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We all stood in a large room as T'Challa spoke with some of his advisors in a hushed tone at the other side of the room

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We all stood in a large room as T'Challa spoke with some of his advisors in a hushed tone at the other side of the room. There were blocks gathered around a small throne, so i'm guessing this was were meetings were held very often here, even though there was nothing else in the room.

I stood at the large floor to ceiling windows, watching the city operate below us, my arms crossed over my chest as I stood in my own silence. "It's pretty huh?" someone asked as I turned around, Bucky standing behind me with a smirk on his face as I smiled at him, turning back around. "It's impressive" I said to him as he stood next to me, staring out the window with me as he nodded his head.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him as he let out a small breath, shrugging his normal shoulder as I dropped my arms down by my side. "Fine" he said to me as I turned to look at him, smiling at him as I shook my head. "You're still not a good liar" I said to him as he laughed, nodding his head slowly as he pushed his hair behind his ear.

"I genuinely couldn't tell you how I feel" he said to me as i nodded my head at him, tilting it to the side as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is it still a bit foggy?" I asked him as he let out a breath, shaking his head as he tried to think of the right words. "Just a bit misty" he replied as I nodded my head at him, looking down at my feet as I let out a breath.

"Stop" he said to me as I looked up to him, his face serious as we stared at each other, his steel blue eyes staring me down. "What?" I asked him, running my tongue over the edges on my teeth to try and calm myself down a little bit. "Stop thinking that it's your fault" he told me as I shook my head, running my hand through my hair as I looked away from i'm quickly.

"I'm not" I said to him shaking my head gently as he raised his eyebrow at me, letting out a small breath. "I know you, Al" he said, making my sigh heavily as I turned back to the window, staring at the train that was whipping through the other end of the city, my eyes fixed on it. "It is my fault though isn't it?" I asked him, having Bucky being experimented on two floors above me every single night.

"I didn't even know you were there" I continued as he continued to stare at me, the feeling of his eyes piercing the side of my face as I bit the inside of my cheek. "What could you have done?" he asked me as I fell silent for a minute, trying to actually think about what I might have done. "Killed them all" I replied seriously, Bucky sighing as I turned my head to look at him, raising my eyebrow at him.

"I know for a fact you're not joking and that scares me a little bit" he said to me as he pointed at me, trying to make me laugh as I didn't crack a smile at him, making him drop his hand back by his side. "There's nothing we can do about it now, we can't go back" he said to me, trying to reassure me that even if I did know what was happening to him, there was no chance I would have been able to see him.

"I know" I said as I turned to face him once again, finally giving up with the idea, knowing i would get no where with him. "It's just you were kind of a lot better before it all" I joked, trying to spread light on the conversation, having no idea how much time we would actually have to talk before the fight started. "You're not as fun as you were in the 40s either" he said to me, looking seriously at me, and if it wasn't me anyone else would think he was being serious, but I knew him a lot better than that. 

"You have a metal arm" I said to him, pointing at it as he lifted it up a little, nodding his head at he looked at it, flexing his fingers. With his old silver arm you would have heard the faint sound of the steel scrapping off of each other, but with his new vibranium arm it was silent, and hopefully indestructible. "It's cool" he said looked back up at me as I shook my head at him, tilted my head to the side once again. "Not when it's around your neck"  I countered, the memories of the Winter Soldier attempting to murder me always fresh in my memory.

"You never used to complain" he said to me, making me laugh loudly as i clasped my hands over my mouth quickly, the sound echoing in the large empty room. "I didn't need the reminder" I said to him, shaking my head as he laughed at me softly, finding the comment rather funny which I didn't honestly.

Steve cleared his throat as he stood the left of us, making me turn to look at him as we made eye contact, his eyes flickering over to Bucky quickly before he looked back at me. "You okay?" I asked him as he nodded his head, resting his hands on the buckle of his belt. "We can go see Vision, they got him in the lab" Steve said to me as I nodded my head at him, turning to look at Bucky with my eyebrows raised.

"You wanna come?" I asked him, making him clear his throat as he forced a smile at me as he shook his head a little bit. "I'm going to go on patrol, make sure the perimeter is okay" he said to me as I nodded my head at him, smiling as I pushed my hair behind both ears quickly. "Okay, I'll see you after" I said to him as he nodded his head at me before Steve and I made our way out of the room, leaving Bucky and our little conversation behind.


A/N: TAKE THAT COMMENT FOR WHAT EVER YOU WANT (I know what i meant and I meant it)
I literally love bucky and ally's conversations they are so fun to write and hilarious all around
I know you're probably sick of all my self promos but if you're ever board during isolation it would mean a lot to me if you checked out another one of my books, especially Wave for all my Hunger Games fans out there, it's a good book trust me (even though i'm biased)
please vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: TAKE THAT COMMENT FOR WHAT EVER YOU WANT (I know what i meant and I meant it) I literally love bucky and ally's conversations they are so fun to write and hilarious all around I know you're probably sick of all my self promos but if you're ev...

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