Together, We Can Do Anything

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(This chapter has a pretty confronting scene in it. Proceed with caution. Sorry to those who are sensitive to it. My deepest apologies.)

I woke with a scream, again. But Rachel was already awake and had her arm wrapped around me. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here," she comforted me. She must have been awake for a while, and was expecting me to do this. I didn't say anything; I just pulled my legs up closer to my chest. Her grip tightened around me as she pulled me closer into her. we lay there for a while, Rachel running her hand over my face and head, keeping the hair from my face, and me just laying, staring straight ahead.

"Thank you, again," I spoke after a few minutes silence as I began to sit up.

"That's okay," was all she said back to me.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast?" I asked. I was feeling as though I had been taking advantage of her while I'd been here. I wanted to do something for her.

"No, I can make us something," she replied.

"Please," I begged, "I really want to. You'll love it!"

She looked down at me and smiled, "Okay, okay. Thank you. It'll be the first meal I've had cooked for me for a while."

"Well then, I hope I make it good enough for you. I haven't cooked for a while so I'm a bit rusty. But I'm sure you'll enjoy it," I talked myself up. Not a lot, but just a little. It was true that I hadn't cooked for a while as I was too busy. I stood and walked over to the kitchen. I had no idea what I wanted to make, I didn't even know what supplies Rachel had here. Though, knowing her, she'd have everything you could ever possibly need even if she never used it. She is a very organised person, always has been.

I know that she doesn't like fried foods, especially in the morning. That took out many of the things possibly of making. I rested my hands on the counter and hung my head down. A bright arrangement caught my off to my right. I looked up and across at it. Of course, her fruit bowl. She always bragged about her healthy shakes and fruit salad of a morning. Fruit is one of my favourite things, especially of a morning, something about it makes it that little bit better of a morning.

I crossed to the bowl, picking an assortment of the bright, juicy fruits. I had at least one of everything, and then I moved to the fridge to see what I could incorporate into my masterpiece in the making. I found a tub of Greek yoghurt along with some strawberries and blueberries. I put the yoghurt, some of the berries and a sliced up banana into the blender, which was conveniently placed on the counter, and mixed them to create a creamy smoothie. I cut and sliced the remaining fruit and placed it in a bowl, pouring some canned pineapple over the top even adding a bit of the juice. It mixed in nicely to create a juice of all the different fruits and had the consistency of porridge almost. I walked across the room to the door to the dining table and saw Rachel sitting on the lounge drying her hair with a towel. I didn't think I had taken that long, and I know that Rachel has a very elaborate shower routine. Obviously I had been longer than I'd thought because I know that she would never skip any part of her ritual.

"Breakfast is served Ms Berry," I addressed her.

"Why thank you Ms Fabray," she answered, turning around and facing me before standing and making her way over to the table. I pulled out her chair for her then pushed it in underneath her.

"I hope you enjoy it. It's not the greatest or most impressive thing, but I know how much you like your smoothies and health food. I'll make something more special next time."

"Don't worry about it. I think that the simpler it is the better and the more appreciative I am. So thank you very much for taking the time to make me this delicious brekkie."

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