Beneath Your Beautiful

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We had fallen asleep on the lounge again, and as usual I woke with a scream. Rachel now expected it every day and knew my reasons so I was better off than I'd ever been. She'd left the light on as a test to see if I found it any better, or easier to sleep. I will admit, it helped a little because I didn't feel suffocated by the darkness or completely blind by the lack of light. As long as the light isn't too bright, just a dull glow, I think that it will work great.

Rachel had her call-back today and had asked me to go along with her so we had to be up early and ready. She was scheduled for eight, the first one of the day. We had a quick breakfast; I had to convince her to eat as she was so nervous she was considering skipping it, which is highly unusual for her. All through high school she rode all of us to have breakfast every day and never skip a meal.

It was at one of the theatre centres on Broadway, a big banner advertising it hung down the wall facing the street with big words reminding everyone that it is coming soon. How soon that would be would depend on when casting was complete. I felt nervous for Rachel, mostly because I hate to see her when she's been let down. After the NYADA audition when she choked, she didn't sleep for days and was in a bad way. But I was confident that she would get this, she was by far good enough to take it on, and it was just a matter of whether or not these people saw it. Even at her worst she's still an amazing performer.

Inside the building, there were people rushing in every direction like ants in a mound. Everyone had their role and they were zooming around doing it. The props and stage settings were being made in every direction you looked; in fact there was stuff around everywhere. Everywhere except the stage. It was squeaky clean and empty, as was the sea of seats surrounding it, except for three people sitting in the middle with clipboards.

"I guess it's time then. The moment of truth," she whispered, like she was afraid that the people would hear her, even though we were far out of earshot. I took her bag off her and wished her well before she tottled down the stairs and onto the stage. She looked so alone up there. I wish I could be up there and sing with her. I miss it so much. The last time I sung on stage was when I returned home to Lima for thanksgiving. I noticed her skirt moving and figured that she must be shaking so much that it is causing it to move.

One of the people with clipboards, a woman, asked Rachel to introduce herself and the song that she would be singing. "Hello, my name is Rachel Berry and I will be singing Beneath Your Beautiful by Emilie Sande and Labyrinth." She began to belt out the song and her voice rang through the arena, strong and moving as always. She wasn't offered a microphone, and she didn't need one. She is such a powerful singer.

You tell all the boys 'no'

It makes you feel good, yeah.

I know you're out of my league

But that won't scare me away, oh, no

You've carried on so long,

You couldn't stop if you tried it.

You've built your wall so high

That no one could climb it,

But I'm gonna try.

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful?

Would you let me see beneath your perfect?

Take it off now, girl, take it off now, girl

I wanna see inside

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight?

You let all the girls go

Makes you feel good, don't it?

Behind your Broadway show

I heard a boy say, "Please, don't hurt me"

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