Chapter 8

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I wake up and I can immediately tell that it's early. The birds are tweeting a bit too fucking loudly for my hangover. I don't even get how I have one, I only had a couple of beers. Maybe a couple more, a bit of vodka.. Ok maybe I do understand how I have one.

I get out of my bed to make it and go to my closet to grab clothes. I pick out a plain black hoodie and grey joggers. I get everything else I need and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

I take my time in the shower, just standing here hoping that it'll relieve my hangover some but it's a lost cause.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off whilst Betty calls for me telling me that we're leaving for school soon. School is today?

I think through the past week and curse at myself for ignoring Jo when I could've been hanging out with her.

I get dressed and run to my room to make sure I have everything. When everything is ready I head out the door as Betty scolds me for not setting an alarm but I just ignore it.

When I arrive at school the bell rings and I rush to home room hoping that I don't get detention. I walk down the hallway and when I reach my teachers door, it's locked and the lights are off.

Do we have assembly? Fuck.

I walk down to the gym and of fucking course it's full of students and teachers.

Well shit. This day is going fucking amazingly.

"Hey Hero." Jo's voice appears from behind me and I am so relieved. I check her appearance and she's wearing tight blue jeans with a tank top tucked into them. She's also wearing a white cardigan and a grey beanie.

"Hey Jo." She walks up to me and peeps in the window.

"Yeah.. I don't feel like going in there. I get stage fright." She looks worried.

"We could skip?" I suggest.

"Where would we hide for two hours?" She asks.

"Two hours?" I exclaim at her.

"Yep. Every new term or half term they give us a two hour assembly on the rules and our expectations. It's boring." She emphasises on the word boring and I smile.

"Well I'm glad we get to skip together." I tell her.

She pulls my hand and we walk around the school building until we find an empty classroom that nobody uses.

"So how's your head?" Jo asks as she sits on a desk and kicks her legs.

"How'd you know I have a hang over?" I ask as I sit on a spinny chair.

"I didn't. But now I do." She gives me her goofiest smile. "I meant because of Jake."

"Oh, that. I feel amazing to be honest. Kinda forgot he punched me." I fake a smile.

"About last night.." She starts, "I was really emotional and I'm kinda hoping you could forget that happened?" She pushes her bottom lip out and gives me puppy eyes.

"Sure," I smile. "All as long as you tell me why you're wearing that beanie." I point to the one on her head.

She freezes for a few moments and panic covers her face.

"Well.. they are... fashionable," She starts counting on her fingers, " Comfortable.. and..." She stops to think and I swear I can hear cogs turn in her head. "Shut up. Why do you care." She crosses her arms and pouts, making me chuckle.

I put my arms up, "Hey it was just a question, don't come at me." The corner of her lip turns up and I love how often I make her smile.

"At least you're not hiding bald spots." I raise my eyebrows at her and she looks angry.

"No, you know what, fuck you Hero." Jo scoffs and walks out.

What the fuck just happened?

"Jo.. wait!" I yell and chase after her. It doesn't take long for me to find her when I see her sitting against our homeroom door. I approach her and she's sitting there hugging her legs with tear-soaked cheeks as she stares at the wall in front of her.

I slide down the wall and sit with her in silence.

"I'm sor-" I say but she cuts me off.

"How do you know if you're in love?" She asks without any emotion.

"I wouldn't know." I chuckle and look down. "I guess you'd think of them twenty-four seven and everything reminds you of them. You wanna do everything with and for them because you care. I mean, you can only get heartbroken if you love somebody, and every little thing they do and say affects you. Every time they look at you, you get butterflies and you love when they message and give you attention." I look over at her and see her smiling.

"Love is just.. powerful. Love is giving somebody your heart and soul and expecting them to care and nurture it, hoping they never break it. But you're never suprised when it shatters. In the end, it always does. If two people love each other there can be no happy ending. But then again if there's only one person in love they should just give up. One-sided love is just as harsh." I sigh and look over at Jo, only to see silent tears falling down her face again.

"That's a very detailed explanation for someone who doesn't know anything about love." She laughs and sniffles.

"How long do you have to know someone to know if you love them?" I ask and lick my lips before biting my bottom lip.

She looks over at me and waits a few seconds before responding. "Oh, Hero. Sweet, sweet Hero," She sighs. "It doesn't matter how long it takes to fall in love with somebody all as long as it's the right person."

I take in what she said and then it hits me.

I love Jo.

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