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Steve and I stood in an elevator as it zoomed up through the large building, having been guided that the upper levels were filled of labs, which was where Vision was as they attempted to remove the stone

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Steve and I stood in an elevator as it zoomed up through the large building, having been guided that the upper levels were filled of labs, which was where Vision was as they attempted to remove the stone. We weren't saying anything as I leaned against the wall behind, my hands on the bar as Steve stood in front of me, arms crossed.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, causing him to turn to look at me as he nodded his head, forcing out a small smile at me. "Nervous" he said shyly as I tilted my head to the side, raising my eyebrows at him. "About what?" I said to him as he let out a breath, looking down at the ground as he nodded his head slowly.

"The uncertainty of the situation" he said to me quietly as I shook my head at him, knowing that there was something else. "Are you sure?" I asked him, giving him one more chance to tell me what was actually on his mind. He sighed, reaching forward and hitting a red button that was on the control panel, making me straighten up as I looked over at him.

"How do you know what that button does?" I asked him as he shook his head at me, shrugging his shoulders as I widened my eyes at him. "No clue, let's just hope we don't start dropping" he said to me quickly as he let out a small breath, setting his hands on his hips as he looked over at me. "What's up with you?" I asked him, the sound of worry lacing my voice as he looked up at me, his eyebrows furrowed, but not out of confusion.

"What's going on in your head with Bucky?" he asked me as I remained silence for a moment, staring at him as I blinked a few times  "What?" I asked quickly, his face softening as he let out a small breath, relaxing his shoulders as he shifted his weight. "Four years ago I watched as he was trying to kill you while you let him, saying you loved him" he said to me as I stood there a bit shocked, breaking down what he was saying.

"What are you trying to say to me right now, Steve?" I asked him, my voice a lot quieter than what I had wanted it to be. "Are those feelings going to resurface?" he asked me, also speaking quite quietly as we stared at each other, his question bouncing around in my head as I cleared my throat gently. "Are you jealous?" I asked him, a small smile creeping onto my face as he turned away from me, making me point my finger at him. m

"You are" I said, laughing lightly as he slapped my finger away from him, shaking his head at me as he stared at me. "No, I'm not" he said confidently, but I knew him much better than he knows, his voice laced with nothing but lies right now. I let out a sigh, shaking my head at him as i lifted my hand up, holding it by the side of my head. "You see this finger?" I asked as I moved my finger finger about, Steve nodding his head as he looked back over at me.

"Yeah" he replied as I dropped my hand down by my side, a hint of a smile on my face as I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's still waiting" I told him as he stood there in silence, not moving as I shrugged my shoulders quickly, tucking my hair behind my ears. "And I'm not one to say yes to something when I don't mean it" I added, wanting him to know exactly what was going through my head right now, Bucky or no Bucky.

"Still waiting on that, huh?" he asked me as he cracked a smile at me, making me nod my head as I let out a deep over exaggerated sigh. "Practicality dying of old age" I joked, Steve smiling as he looked down at the ground, stretching out his back quickly as I scrunched my nose at him. "If I could" I added, Steve looking back up at me as he smiled at me, making me take a step towards him as I wrapped my arms around his back, putting my head on his shoulder as he buried his head into my hair.

"I hope you didn't lose that ring" I said to him as I slapped him on the back, forgetting for a moment that we were in an elevator in a far away country, the feeling of being in Steve's arms being so familiar to me at this point, even after the last 2 years. "Lost it in Sweden, did I not tell you?" he said into my hair, kissing my head gently as I let out a fake laugh, sounding a little threatening.

"Well you better go find it" I said to him as I pulled away from him, smiling at him as I pulled away, walking over to the control panel and looking at the buttons. I looked at them for a minute, reaching out and pressing the same red one that Steve had pushed to stop the elevator. There was a small humming sound as the elevator started moving once again, making me let out a small sigh.

"You're lucky we didn't blow up or something" I said to him as he laughed at me, the tension between us having lifted continuing to make our way back up to the labs. I was hoping that the scientists of Wakanda had devised a plan to get the infinity stone out of Vision, it we were going to be in a lot of trouble.


A/N: this is a super lame chapter i'm sorry but it's just another filler with some Stally action I was trying to get in there so oh well please enjoy it lol
please vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: this is a super lame chapter i'm sorry but it's just another filler with some Stally action I was trying to get in there so oh well please enjoy it lol please vote and comment and i will see you soon

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