Chapter 6

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I wake up to see Jo trying to sneak out of my room.

"And where do you think you're going?" I ask with a smirk and her jump and turns to look at me.

"Well, I was going to go home since it's nine thirty but you're awake so.. hang out?" She asks.

"Well I'm not gonna say no." I tell her and get out of bed and go to take a shower.

About 20 minutes later I come back and Jo is nowhere to be found. I check my phone and she sent me a message telling me she had to go home to shower and change.

Ok, so you know what time you'll be back? I text.

11 ish. She tells me.

See you then.  I put my phone down and go to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

Betty is sitting at the island table with a cheeky smile on her face.

"I saw her sneak out." She tells me.

"She'll be back." I smile.

"Where did she sleep Hero?" She asks with curiosity and humour covering her face.

"That's for her and I to know, and for you to dot dot dot." I laugh at her.

"Did you use protection?" She asks as if it's not a weird question to ask your fucking nephew.

I choke on my water and start coughing like crazy.

"We didn't fuck!" I whine at her.

"Even if we did, don't ask me shit like that." I feel awkward now.

"I'm a doctor and your guardian I think I deserve to know if you fucked somebody in my house." She scoffs at me, amused.

"Fair enough." I sigh.

"No we didn't. But we slept in the same bed, nothing happened." I say and she raises her eyebrow at me.

"Nothing whatsoever? No kiss, hug, handholding? Nothing?" She asks me very clearly shocked.

"Well I mean.. I guess we did hug but that was it. Stop talking about it now." I beg.

Jo walks through the door dressed in my hoodie and blue jeans.

"Hey Doctor Grant, hi Hero." She says sweetly as always.

"Honey at this point just call me Betty." My aunt tells her and Jo nods.

"Anyway, FT you ready to go?" She asks me.

"I thought we were hanging out here and FT?"

"I changed my mind, let's go, and yeah. FT." She whines and pulls me along with her out the front door and she yells goodbye to Betty.

"So where are we going?" I ask her whilst holding her hand as she swings her hand back and forth.

"Anywhere you want." She tells me.

"I don't care what we do all as long as we do it together." I admit.

She blushes and pushes her hair behind her ear.

"How about a picnic?" She asks.

"Sure." I say.

We walk to her house and get a blanket for us to sit on. I wait in the kitchen as she fills up a backpack with fruit and all that shit but the only thing I actually pay attention to is her.

I wonder how on Earth nobody has ever dated her before she is beautiful and if other people don't think that then they can go fuck themselves.

"Hero? Helloooo?" She waves her hand in my face.

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