Chapter 2

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I woke up to my aunt Betty knocking on my door gently and I yelled at her telling her that I'm up and awake. I had been for most of the night, I probably got 3 hours of sleep. She was all I could think about. The stranger with long blonde hair and fierce blue eyes.

I sigh and put a black shirt and a white hoodie with black  jeans on. I brush my teeth and go downstairs to eat. When I reach the kitchen aunt Betty is ready to leave so I just grab an apple and my bag and let her drive me to school.

When I arrive I can already tell it's gonna be hell. Most of the boys here are shorter than me so I'm definitely going to stand out. I prefer not being noticed by people. Life is easier that way.

But I didn't make it easy. That's why your parents sent you here. My subconscious reminds me and I tell him to shut the fuck up.

I wave bye to Betty as I walk into the school and go straight to the office which isn't too far from the entrance.

"I..erm. I'm new here.." I say. I don't like talking to people that much.

"I can tell.." the woman at the office laughs politely. "You're... Hero? Right?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I tell her.

"I love your accent by the way! British people's accents are amazing!" She tells me. I don't- How do I respond to that?

"Thanks." I rub the back of my neck. This is getting awkward..

"Ok.. here is your classes for today.." she hands me a piece of paper with all my classes on them. "Go to your home room and find Josephine. You have the exact same classes as her, so just follow her around all day. She's a nice person so she won't mind." She explains and the bell rings for everybody to go to home room.

"Good luck!" She gives me two thumbs up and I find my way to homeroom.

When I enter, all eyes are on me and I walk over to the teachers desk where I see somebody. They're familiar but I don't know where I've seen them before.

She turns around and it's the girl I saved yesterday. My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. She looks at me weirdly and is probably wondering why I'm looking at her like that. She comes to realisation and her eyes go wide, her face almost as red as a tomato.

"Hi! Hero is it?" The teacher behind her asks.

"Yeah.." I mumble, not taking my eyes off of the girl.

"This is Jo, the office told me she'll be showing you around to day." She explains.

Just my luck. I say to myself.

"She doesn't bite Hero. Talk to her!" She tells me with a sweet smile on her face. Everybody seems really nice here compared to in London. The teachers are usually always rude and they are always fed up with everybody's shit. Honestly, I wonder how we ever learnt anything from the amount of yelling they did at every student.

"Hi." Josephine says with a small smile.

"Hey." I reply and follow her to sit down at a desk.

"So erm.." she whispers to me. " I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anybody about yesterday." She's still whispering even though nobody is around us.

"I won't." I smile at her and she smiles back.

She's a bit pale today. Is her skin normally like that.. was it like that yesterday?

She begins to gag and covers her mouth.

"Excuse me." She runs out the room, presumably to find a bathroom.

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