Ravi Part 3: .......TWO.....ONE

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Yes another rewrite.  Only a few more.  I hope you are enjoying the changes.  As I writer I fell that these small changes add a little more depth to each chapter.  Thank you for Indulging me.


            It was late when Ravi decided to quit the streets for the day and head back home. Home at the time was an abandoned building that fronted onto an alley. The sound of music drew him to a crowd of people surrounding a street singer. Ravi like to check out the competition from time to time so he stopped to listen. He was amazed when he recognized the song the man was preforming. It was his song! The crowd's enthusiastic response to the song thrilled him, right up to the point where the man claimed to have written the piece himself.

          "Hey dickwad, that's my song." Ravi yelled as he pushed his way through the crowd to confront the man. It did not matter that the singer was a good ten years older and was backed up by his two other musician friends. The rage at having his creation stolen was taking over.

          "Fuck off kid. How could someone like you come up with a song like this." The musician shoved Ravi to the ground and gave him a kick in the ribs for good measure.

          Stunned, Ravi lay of the ground, the sound of the singer's ridicule and the jeers from the crowd adding fuel to his fire. He started to get up but was beaten down again by the singer while both of his friends stood back and laughed. The crowd began to dissipate quickly, not wanting to be a part of what was happening.

          Ravi knew better than to expect help from anyone in the crowd. By-standers would only look on while the rest would take off, not wanted to get involved. He would have to handle this on his own, as usual.

          This time there would be no running away.

          All the undeserved beatings he had ever received coalesced into that moment, feeding the rage he had always held back. His breathing became quick and heavy as adrenaline pumped through his body. If they wanted to steal his song, he was going to make them pay for it.

          His rage guided his hand into his pocket. He kept a knife. Before he had only used it as a threat, a means of slowing down his attackers long enough for him to make a run for it. This time the rage took over his actions.

          The singer bent and grabbed Ravi by the throat. As he was about to deliver another blow to Ravi's face, Ravi lashed out, the knife catching the singer across the throat. Chaos broke out as blood gushed from the deep slash. The blood splattered Ravi's face and clothes. Any one still present either ran from the scene or turned their attention to the dying singer. This gave Ravi a chance to bolt into the nearest dark alley and disappear.

          He carefully made his way back to the deserted building he lived in. His body was covered in blood but inside he was bursting with a feeling of power. He reveled in that feeling. Instead of running away, he had fought back for what was his. For the first time it felt like he had won. He took back his power.

          High on his victory, the idea that someone had probably died due to his actions was not even a thought. How many times had part of him died because he had been too weak, too powerless?

          Never again he vowed.

         With only a cold water tap in the building he was staying in, Ravi did the best he could to clean up. It was imperative that he get out of there. He was hoping no one recognized him. That they had seen nothing more than just another scrawny street kid that populated the area. Still, he couldn't take any chances. After changing into fresh clothes, he gathered up the rest of his meager belongings and left again. He stuffed his bloodstained clothes into a paper bag and ditched them in a nearby dumpster.

          It was not hard for him to find another abandoned building to hold up in in a distant part of the city. He laid low for about a month. He spent that time pouring his newfound sense of power and victory into his music. Soon his dwindling funds forced him back out on to the street. Busking was the only way he had to raise money to live on. He never sang that one song again. He could not risk anyone connecting him with that incident.

          As his reputation as a street rapper increased, he soon fell in with a group of underground musicians and singers. These people recognized his budding talent and encouraged it. They gave him the street name Ravi.   Lee Jung Ho, the owner of a local club took a shine to him. He let Ravi preform in his club, paying him a little under the table. After coaxing Ravi's story out of him, he managed to provided Ravi with forged papers that allowed him to return to school.

Ravi was reluctant to accept his help at first. It felt too much like relinquishing part of his hard won power. Eventually Lee Jung Ho won him over. With Lee Jung Ho's help, Ravi began to build a new life for himself. One of his own making.

The rage still lay in his heart.  It slept in the depths of his soul, waiting for the time when Ravi would need it. Whenever he found himself in a situation where he once again felt powerless, the rage would awaken in him. Hot, red, blinding rage. And whenever the rage overtook him, someone had to pay.


Has anyone guessed what the chapter titles mean? It will be obvious in the next chapter. That will be the last chapter with Ravi as the focus.

Who's story do you think will be next?   Who's story would you like to read next? Let me know in the comments. Plus a vote would be nice if you are enjoying this story.

The usual disclaimer for the pictures and videos.  I only claim rights to the written part of this story.  Any photos or videos I use are the property of their original owners.  Proper credit will be given if I know who they belong to.

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