Pleasure or Torture

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"I like the company. Kurt has actually moved out to be with Blaine, so it's just me. and don't get me wrong, I love Kurt, but I need girl company too," she giggled and looked lonely for a second as she spoke.

"Well, as long as you like my company, you can have it. I'm tired of moving around. It'll be good because I want to get back into the routine of singing and dancing. I've been more focused on the acting and drama. I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'm happy to help you. I don't know how you could go without performing for so long!" she half shouted, shocked that I had been neglecting my dancing and vocal abilities. I knew that when she found out she'd react like this. She's always been the one to keep us going, our vocal chords warmed up and bodies moving.

"I know. I don't really know how I have. Because I've always loved it, but I was so distracted and, I don't know. I just couldn't find the drive to. But it's back now, I think so anyway, I haven't sung yet, but I think I can be back into it."

"Well, I'd love to be the one you sing with to break the drought. If you want, that is..."

"I could be down with that. Later on maybe. Not here," I shook my head, momentarily freaked out, thinking that she would want to jump up and break out into song, right here, in front of everyone.

"I didn't mean here, Quinn. Whenever you want."

"Alright, good to know I won't be shown up and embarrassed by you in front of so many people."

"Please, you're just as good a singer as anyone else," she complimented, tilting her head again to the side.

"Maybe not after having not sung for over a year now."

"Sure you could. You have a natural talent, it'll always sound great."

"Thanks. But until I actually sing, I'm not sure how I feel about it."

"That's okay. Anytime you feel like it, I would be honoured to sing with you."

"Thanks..." before I could continue I glanced to the right of Rachel for a moment and noticed the waitress returning to deliver our meals. "Don't worry, food's coming," I finished, shaking my head. Not that I had anything too important to say.

"Oh, okay..." she trailed of looking up at the waitress as she put our food down.

"There you go ladies. Enjoy!"

"Thank you, very much," Rachel and I chorused.

"Okay, so which ones mine?" I asked of Rachel, eyeing both dishes. They smelt amazing! "You can pick for me because I don't want to have to pick one over the other, they both look to amazing!"

"Well, lucky for you, we're sharing. These are my two favourite dished here and we are going to share both of them," she said very matter-of-factly.

"Good idea. My mouth is watering just at the sight of them." Rachel raised her arm as I finished speaking and the waitress rushed back over to attend to our needs.

"Can we please have a spare plate each? We want to share these meals," she asked very sweetly, no demand in her tone. Compared to some of the other patrons, she was an angel in her manner toward them.

"Sure. I'll be right back with them," she smiled brightly at us and hurried away.

In no time she was back with our plates and she set them down in front of us. "Enjoy you meals, ladies," she wished us once again.

"Thank you again. We will," Rachel answered the waitress then proceeded in dishing out some of the Mario Batali pasta onto each of our plates.

"Thank you," I said when she had finished spooning the creamy pasta onto my plate and placed the dish off to the side.

"That's okay. Have a taste," she urged me, leaning forward and looking wide-eyed at me.

I stabbed a spiral of pasta and put it in my mouth. "Oh my. That is amazing!" I commented after I'd had a moment to really taste it. it was cheesy and herby and creamy. It was heaven in a piece of food. It was hands down the best Italian meal I'd ever had. Definitely beating Breadstix.

"See, I knew you'd love it!" she got excited again. "it's one of my two favourite meals at the moment. The other being the next one that you're going to try.

We chatted away a little while we ate the magical pasta. There were moments when we didn't speak at all, just enjoying the food and each other's company.

"And for my next favourite," Rachel introduced the Swiss Cheese Cannelloni. "You first," she motioned for me to try it.

"That's just as good!" I remarked after I'd swallowed a slice of the pasta roll. "I can see why you can't choose between them."

"I know, right! Whoever discovered these food combinations deserves the equivalent of a Tony in food awards." Only Rachel could make reference to a Tony award at dinner conversation when the topic has absolutely nothing to do with it.

All I could do was laugh back, happier than I'd been in ages...

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