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These things were absolutely destroying us

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These things were absolutely destroying us. No matter how many we killed there would be two more to just take its place, knocking us off of our feet as trying to bite our heads off before we managed to kill them, the cycle just repeating itself over and over again. I shocked down alien after alien, the baton in my hand just as light and familiar as my old one had been during the war.

It was practically an extension of my arm at this point, more powerful than a punch or any other weapon I could yield would be. It was flipping around in my hand easily as I struck alien after alien, in the chest, sending a shock through it as it flew backwards and away from me. I looked around quickly, seeing hundreds of Wakandan soldiers using their spears and their shield cloaks to help them fight. "How much longer?" I asked impatiently, ducking under the outstretched arm of one as it tried to pull my head away off of my body.

"I've barely began" Shuri replied to me as blew at a piece of hair that had fallen over my face, seriously regretting not tying up my hair before the fight now. "You might want to pick up the pace" T'Challa instructed as I watched Rhodey get knocked down out of the sky by the large alien we had seen earlier, the large mace falling back into his hand. "You alright, Rhodes?" I asked with a small grunt, kicking the alien that had tried to get my head away from me, my other foot slipping as I scrambled to keep myself on my feet.

"I'm good" I heard Rhodey replied as an alien caught hold of my ankle, picking my up by the foot. I kept a firm hold on my baton as it threw me through the air, making me hit the ground forcefully, rolling along the grass as I lay on my back, letting out a pained grunt. "Shit" I said under my breath as I let out a sigh, rolling onto my stomach as I let out a breath, scrambling up to my feet once again as a bunch of aliens clocked that I was fresh meat for them.

"Don't let the throw you" I said harshly, flipping my staff in my hand as I got prepared to fight once again, my back having shooting pains from that fall. "Theres way too many of these things, they are multiplying rapidly" Steve's voice said as I let out a small breath, sweeping my staff under the legs of an alien as it fell to the ground, making me slip a larger knife from the side of my leg. I stabbed it in the chest as quickly as I could, dragging the knife down before pulling it out, turning around and throwing it perfectly as it hit one right in the middle of its head.

"They out number us by about 1 to 100" Natasha said as I grunted, continuing to slap aliens left and right with my staff before waiting for more of them to be around me before administrating a shock to take them all out. "We got to do our best" Steve replied as I let out a breath, wanting my knife back as I ran over to the alien that I had knocked on the floor, setting my foot on its chest as I pulled the knife out of it quickly.

Before I could straighten up one completely tackled me onto the ground, knocking off of my feet as I hit the ground, knocking out all my breath in my chest. I did the best to keep my arms over my face, the aliens crown ding around me and crawling on top of eachother to do their best to kill me. I hit them with clenched fists as hard as I could, grabbing one behind the neck and throwing it over my head as Sam shot it from above, doing his best to shot the ones off without actually hitting me.

All of the sudden something ripped through the air, slicing straight through and throwing all of the creatures away from me, thick blood splattering over me as I moved my head to the side, closing my eyes tightly to avoid it. I craned my neck around, the blinding light of a bifrost sitting in the middle of the field, the light disappearing as the large axe style weapon landed back in the hand of Thor.


A/N: hey guys, i'm not a big fan of this chapter (I never really am with fight scenes because I get so lost and I suck as describing fights) but here you go I'm super sorry my updating has been extremely bad lately, but as I said I don't like writing fight scenes so I spend quite a few days on them so please don't be angry lol
this chapter is also a little short i'm sorry for that as well but I hope you enjoyed regardless
please vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: hey guys, i'm not a big fan of this chapter (I never really am with fight scenes because I get so lost and I suck as describing fights) but here you go I'm super sorry my updating has been extremely bad lately, but as I said I don't like writ...

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