Hyuk Part 5 EPILOGE

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          When Hyuk walked out of the wheat field he panicked. The van was gone. Down the road he could see its receding taillights. Hyuk's high pitched scream pierced the night.

          "Don't leave me like this! Where are you going? What's going on? What's going to happen to me?" Tears streaked down his face as he tried to run after the van. In his despair, Hyuk didn't notice the figure running toward him from the direction of the van. Suddenly,  Hongbin's joyous laughter filled the air.

          "We tricked you," Hongbin teased, dancing around Hyuk in a spirited manor. "Were you scared? Did you think we'd ditch you at a time like this?"

        "You are so mean." Hyuk screamed at him. Hyuk couldn't control  his shakes.

        "Don't worry. We are here for you," Hongbin reassured him. Seeing the bloody knife in Hyuk's hand, Hongbin gave him a huge grin. He threw his arm across the back of Hyuk's neck and started pulling him toward the now waiting van.

         "Good job kiddo!" Hongbin told Hyuk in a laughing voice. "Now let's go home."

          "By the way Hyukie" Hongbin continued, poking the boy in the ribs playfully.

         "You scream like a girl."  

A/N  I admit I added this little part just to include this video.   Isn't our Hyuk just too precious?  Have you guessed who's story will be up next?  

Video credit to original up loader.  Thanks!  It still makes me laugh every time I see it.  

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