electric for the work station, just to make sure that nothing would catch fire while I was gone.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I put my headphones down, Rhodey already making his way out of the room as he pulled open the door. "What do you want?" He asked me, walking through the door after him, his mechanical cages around his legs helping him walk as we made out way down the quiet and empty halls.

"Mexican?" I asked before an alarm started blaring around us, causing Rhodey to pull his phone from his pocket as he looked down at it. "FRIDAY, what's going on?" I asked out loud, knowing that was the warning alarm that normally meant we had to suit up in the next 10 minutes. "An unfamiliar craft has just entered the airspace of Manhattan" FRIDAYs voice rung out as I looked over at Rhodey who had his eyebrows raised at me.

"Place of origin?" I asked, Rhodey beginning to quickly walk towards the labs as I followed after him, pushing my hair behind my ears. "Undetermined" FRIDAY replied as I scrunched my eyebrows, confused on that answer. "How can that be undetermined?" I asked as Rhodey set his hand on the pad, the door scanning it as we walked into the main room, all the screens and TVs automatically turning on with our presence.

"It didn't originate on earth" FRIDAY replied as a TV flashed on, a breaking news banner popping up along the button, a stream of the skyline of New York coming up, a large ring shaped ship flying over it, barely missing the top of skyscrapers. "Great, the aliens are back" Rhodey said as I stared at the TV, watching it as I pulled down a screen from the ceiling in front of me, looking over at Rhodey as I shook my head.

"I think these aliens might be a bit different than the last ones"


A/N: so i'm sorry for how bad this chapter is but they will get much better I promise!!
also I hope some of you realised that this book is purple, much like the mad Titan himself, that's a wee easter egg for you
also this book may be filled with a lot of filler chapters, just because there isn't actually many scenes I can write Ally into but oh well
so please keep reading and please vote and comment and I will see you all very soon
(got myself a new font for my signature)

A/N: so i'm sorry for how bad this chapter is but they will get much better I promise!! also I hope some of you realised that this book is purple, much like the mad Titan himself, that's a wee easter egg for you also this book may be filled with a...

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